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Impression Material.

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1 Impression Material

Impression are negative reproduction of teeth and surrounding structure Preliminary Impression done by the assistant poor dimensional stability stock impressions trays Final Impressions done by the doctor only good dimensional stability stock impressions trays /custom trays

3 Preliminary Impression Material
Irreversible Hydrocolloid/Alginate Thermo-dots Polyvinylsiloxane Condensation material Uses: Diagnostic models Opposing arch models Fabrication of custom trays Fabrication of provisional restorations

4 IMPRESSION TRAYS Full arch custom made preformed plastic
perforated rim lock max/mand Quadrant Triple Tray quadrant sextant take upper and lower in one Sextant Tray custom made preformed plastic perforated rim lock ant/post

5 INITIAL IMPRESSIONS Negative is poured in gypsum to create a positive model. Models can be articulated together, articulator recreates the TMJ. Models can be used as opposing for bite registration

6 FINAL IMPRESSIONS Negatives poured in gypsum to create positive model
Models are articulated together and the prep tooth is cut out of the model to create a die A die is a replication of the prepared tooth or teeth or the edentulous mouth

7 CUSTOM TRAYS Acrylic light cured or self cured resin material
need a polymer and monomer polymerization = setting

8 CUSTOM TRAYS Vacuum formed custom trays
resin sheets are heated and formed over the initial impression using heat and vacuum

9 CUSTOM TRAYS Thermoplastic tray material
beads or buttons that are pliable when heated

10 Preformed rim lock Locks impression material into tray

11 Preformed Plastic Need tray adhesive

12 Triple Trays Takes final impression, opposing impression, and bite registration

13 CUSTOM TRAYS Acrylic resin tray Much like the thermoplastic beads
Needs spacer and stops because of the custom fit Spacer can be pink wax, aluminum foil or wax paper

Rubberlike qualities Used when precise duplication is needed No distortion, great dimensional stability Supplied in a two paste system base and catalyst Supplied in either a two tube system or extruder gun Can be one or multiple body types

15 Polysulfide Advantages good stability,accuracy sharpness in detail
light = syringe, wash medium, heavy = tray material long shelf life used for crown, bridge, partial, denture impressions Disadvantages stains, tastes bad and stinks ten minute setting time

16 Polyether Advantages excellent accuracy great dimensional stability
medium body only, used as both syringe and tray material used for crown, bridge, denture and partial impressions Disadvantages only one body type

17 Silicone Polysiloxane Polyvinylsiloxane Condensation – putty
used for bite registration, custom tray Polyvinylsiloxane addition silicone advantages high degree of accuracy and dimensional stabilty three body types disadvantages expensive

18 Bite Registration Polysiloxane bite registration material
open bite (shown) closed bite Wax bite registration material pink wax horseshoe wax bees wax aluwax

19 Preparation for Impression
Mix syringe material, deliver to provider Mix tray material, place in tray and deliver to provider Remove impression. disinfect and evaluate Prepare provisional if necessary Select material Select type of tray or trays Obtain an opposing arch, if necessary Apply adhesive as directed to impression tray

20 What to send to Lab Lab slip Final Impression Opposing arch
Bite registration It is important to give the lab tech everything they will need to produce a quality product

21 Deliver Appointment Prosthetic should be due two days before appointment. Any adjustments can be done outside the mouth before cementation or placement Final adjustment of cemented appliance can be done in the mouth Oral hygiene instructions

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