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Reid-Hillview Airport FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Study Third Public Meeting 25 September 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Reid-Hillview Airport FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Study Third Public Meeting 25 September 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reid-Hillview Airport FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Study Third Public Meeting 25 September 2001

2 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Meeting Agenda 7:00 PMWelcome & Introductions 7:10 PMNoise Exposure Contour Sets 7:40 PMLand Use Compatibility Guidelines 7:55 PMNoise Mitigation Techniques 8:30 PMQuestions and Comments 8:50 PMWhat’s Next 8:55 PMClosing

3 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Welcome & Introductions County of Santa Clara Staff Elected Officials Consultant Team Brief Review of Project Progress

4 Noise Exposure Contour Sets Gene Reindel HMMH Assistant Project Manager

5 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Community Noise Equivalent Level(CNEL) A way to describe the noise dose for a 24-hour period Accounts for noise event “noisiness” (SEL) Accounts for number of noise events Provides an additional weighting factor for evening (3X) and nighttime (10X) operations California State and Federal Standard Correlates well with community annoyance

6 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Community Noise Equivalent Level(CNEL) CNEL used for land compatibility  Under FAR Part 150: “Table 1 Land Use Compatibility with Yearly Day-Night Average Sound Levels,” 65 dB CNEL is considered incompatible with the following uses: residences and schools  Hospitals, nursing homes, churches, auditoriums, and concert halls in these areas would require a Noise Level Reduction (NLR) of 25  Outdoor music shells and amphitheaters are also incompatible

7 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Correlation of CNEL with Annoyance Schultz Curve

8 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Different CNEL 65 Environments

9 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Non-Aircraft Noise Environments Qualitative descriptions of non-aircraft noise environments: Qualitative DNL, dBDescription ~ 46 – 51Quiet Suburban ~ 52 – 57Suburban ~ 58 – 63Urban ~ 64 – 69Noisy Urban ~ 70 – 75Very Noise Urban ~ 76 – 81Downtown City Noise

10 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Model Input Requirements Aircraft Fleet Mix Representative Flight Tracks Runway and Helipad Use Number of Annual Operations  Determines annual-average day

11 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study RHV Fleet Mix (RHV and FBO Data) Single-Engine Piston  GASEPF (fixed-pitch propeller)  CNA 172 (Cessna 172) Twin-Engine Piston  GASEPV (variable-pitch propeller)  BEC58P (Baron 58P) Twin-Engine Turboprop  CNA 441 (Cessna 441) Helicopter  H500 (Hughes H500D)  B206L (Bell 206L)

12 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study RHV Flight Tracks Fixed Wing Flight Tracks (from Radar & RHV)  Departure flight tracks  Arrival flight tracks  Circuit (touch-and-go) flight tracks Helicopter Flight Tracks (from observations & RHV)  Departure flight tracks  Arrival flight tracks  Circuit flight tracks  On-airport hovering flight tracks

13 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Fixed-Wing Departure Flight Tracks

14 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Fixed-Wing Arrival Flight Tracks

15 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Fixed-Wing Circuit Flight Tracks

16 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Helicopter Flight Tracks

17 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Runway & Helipad Use (RHV & Tower) Runway Use  85 % Runway 31 (L & R)  15 % Runway 13 (L & R) Helipad Use (Hovering Operations)  98.5 % Haypatch  1.0 % X-Ray  0.5 % Yankee

18 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Number of Operations - 2000  647 daily operations (236,073 annual ops)  543 Single-Engine Piston  89 Twin-Engine Piston  6 Twin-Engine Turboprop  8 Helicopter Day/Evening/Night Split  83 % Day  14 % Evening  3 % Night No night touch-and-gos No night helicopter operations

19 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Number of Operations - 2005 Forecast Basis (fixed-wing)  Total demand up to 150 newly based aircraft at RHV Total of 783 based aircraft  Only 110 spaces available  Other airports take half the demand  75 newly based aircraft at RHV  Ratio of operations per based aircraft remains constant (which it has historically done)  27,375 additional aircraft operations annually  Fleet mix remains unchanged Forecast Basis (helicopter)  Same percentage increase to operations as fixed-wing

20 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Number of Operations - 2005  723 daily operations (263,772 annual ops)  607 Single-Engine Piston  100 Twin-Engine Piston  15 Twin-Engine Turboprop  10 Helicopter Day/Evening/Night Split  83 % Day  14 % Evening  3 % Night No night touch-and-gos No night helicopter operations

21 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Number of Land Use Parcels Inside Contours CNEL Contour 20002005 Res.SchoolChurchRes.SchoolChurch 60-65 dB5543060630 65-70 db10003000 >70 dB000000

22 Land Use Compatibility Guidelines Steve Alverson HMMH Project Manager Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study

23 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Existing Guidelines for Land Use Compatibility Federal Guidelines  Federal Aviation Administration FAR Part 150 State Guidelines  Department of Transportation of the State of California Division of Aeronautics –Title 21 Noise Standards (Subchapter 6) County Guidelines  County of Santa Clara Noise and Land Use Compatibility Guidelines

24 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Federal Aviation Administration FAR Part 150 A150.101 Noise Contours and Land Usages  Section (d) states: For the purpose of compliance with this part, all land uses are considered to be compatible with noise levels less than DNL 65 dB Local needs or values may dictate further delineation based on local requirements or determinations

25 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study State of California Department of Transportation Title 21 Noise Standards 5012. Airport Noise Standard  The standard for the acceptable level of aircraft noise for persons living in the vicinity of airports is hereby established to be a community noise equivalent level (CNEL) of 65 decibels (dB).  The standard for the acceptable level or aircraft noise for public and private schools, hospitals and convalescent homes, and places of worship is a CNEL of 45 dB indoors.

26 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Santa Clara County General Aviation Airports Noise and Land Use Compatibility Guidelines Residential and Educational Facilities (including schools, libraries, churches, and cultural centers)  Satisfactory below 60 dB CNEL  Allowable with normal construction, windows sealed, forced air ventilation, outdoor activity may be interrupted 60 to 65 dB CNEL  Avoid land use unless related to airport service above 65 dB CNEL

27 Noise Mitigation Techniques Steve Alverson HMMH Project Manager Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study

28 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study FAR Part 150 Noise Mitigation Purpose  To Reduce the Number of People Exposed to Aircraft Noise  To Reduce the Incompatible Land Uses Around Airports

29 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study FAR Part 150 Required Elements Preferential Runway Measures Noise Abatement Flight Procedures Noise Abatement Flight Paths Airport Use Measures Airport Layout Measures

30 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Current Noise Mitigation Program at RHV FAA Letter of Agreement Recommended Procedures and Adherence is Voluntary Preferential Runway Use  Departures and Arrivals on 31 R/L Noise Abatement Flight Procedures  None Noise Abatement Flight Paths  31 R departures are requested to make a 20  turn upon reaching 500 feet AGL and/or the airport boundary (Ocala Ave)

31 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Current Noise Mitigation Program at RHV FAA Letter of Agreement Recommended Procedures and Adherence is Voluntary Airport Use Measures  No touch and go’s between 9:00 PM and 7:00 AM  No intersection departures  No jet operations (except stage 3 jet aircraft)  No formation takeoffs or landings  Helicopter operations restricted to runways from 6:00 PM to 7:00 AM  Simulated emergencies are prohibited

32 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Current Mitigation at RHV FAA Letter of Agreement Recommended Procedures and Adherence is Voluntary Airport Use Measures (continued)  Low level fly-bys discouraged except for gear-check or other emergency-related requirements  Fixed-wing traffic pattern altitude at 1000 feet AGL  Helicopter traffic pattern altitude at 700 feet AGL  Helicopters are to avoid schools and mobile home park Airport Layout Measures  None

33 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Preliminary List of Mitigation Techniques Preferential Runway Use  Re-examine current measure opposite flow may be better for noise abatement Noise Abatement Flight Procedures  Noise abatement departure procedures reduced RPM settings may reduce departure noise Noise Abatement Flight Paths  Obtain better adherence to noise abatement flight path contained in draft FAA letter of agreement

34 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Preliminary List of Mitigation Techniques Airport Use Measures  Review existing measures Airport Layout Measures  Consider displaced threshold for 13 departures Displace Tully Road to the southeast Extend both runways towards Tully Road

35 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Preliminary List of Mitigation Techniques Land Use Measures  Provide homes within 65 CNEL contour with residential sound insulation Currently 10 homes; 30 homes in 2005 Noise Program Management  Install noise monitoring system to report excessive noise events  Improve citizen complaint mechanism  Implement community participation program

36 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Preliminary List of Mitigation Techniques Community Ideas/Suggestions  Kate Gillespie will keep record

37 Community Questions, Comments & Concerns Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study

38 What’s Next Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study Gene Reindel HMMH Assistant Project Manager

39 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study What’s Next Submit Noise Exposure Map (NEM) to FAA Evaluate Noise Abatement and Mitigation Options Recommend Mitigation Package to RHV Generate 2005 Mitigated Noise Exposure Contours Present Potential Mitigation Results to Community Submit Noise Compatibility Plan (NCP) to FAA

40 How to provide input to this study: Project e-mail address: Project Meeting Notices: Project mail: Kate Gillespie, 3D Visions 3661 Buchanan Street, Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94123-1708 Project fax line: 415-409-9612 Reid-Hillview FAR Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Mitigation Study

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