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1 Cor. 11:23-29 WHY THE HOLY COMMUNION?. Introduction  A little girl asked her mother, “Why do cut the ends off the meat before you cook?”  The mother.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Cor. 11:23-29 WHY THE HOLY COMMUNION?. Introduction  A little girl asked her mother, “Why do cut the ends off the meat before you cook?”  The mother."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Cor. 11:23-29 WHY THE HOLY COMMUNION?

2 Introduction  A little girl asked her mother, “Why do cut the ends off the meat before you cook?”  The mother said it will allow the meat to have better flavor.  But you need to ask your grandmother since she did it that way.

3  The little girl asked her grandmother.  The grand mother answered,” My cooking pot was not big enough.”  We do a lot of things in life but seldom ask why.

4  John Wesley encouraged his members to receive the Lord’s Supper as often as they can.  Why?  It was the Lord’s command the night before He died.  Why do we celebrate Holy Communion?

5 1. TO REMEMBER (v.23-25)  During the Last Supper, Jesus did two things:  A. Jesus interpreted something old.  Jesus was interpreting the Passover meal.  Ex. 12:3 – “Choose a lamb or a young goat.”  1 Cor.5:7 – “Christ, our Passover lamb.”

6  Unleavened Bread – Exo.12:17,20  “eat nothing made of yeast”  B. Jesus instituted something new.  The Lord’s Supper is celebrated much more than the Passover.

7  Story – Soldier in the Vietnam war. Badly wounded.  Young lieutenant crawls to help the dying man.  Gets the soldier to safety but dies doing it.  The soldier returns home.

8  Invited to lieutenant's home.  Arrives drunk. Speaks rudely.  Mother breaks down – “To think our son died for someone like him.”

9  That is what Jesus did.  Christ died for us while we were still sinners.  We REMEMBER.

10 2. TO REJOICE (v. 26)  The Lord’s Supper is not just looking back.  It is also pointing forward.  “proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.”

11  Story – Missionary in Brazil. Discovered a tribe living near a large river.  Needed medical attention. Hospital across the river.  Afraid of the river –believed it was inhibited by evil spirits

12  Placed his hand – not impressed.  Walked into the water – waist level. No go  Finally swims across. The villages also followed.  Jesus did the same.

13  We need not fear the river of death.  Jesus touched the dead boy.  Raised a dead girl.  Raised Lazarus after 4 days.  They still did not believe Him.

14  He finally entered the river of death and came out the other side.  We rejoice at both His death and His resurrection.  We proclaim this till He returns.  So we REMEMBER, we REJOICE

15 3. TO REPENT (v.27-28)  Sharing the Holy Communion gives us an opportunity to examine ourselves.  If the Holy Spirit finds anything unworthy in our lives, we have an opportunity to

16  To experience His forgiveness and cleansing.  It is a time to confess our sins and wash our souls.  It is essential.

17  The failure to confess our sins will result in spiritual infection.  It will hinder our spiritual journey.  It is a time to change the direction of our life.

18  It is not about our goodness but the goodness of God.  We REMEMBER, REJOICE, REPENT

19 4. TO RECONCILE (v.29)  We are part of the one body – The Church of Jesus Christ.  At this table we are on equal standing.

20  It is a time to be reconciled to God and also with your brother and sister.  This table is Christ’s table.  It proclaims His loving sacrifice of love for everyone.

21 Conclusion  We share in the Holy Communion for four reasons: 1.TO REMEMBER 2.TO REJOICE 3.TO REPENT 4.TO RECONCILE

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