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How Behavior Styles Impact Collaboration Paul Kostreski 301.371.8559 ofc PPT 1 Paul Kostreski

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Presentation on theme: "How Behavior Styles Impact Collaboration Paul Kostreski 301.371.8559 ofc PPT 1 Paul Kostreski"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Behavior Styles Impact Collaboration Paul Kostreski 301.371.8559 ofc PPT 1 Paul Kostreski

2  “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking."– George S Patton, Jr.  “Don't find fault, find a remedy." – Henry Ford  “The trouble with life isn’t that there is no answer, It’s that there are so many answers.” Ruth Benedict, American anthropologist Behavioral Styles PPT 2

3 Objectives Behavioral Styles PPT 3 Being more comfortable working with people who I don’t really care to work with, but can’t avoid. Becoming more successful at work by learning to be effective with all kinds of people. Both

4 Consulting TecKnowledgies MORE LESS MORE D C i S R E S P O N S I V E N E S S ASSERTVENESSASSERTVENESS Responsiveness is the degree to which you are willing to display your emotions.. Assertiveness is the degree to which you need to control yourself, others and your environment.DISC. Behaviors Behavioral Styles PPT 4

5 DISC MODEL Questioning Logic Focused Objective Skeptical Challenging Accepting People Focused Empathizing Receptive Agreeable D S i C Active Fast Paced Assertive Dynamic Bold Thoughtful Moderate Paced Calm Methodical Careful DominantInteractive ConscientiousSteady HO 1-12 PPT 5 Behavioral Styles

6 My Objectives PPT 6 Behavioral Styles What is Disagreement? What is Conflict? Who are involved in conflict? Who are involved in disagreement ?

7 Behavioral Styles Conflicts and disagreements are not the same. Disagreement is focused on an issue. Disagreement is important to an organization because better decisions are made, and innovation and creativity are enhanced when employees disagree in a proper manner. Disagreements PPT 7

8 Conflict is focused on a person. Conflicts are also common, but cause performance problems within an organization, and must be properly managed. Conflicts are emotional responses to perceived threats. Behavioral StylesConflict PPT 8

9 Behavioral Styles Who are involved in Conflicts or Disagreements? Person to person Employee to Supervisor Manager to Manager PPT 9

10 Behavioral Styles What are the typical areas of Conflicts or Disagreements experienced by the Department? Conflicts occur at all levels of the organization, but they normally distill to interpersonal issues between two or more people. PPT 10

11 Add Your Information here Take- charge attitude. Bossy and demanding. PPT 11 Interpretations Behavioral Styles

12 A negative attitude toward the other person is established. A behavioral trigger is encountered that changes the disagreement to an interpersonal conflict. Those involved in the conflict respond to each other in a negative and escalating manner. Lack of attention Failure to communicate Failure to respond in a timely manor (24 hours) Conflict Escalation Process PPT 12

13 HO 9-12 Tends to : ASSERT Tends to: SUPPRESS Focus on: FEELINGS Focus on: LOGIC D I C S DEMAND Goal: Victory  Becomes aggressive and autocratic  Creates win/lose outcomes  Refuses to bend  Overpowers with force EXPRESS Goal: Acknowledgement  Wants to be heard  Glosses over tension initially  Verbalizes feelings impulsively  Personally attacks COMPLY Goal: Harmony  Avoids aggression  Tries to save relationships  Accommodates or gives in  Simmers beneath the surface WITHDRAW Goal: Justice  Becomes defensive  Strategizes in controlled fashion  Resists passive-aggressively  Overpowers with logic and facts PPT 13 Behavioral Styles Conflict Responses

14 Behavioral StylesCollaboration How we approach handling conflict depends on what our style is. The Four Conflict Styles Competing I Win/You Lose “ My Way or the highway ” Compromising: Win Some and Lose Some “ Let ’ s make a deal ” Avoiding I lose, You lose “ I ’ ll think about it tomorrow ” Accommodating I Lose, You Win “ It would be my pleasure ”

15 Behavioral StylesCollaboration The Most Successful Conflict Resolution Behavior Collaborating Win - Win “ Two heads are better than one ” Integrating solution Learning Merging Perspectives Gaining commitment Improving relationships A Collaborative Resolution usually forms a lasting respect and trust between the parties involved.

16 Add Your Information here Judging to Valuing Ladder Judging others based on our own preferences. PPT 14 Judging Behavioral Styles

17 Add Your Information here Judging to Valuing Ladder Understanding how and why people are not like us. PPT 15 Judging Understanding Behavioral Styles

18 Add Your Information here Judging to Valuing Ladder Sincerely respecting differences. PPT 16 Judging Understanding Respecting Behavioral Styles

19 Add Your Information here Judging to Valuing Ladder Appreciating that people are different from us instead of being copies of ourselves. PPT 17 Judging Understanding Respecting Appreciating Behavioral Styles

20 Add Your Information here Judging to Valuing Ladder Valuing others and making the most out of the differences in our lives. Valuing PPT 18 Judging Understanding Respecting Appreciating Behavioral Styles

21 Add Your Information here PPT 19 Action Plan for Dealing with Conflict

22 Thank You! PPT 20DISC DISCover and Appreciate Each Other Behavioral Styles

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