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How can we be responsible family members? Click to listen to story

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Presentation on theme: "How can we be responsible family members? Click to listen to story"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can we be responsible family members? Click to listen to story

2 Small Group Timer

3 Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Arcade Games Jigword
Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Amazing Words Spelling Words: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words

4 Bad Dog, Dodger! Amazing Words behavior cooperate obedient companion
consider reprimand confident properly

5 Bad Dog, Dodger! Vocabulary Words practice grabbed chewing chased
treat wagged dripping bleachers spectators dugout

6 Bad Dog, Dodger! Spelling Words two as only use because knock gnat
sign lamb knee comb wrong knob write knuckle climb plumber wrap wrestle wren Glue Words two as only use because

7 Bad Dog, Dodger! above ago enough toward whole word
High Frequency Words above ago enough toward whole word

8 How can we be responsible family members?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9 Bad Dog, Dodger! Monday Morning Warm-Up
We know what the word responsible means. It means to do what you're supposed to do. How can we be responsible family members?

10 Bad Dog, Dodger! Monday Morning Warm-Up
We know what the word responsible means. It means to do what you're supposed to do. How can we be responsible family members?

11 Today we will learn about:
Amazing Words Silent Consonants Plot and Theme Prior Knowledge Using I and Me

12 Amazing Words

13 behavior be – hav- ior The way people and animals act or behave is called their behavior. The children had good behavior during the assembly. The dog’s behavior improved after we trained her. We enjoy watching the birds’ behavior at the feeders.

14 cooperate co – op – er - ate
When people or animals work together to accomplish a goal, they cooperate with each other. The children will cooperate to paint a mural on the wall. The dog will cooperate with its owner to learn new tricks. The workers cooperated to build the house.

15 obedient o - be – di – ent When a person or an animal is willing to do what they are told to do, he or she is obedient. The obedient children did what their parents asked them to do. The dog was obedient when he stopped jumping on people.

16 Listen for Amazing Words.

17 Silent Consonants knew
You can read this word. What sound do you hear at the beginning? What do you know about the beginning sound of this word? The k is silent. Today we’ll learn other words that have silent letters.

18 The letter n usually stands for the sound /n/. Initial:
nurse The letter n usually stands for the sound /n/. Initial: net not nap Final: can sun pen When a word begins with kn, the k is silent. knight knock knee When a word begins with gn, the g is silent. gnaw gnat sign

19 The letter m usually stands for the sound /m/. Initial:
mountain The letter m usually stands for the sound /m/. Initial: me map mud mix mint mess Final: am drum him Medial: camel lemon cement The letters mb at the end of the word usually stand for the sound /m/. comb lamb crumb

20 rocket The letter r usually stands for the sound /r/. Initial r:
red rug rip raft rock rag Final r: fur car stir When a word begins with wr, the w is silent. wrap write wrong wreck wrist wrench

21 Silent Consonants knit comb knife gnat write sign
What do you know about reading these words? The letters kn, wr, gn, and mb can stand for the consonant sounds n, r, n, and m.

22 Silent Consonants wrinkle gnu knee plumber design wreath

23 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb

24 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb wreck
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb wreck

25 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb wreck gnu
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb wreck gnu

26 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knee wreck gnu
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb knee wreck gnu

27 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knee knew wreck gnu
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb knee knew wreck gnu

28 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knee knew wreck gnu comb
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb knee knew wreck gnu comb

29 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knee knew wreck gnu gnat comb
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb knee knew wreck gnu gnat comb

30 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knee knew wreck wriggle gnu gnat comb
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb knee knew wreck wriggle gnu gnat comb

31 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knee knew wreck wriggle wreath gnu gnat
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb knee knew wreck wriggle wreath gnu gnat comb

32 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knee knew wreck wriggle wreath gnu gnat
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb knee knew wreck wriggle wreath gnu gnat comb limb

33 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knee knew knock wreck wriggle wreath gnu
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb knee knew knock wreck wriggle wreath gnu gnat comb limb

34 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knee knew knock wreck wriggle wreath gnu
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb knee knew knock wreck wriggle wreath gnu gnat comb limb dumb

35 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knee knew knock wreck wriggle wreath gnu
wreck, gnu, knee, knew, comb, gnat, wriggle, wreath, limb, knock, dumb. design kn wr gn mb knee knew knock wreck wriggle wreath gnu gnat design comb limb dumb

36 Silent Consonants knock lamb knight knee limb write wren comb

37 Silent Consonants sign knuckle gnome climb wrote gnat knife

38 Bad Dog, Dodger! Spelling Words two as only use because knock gnat
sign lamb knee comb wrong knob write knuckle climb plumber wrap wrestle wren Glue Words two as only use because

39 Plot and Theme Remember One Dark Night. What happened in the story?
Tell what you learned about Jonathan. What might have happened if Jonathan had not helped the cat?


41 Plot and Theme What happens in a story’s beginning, middle, and ending is called the plot. The way characters feel can affect how they act, and their actions make up the plot. The theme of a story is the story’s “big idea,” or what we learn from the story. We can use what we already know to draw conclusions about the theme.

42 the rong date is on the sign The wrong date is on the sign.
Daily Fix-It the rong date is on the sign The wrong date is on the sign. the lam scared the wren away? The lamb scared the wren away.

43 Pronouns I and Me A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or nouns. The pronouns I and me take the place of your name. Use I in the subject of the sentence. Use me after an action verb.

44 Pronouns I and Me Always write I with a capital letter.
I always wanted a dog. My parents gave me a dog.

45 Pronouns I and Me When you talk about yourself and another person, name yourself last. The pronouns I and me take the place of your name. The dog and I sing together. People are surprised when they hear the dog and me.

46 Pronouns I and Me ____ have a dog named Pepper.

47 Pronouns I and Me I have a dog named Pepper.
Pepper and ___ are best friends.

48 Pronouns I and Me I have a dog named Pepper.
Pepper and I are best friends. Pepper sings with ____.

49 Pronouns I and Me I have a dog named Pepper.
Pepper and I are best friends. Pepper sings with me. Singing makes Pepper and ___ happy.

50 Pronouns I and Me I have a dog named Pepper.
Pepper and I are best friends. Pepper sings with me. Singing makes Pepper and me happy. Maybe Pepper and __ can sing for you.

51 Pronouns I and Me I have a dog named Pepper.
Pepper and I are best friends. Pepper sings with me. Singing makes Pepper and me happy. Maybe Pepper and I can sing for you.

52 Wrap Up Your Day! Silent Consonants kn, wr, gn, mb Plot
Let’s Talk About It! Tomorrow the class will read about a pet that needs to learn how to follow rules.

53 List ways people can cooperate with each other.
Bad Dog, Dodger! Monday Journal Topic List ways people can cooperate with each other.

54 Bad Dog, Dodger! Tuesday Morning Warm-Up
Today we will read about Sam and his dog, Dodger. Sam must teach Dodger what’s right and what’s wrong. How do we know right from wrong?

55 Bad Dog, Dodger! Tuesday Morning Warm-Up
Today we will read about Sam and his dog, Dodger. Sam must teach Dodger what’s right and what’s wrong. How do we know right from wrong?

56 Today we will learn about:
Amazing Words Silent Consonants Vocabulary High Frequency Words Endings –ed and –ing Word Structure Using I and Me

57 Amazing Words

58 companion com – pan – ion
A companion is a person or animal who spends time with you, as a friend. My grandfather lives alone but has a little dog for a companion. The toddler has companions who like to play together. The kitten is a companion for the older dog.

59 consider con – sid - er When you consider something, you think about it very carefully before making a decision. Mom will consider allowing me to get a pet cat. I had to consider whether I wanted to take piano lessons or not.

60 reprimand rep – ri - mand
If you get a reprimand, that means you get a talking to, a warning, or a scolding for doing something wrong. He got a reprimand for being late for school so many times. Mom gave me a reprimand for walking across the carpet with muddy shoes.

61 Zooks

62 Silent Consonants knighthood
You can read this word because you know how to read words with silent consonants that stand for the /n/ sound. What sound do the letters kn stand for in this word? What’s the word?

63 Silent Consonants When you come to a new word, look at the letters from left to right and think about the consonant sounds. Say the sounds in the word to yourself and then read the word.

64 Silent Consonants wreck lamb wriggle kneepads design knickers gnarl
gnaw wreck lamb wriggle kneepads design knickers gnarl wristband signpost knockout

65 Listen for words with the silent consonant.

66 Silent Consonants Pick out the words with silent consonants in “I’m Just a New Puppy.”
know wrong wrestle knock knickknacks kneecaps climb gnaw

67 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb

68 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb wrestle
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb wrestle

69 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb wrestle gnaw
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb wrestle gnaw

70 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb wrestle gnaw sign
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb wrestle gnaw sign

71 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knuckle wrestle gnaw sign
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb knuckle wrestle gnaw sign

72 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knuckle wrestle gnaw sign plumber
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb knuckle wrestle gnaw sign plumber

73 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knuckle wrestle gnaw sign plumber climb
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb knuckle wrestle gnaw sign plumber climb

74 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knuckle wrestle gnaw plumber climb
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb knuckle knickknack wrestle gnaw plumber climb

75 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knuckle wrestle gnaw sign plumber climb
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb knuckle knickknack knothole wrestle gnaw sign plumber climb

76 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knuckle wrestle wrinkle gnaw sign
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb knuckle knickknack knothole wrestle wrinkle gnaw sign plumber climb

77 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knuckle wrestle wrinkle gnaw sign gnat
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb knuckle knickknack knothole wrestle wrinkle gnaw sign gnat plumber climb

78 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knuckle wrestle wrinkle gnaw sign gnat
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb knuckle knickknack knothole wrestle wrinkle wristwatch gnaw sign gnat plumber climb

79 Silent Consonants kn wr gn mb knuckle wrestle wrinkle gnaw sign gnat
wrestle, gnaw, sign, knuckle, plumber, climb, knickknack, knothole, wrinkle, gnat, wristwatch, lamb kn wr gn mb knuckle knickknack knothole wrestle wrinkle wristwatch gnaw sign gnat plumber climb lamb

80 Bad Dog, Dodger! Spelling Words two as only use because knock gnat
sign lamb knee comb wrong knob write knuckle climb plumber wrap wrestle wren Glue Words two as only use because

81 Silent Consonants If you climb the tree, you can see a wren in a nest.
It is wrong to go inside a house before you knock! I will sign my name on the card and then wrap the gift. Let’s write about a lamb and a gnat with a comb.

82 Vocabulary Words practice – to repeat an action in order to improve
grabbed – took hold of something suddenly chewing – grinding something between your teeth chased – ran after someone

83 Vocabulary Words wagged – moved from side to side
treat – a special gift, often food wagged – moved from side to side dripping – a liquid falling slowly, drop by drop bleachers – raised seats on which people sit to watch sports games spectators – people who watch an event dugout – a shelter where baseball players sit when they’re waiting to play (next slide)

84 bleachers

85 spectators

86 dugout

87 Vocabulary Words everybody grabbed laugh chewing mother chased picture
practice everybody grabbed laugh chewing mother chased picture treat school wagged pull dripping parents


89 Word Structure Sometimes we can get the meaning from word parts.
We may understand the base word and the prefix or the base word and suffix. We can look in a dictionary or glossary. We can look for endings in the unknown word. Today we will learn more about the endings –ed and –ing.

90 she will com the lambs wool She will comb the lamb’s wool.
Daily Fix-It she will com the lambs wool She will comb the lamb’s wool. the nat bit the ren. The gnat bit the wren.

91 Pronouns I and Me A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or nouns. The pronouns I and me take the place of your name. Use I in the subject of the sentence. Use me after an action verb. I is always a capital letter.

92 Wrap Up Your Day! Lesson Vocabulary Theme and Plot Let’s Talk About It
Tomorrow you will hear about a girl who learns to be responsible.

93 Write about a time when you saw a dog doing something funny.
Bad Dog, Dodger! Tuesday Journal Topic Write about a time when you saw a dog doing something funny.

94 Bad Dog, Dodger! Wednesday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about a dog named Zooks. Eileen wanted a puppy more than anything. But her mom expected her to do some petsitting first. What kind of animal do you love best?

95 Bad Dog, Dodger! Wednesday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about a dog named Zooks. Eileen wanted a puppy more than anything. But her mom expected her to do some petsitting first. What kind of animal do you love best?

96 Today we will learn about:
Amazing Words Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Silent Consonants Classify/Categorize Using I and Me

97 Amazing Words

98 confident con –fi –dent
If animals or people are sure about things or are certain they have the ability to do something, then they will be confident in themselves. Nate felt confident he would do well on the math test. I patted the dog’s head so he would feel confident he was behaving properly.

99 properly prop – er – ly When something is done in a correct way, it is done properly. I learned to form all my cursive letters properly. Mom said we needed to behave properly when we visited her friend. A properly trained dog will not tug on its leash.

100 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis-

101 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis- uncover

102 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis- uncover precook

103 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis- uncover precook prepaid

104 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis- uncover react precook prepaid

105 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis- uncover react precook prepaid dislike

106 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis- uncover react precook prepaid dislike distaste

107 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis- uncover undo react precook prepaid dislike distaste

108 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis- uncover undo react replay precook prepaid dislike distaste

109 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis- uncover undo react replay reread precook prepaid dislike distaste

110 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis- uncover undo react replay reread precook prepaid pretest dislike distaste

111 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis- uncover undo react replay reread precook prepaid pretest dislike distaste disagree

112 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
uncover, precook, prepaid, react, dislike, distaste, undo, replay, reread, pretest, disagree, unlace un- re- pre- dis- uncover undo unlace react replay reread precook prepaid pretest dislike distaste disagree

113 Vocabulary Which situation is a good example of the vocabulary word?
Which is an example of practice—a baseball team gets together to work on playing better, or a baseball team meets with another baseball team to play a game? Which is an example of something being grabbed—a girl handed an apple to her sister or a girl took her sister’s apple away from her? D

114 Vocabulary Which situation is a good example of the vocabulary word?
Which is an example of chewing—a baby is crushing a blanket with her teeth or a baby is holding a blanket while she sleeps? Which is an example of something being chased—a boy ran after his hat as it blew away in the wind or a boy threw his hat into the air?

115 Vocabulary Which situation is a good example of the vocabulary word?
Which is an example of getting a treat –getting sent to your room or getting a box of candy? Which is an example of something being wagged –a dog moved his tail back and forth or a dog ran after his tail to try to catch it? Which is an example of someone dripping –a girl who just climbed out of a pool or a girl who hasn’t gone swimming yet?

116 Bad Dog, Dodger! Spelling Words two as only use because knock gnat
sign lamb knee comb wrong knob write knuckle climb plumber wrap wrestle wren Glue Words two as only use because

117 Silent Consonants Something a person can read

118 Silent Consonants Something a person can read (sign) A baby sheep

119 Silent Consonants Something a person can read (sign)
A baby sheep (lamb) A kind of job

120 Silent Consonants Something a person can read (sign)
A baby sheep (lamb) A kind of job (plumber) The opposite of right

121 Silent Consonants Something a person can read (sign)
A baby sheep (lamb) A kind of job (plumber) The opposite of right (wrong) Things people can do

122 Silent Consonants Something a person can read (sign)
A baby sheep (lamb) A kind of job (plumber) The opposite of right (wrong) Things people can do (knock, write, climb, wrap, wrestle) Things people use for their hair

123 Silent Consonants Something a person can read (sign)
A baby sheep (lamb) A kind of job (plumber) The opposite of right (wrong) Things people can do (knock, write, climb, wrap, wrestle) Things people use for their hair (comb)

124 Silent Consonants Body parts

125 Silent Consonants Body parts (knee, knuckle) Rhyme with hen

126 Silent Consonants Body parts (knee, knuckle) Rhyme with hen (wren)
Rhyme with fat

127 Silent Consonants Body parts (knee, knuckle) Rhyme with hen (wren)
Rhyme with fat (gnat) Rhyme with cob

128 Silent Consonants Body parts (knee, knuckle) Rhyme with hen (wren)
Rhyme with fat (gnat) Rhyme with cob (knob)

129 Classify/Categorize Remember the title of this story is Bad Dog, Dodger! If you want to understand why Dodger is considered a bad dog, you can classify, or group, the things that Dodger does that make people think he is a bad dog. For example, he knocks over the trash, jumps into the bathtub, and chews Sam’s baseball cap.

130 Classify/Categorize Bad Dog, Dodger! It is also about baseball.
Think of all the words in the story that can be classified, or grouped, under the word baseball.

131 the sine said? “Training for dogs.”
Daily Fix-It the sine said? “Training for dogs.” The sign said, “Training for dogs.” what should i teach my dog. What should I teach my dog?

132 Pronouns I and Me A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or nouns. The pronouns I and me take the place of your name. Use I in the subject of the sentence. Use me after an action verb. Write I with a capital letter.

133 Wrap Up Your Day! Plot and Theme Fluency Let’s Talk About It!
Tomorrow we will read about how to train a puppy.

134 Bad Dog, Dodger! Wednesday
Journal Topic Write about a pet behaving badly or doing something impressive.

135 Bad Dog, Dodger! Thursday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read more about training a dog. Trained dogs are always on their best behavior. They are obedient, and they cooperate. How do you think dogs are trained?

136 Bad Dog, Dodger! Thursday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read more about training a dog. Trained dogs are always on their best behavior. They are obedient, and they cooperate. How do you think dogs are trained?

137 Today we will learn about:
Silent Consonants Fluency Using I and Me Retell a Movie or Play

138 Bad Dog, Dodger! Amazing Words behavior cooperate obedient companion
consider reprimand confident properly

139 Oscar the Puppy

140 Sentence Reading A weekly helper came to our class for the whole day.
I had enough meat to make the biggest, fattest sandwich! Look above the shelf at the lovely gift for my teacher.

141 Sentence Reading It is the hardest word to read since it is longer than most. The story began, “Long ago, there was a graceful dancer.” The doctor seems busiest toward the end of the day.

142 Bad Dog, Dodger! Spelling Words two as only use because knock gnat
sign lamb knee comb wrong knob write knuckle climb plumber wrap wrestle wren Glue Words two as only use because



145 my cat chewwed my soks My cat chewed my socks. i wish me knew why?
Daily Fix-It my cat chewwed my soks My cat chewed my socks. i wish me knew why? I wish I knew why.

146 Pronouns I and Me A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or nouns. The pronouns I and me take the place of your name. Use I in the subject of the sentence. Use me after an action verb. Write I with a capital letter.

147 Speaking and Listening: Retell a Movie or a Play
Speakers: Face the group. Speak clearly. Speak loudly enough to be heard. Listeners: Sit quietly. Face the speaker. Listen to what the speaker says.

148 Wrap Up Your Day! Making Connections: Text to World
Let’s Talk About It We read a story about how to train a puppy. Tomorrow we will hear about more ways to teach a puppy to behave.

149 Bad Dog, Dodger! Thursday
Journal Topic Write about a puppy who learns to obey.

150 Bad Dog, Dodger! Friday Morning Warm-Up
This week we read about being responsible by teaching dogs how to follow the rules. We must follow rules, too. In what other ways can we be responsible family members?

151 Today we will learn about:
Amazing Words Vocabulary Words High Frequency Words Silent Consonants Using I and Me Encyclopedia

152 Bad Dog, Dodger! Amazing Words behavior cooperate obedient companion
consider reprimand confident properly

153 Silent Consonants Did you see the wren perch on that limb?
I will wrap my hurt knee with tape. I drew the wrong design on my sign. My new shirt had a wrinkle in it.

154 Vocabulary Words It is a word that means ran after.

155 Vocabulary Words It is a word that means ran after. (chased)
You are happy when you get one of these.

156 Vocabulary Words It is a word that means ran after. (chased)
You are happy when you get one of these. (treat) It is the way a happy dog moved its tail.

157 Vocabulary Words It is a word that means ran after. (chased)
You are happy when you get one of these. (treat) It is the way a happy dog moved its tail. (wagged) It is what water is doing when it comes out in drops.

158 Vocabulary Words It is a word that means ran after. (chased)
You are happy when you get one of these. (treat) It is the way a happy dog moved its tail. (wagged) It is what water is doing when it comes out in drops. (dripping)

159 Vocabulary Words You must do this to get better at something.

160 Vocabulary Words You must do this to get better at something. (practice) It is a word that means “took quickly.”

161 Vocabulary Words You must do this to get better at something. (practice) It is a word that means “took quickly.” (grabbed)

162 Vocabulary Words You must do this to get better at something. (practice) It is a word that means “took quickly.” (grabbed) You are doing this before you swallow food.

163 Vocabulary Words You must do this to get better at something. (practice) It is a word that means “took quickly.” (grabbed) You are doing this before you swallow food. (chewing)

164 Bad Dog, Dodger! Spelling Words two as only use because knock gnat
sign lamb knee comb wrong knob write knuckle climb plumber wrap wrestle wren Glue Words two as only use because

165 then I and Dad comb his hare Then Dad and I comb his hair.
Daily Fix-It my dog listen to Me My dog listens to me. then I and Dad comb his hare Then Dad and I comb his hair.

166 Encyclopedia Encyclopedias help people find information about many topics. Encyclopedias contain articles, which are arranged in alphabetical order by topic. Like dictionaries, encyclopedias have guide words and entries.

167 Encyclopedia Printed encyclopedias often contain many different books, called volumes. The volumes are numbered and have letters on them. Choose the volume that your topic would be found in. Use the guide words to find your topic.

168 Let’s Talk About Responsibility
Wrap Up Your Week! Let’s Talk About Responsibility

169 Write about a pet that is silly.
Bad Dog, Dodger! Friday Journal Topic Write about a pet that is silly.

170 Bad Dog, Dodger! Related Links Vocabulary Practice

171 Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Spelling Words:
 Arcade Games Jigword Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Amazing Words Spelling Words: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words

172 Apt Plus Videos (password required)
Stuff Happens with Bill Nye: Pets (20:13) Real People, Real Math: Choosing a Pet (K-2) (13:59) All About Animals: Mammals (Revised) (10:05)

173 Apt Plus Videos (password required)
Angus and the Ducks (14:00) Officer Buckle and Gloria (12:19) When I Grow Up I Want To Be a Veterinarian (15:00) Harry the Dirty Dog (09:08)

174 We are now ready to take our story tests.
Classroom webpage, Student page, Taking Tests AR Other Reading Quizzes Quiz #

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