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Scriptures for the Supper 1 Corinthians 11:23-28.

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1 Scriptures for the Supper 1 Corinthians 11:23-28

2 2 Prophecies of Christ’s Death Psa. 22:1-24: Rejected by men but not God Psa. 22:1-24: Rejected by men but not God Psa. 69:4, 7-9, 19-21: Hated & reproached Psa. 69:4, 7-9, 19-21: Hated & reproached Isaiah 53: God’s suffering servant Isaiah 53: God’s suffering servant His humiliation, 53:3-9 (Acts 8:32-33) His humiliation, 53:3-9 (Acts 8:32-33) His accomplishment, 53:10-12 His accomplishment, 53:10-12

3 3 Historical Accounts of Death Matt. 26:26-29: The supper instituted Matt. 26:26-29: The supper instituted Mt. 26:36-46: Garden of Gethsemane Mt. 26:36-46: Garden of Gethsemane Lk. 22:47-23:25: Betrayal & arrest, denial, trials, scourging & mockery Lk. 22:47-23:25: Betrayal & arrest, denial, trials, scourging & mockery Luke 23:26-49: The crucifixion Luke 23:26-49: The crucifixion Mk. 16:1-8: The resurrection Mk. 16:1-8: The resurrection

4 4 Reasons for Christ’s Death 1 Pet.2:19-25: Sin, suffering, salvation 1 Pet.2:19-25: Sin, suffering, salvation Rom. 5:6-11: God’s mercy & love (Heb. 2:9-13) Rom. 5:6-11: God’s mercy & love (Heb. 2:9-13) Jno. 10:14-18: Christ’s willing sacrifice Jno. 10:14-18: Christ’s willing sacrifice Heb. 5:5-10: Christ’s obedience to the Father Heb. 5:5-10: Christ’s obedience to the Father

5 5 Our Faith in Christ’s Death Rom. 8:31-39: God is for us Rom. 8:31-39: God is for us Heb. 4:11-16: Hold fast our confession Heb. 4:11-16: Hold fast our confession

6 6 Results of His Death Heb. 9:11-16: Eternal redemption & a new covenant Heb. 9:11-16: Eternal redemption & a new covenant 2 Cor. 5:17-21: Reconciliation 2 Cor. 5:17-21: Reconciliation

7 7 In His Death, Jesus… John 12:27-33: Fulfilled the purposes of God, 12:27 Fulfilled the purposes of God, 12:27 Glorified the Father, 12:28 Glorified the Father, 12:28 Cast out Satan, 12:31 (Heb. 2:14) Cast out Satan, 12:31 (Heb. 2:14) Became the source of salvation for all people, 12:32-33 Became the source of salvation for all people, 12:32-33

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