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Stop Cyberbullying By Hayden Jordan and Arman. Table of contents  Anonymity  Pseudonym  Flaming  Cyber stalking  Exclusion  Harassment  Masquerading.

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Presentation on theme: "Stop Cyberbullying By Hayden Jordan and Arman. Table of contents  Anonymity  Pseudonym  Flaming  Cyber stalking  Exclusion  Harassment  Masquerading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stop Cyberbullying By Hayden Jordan and Arman

2 Table of contents  Anonymity  Pseudonym  Flaming  Cyber stalking  Exclusion  Harassment  Masquerading  Outing

3 Anonymity  Anonymity is when people make threating remarks to you and they hide who they are through email text etc.

4 Pseudonyms o A pseudonym is like a nickname. Bullies call themselves a different name when they are online when they are offline. They do this to keep their real identity a secret from you. When you use social sites and you use a nickname this is a pseudonym.

5 Flaming  Flaming is an intense argument, that normally takes place in chat rooms, over instant messages or email. The bullies use CAPTIL letters to speak to people.

6 Cyber stalking Cyber stalking is a form of harassment. Normally messages are sent through personal communications, such as email or text messages and social media sites

7 Exclusion  In many cases, kids who don't have cellular phone are excluded from the group of kids who do. Girls in most cases tend to be more likely to exclude others, boys tend to threaten with physical violence.

8 Harassment  Harassment involves people  sending mean messages aimed at a individual or group. Bullies often send the same messages, or at wierd times of the day and night. Some bullies even post their messages to a public place- where everyone can see their threats - like facebook or on twitter.

9 Masquerading Masquerading is an elaborate form of cyberbullying where the bully pretends to be someone who they aren’t. They might create fake email addresses or instant messaging names or they might use someone else’s email or mobile phone to bully you. This would make it appear as if the threats have been sent by someone else, again keeping the bully’s identity hidden.

10 Outing Outing is the public display or forwarding of personal communications such as text messages, emails or instant messaging. Many bullies print out instant messaging conversations, often containing personal or sexual information, and show them around to other people.

11 How to stop cyberbullying  A way to stop cyberbullying is to stick up for the bullied  To block the bully on the social site.  Tell a trusted adult or contact a teacher or principal.

12 How it affects people  When you cyberbully someone a lot of things can happen like they can end their life, harm themselves, think that no one likes them and just change how they act.

13 YouTube video  000SV_Qk 000SV_Qk


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