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1 Montana Common Core Transition June 2013 CCSSO Conference Showcase Judy Snow State Assessment Director.

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1 1 Montana Common Core Transition June 2013 CCSSO Conference Showcase Judy Snow State Assessment Director

2 56 Counties 491 Districts 824 Schools 142,000 Students 12,199 Licensed Staff Largest of the 8 Rocky Mountain States 4 th in size among the 50 states 147,046 square miles 2

3  Development  Accountability  Use of data 3

4 Review cycle built into administrative rule  “Old” Standards adopted before NCLB  Used for current state assessment, Reading and Math  “Middle Standards”—adopted in 2010-11  Math and ELA  Montana Common Core Standards—adopted in 2011-12  Math and ELA 4

5  In the middle of the CCSS movement  CCSS used as resource and partial model in the development of middle standards Development of middle standards Some middle standards modeled on the CCSS  Timeline for development of assessment for middle standards fell almost on top of the movement to the CCSS  Wrote and field tested items to middle standards with plans for full implementation within two years 5

6 State superintendent directed staff to development studies to compare middle and CCSS for Math and ELA.  External evaluators  Montana educators  Middle standards panels  Achieve Gap Analysis Tool  Survey of Enacted Curriculum  Content Maps 6

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11 Montana Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)  Considered timelines and study  Recommended if adopt CCSS  continue testing the old standard  abandon the middle  develop field test items written and coded to the CCSS. 11

12  Prior to adoption  Governing state, Smarter Balanced--2010  Facts about Smarter  Informational meetings on Common Core Standards  Montana Board of Public Education  November 2011 12

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14  Montana’s statewide test and educator panels—large group of ambassadors regarding assessment literacy related to the standards  Coding released items to both Montana “Middle” standards and Montana Common Core Standard  Field testing items written to the Common Core Standards—educator panel reviews 14

15 State assessment: CRT based on “old” Montana standards – Reporting stays the same Field testing – Items aligned to Montana Common Core Standards (MCCS) – Progressive release of field test items aligned to MCCS 15

16  Operational (scored) items  where possible, items will align to both the previous Montana Standards and the new Montana Common Core Standards (MCCS)  Field test (non-scored) items  will be written to align with the MCCS, targeting standards that are similar to those in the previous Montana Standards 16

17  Continue to focus on items that will meet the existing MontCAS test blueprint  Gradually introduce items that also align to MCCS into the test  Code test items to both sets of standards for as long as this is practical and desirable  Stop developing and field testing new items that match only the “old” Montana Standards 17

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19  Many of the standards are very similar between Montana Standards and MCCS  Priority will be made of first field-testing items that match both sets of standards, so differences will be minimized 19

20  Assessments: pilot, field, practice  Participation in item development, review, range-finding  Formative Assessment/Digital Library  State Leadership Team  State Network of Educator 20

21 Bright Ideas—Connecting with the Common Core  Instructional modules  Assessment development 21

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