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> Fractions What would you like or of a bar of chocolate ? This -

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Presentation on theme: "> Fractions What would you like or of a bar of chocolate ? This -"— Presentation transcript:

1 > Fractions What would you like or of a bar of chocolate ? This -
Or this is bigger than >

2 Fractions We can use a fraction wall to help us

3 Put the fractions in order from smallest to largest
Use the wall to help you Smallest Largest

4 Put the fractions in order from smallest to largest

5 Fractions Put the fractions in order from largest to smallest?
Use these boxes to help you Largest Smallest

6 Fractions Put the fractions in order from largest to smallest
Look at the denominator of each fraction What’s the lowest common multiple ? Change the fractions to equivelent fractions

7 Fractions = = = = = = = = = = = =

8 Put the fractions in order from smallest to largest

9 Fractions

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