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It’s a GOOD thing!.  Snacks and Meals served to participants in eligible and organized programs at times, during the regular school year, when school.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s a GOOD thing!.  Snacks and Meals served to participants in eligible and organized programs at times, during the regular school year, when school."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s a GOOD thing!

2  Snacks and Meals served to participants in eligible and organized programs at times, during the regular school year, when school is NOT is session! Weekends Holidays School Vacations During the Regular School Year (NOT SUMMER!)

3 1. The program must provide regularly scheduled activities in an organized, structured, and supervised environment. 2. Activities can be educational, cultural, or fitness/wellness oriented Homework Help/Tutoring Painting or Drawing Classes Dance Classes (Zumba, Hip Hop, Etc.) Recreational /Organized Games Cooking Etc. 3. Program must be in an area in which 50 percent or more of the children are eligible for free or reduced priced meals.

4 1. Participants through the age of eighteen who are actively part of the after school enrichment programs Can either be enrolled or drop in. -programs are allowed to set age minimums or maximums. 2. Participants of after school sports, cultural, or academic teams/activities/club may receive a meal also! Football Team! Marching Band! French Club! Debate Team!

5 2 One Snack and One Meal per participant per day. Breakfast or lunch may be served in lieu of supper on weekends, holidays, or during school vacations during the regular school year.

6 No. CACFP is a non-pricing program. Participants may have to pay a fee for childcare, but there can be no separate charge for the food service. CACFP strongly advocates for programs who do not charge fees that might adversely affect the ability of needy children to participate!

7 After School Snacks-$.78 After School Lunch or Supper-$2.86 All meals are reimbursed at the “FREE” rate. Rates are subject to change on July 1, 2013.

8 NSLP or CACFP! Breakfast:  Milk  Grain/Bread Item  Fruit or Vegetable Lunch/Supper:  Milk  Grain/Bread Item  Meat/Meat Alternate  Fruit or Vegetable Snack: Any 2 Separate Components  Milk  Grain/Bread  Meat/Meat Alternate  Fruit/Vegetable

9 Meal times are flexible. If it serves the population better to have “supper” immediately after school and snack later, this is allowable. Offer vs. Serve may be used for At-Risk Meals only (not snack.)

10 1. Daily attendance rosters, Sign In Sheets, or with State Agency Approval, other methods which result in accurate recording of daily attendance and enrollment. 2. Dated Menus for Each Meal Service Claimed 3. Records of the number of snacks and/or meals served to participants. (Form 17-9)

11 1.Contact Faith Corbin at 502-564-5625 Extension 4942 to let us know about your interest in participation. We will email you an application checklist and all necessary documents. 2. Watch the Short, “Affiliated At-Risk Meals” E-learning Module from the comfort of your own office. Available in late July! 4

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