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B”H TEACHER’S GUIDE TEACHER’S GUIDE an introduction to basic keyboarding concepts for the very young child

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1 B”H TEACHER’S GUIDE TEACHER’S GUIDE an introduction to basic keyboarding concepts for the very young child

2 “Little Hands Can Type” KEYBOARD TOWN PALS introduces “Little Hands Can Type” Software. “Little Hands Can Type” The “Little Hands Can Type” program is an off-shoot of the hour long keyboarding instructional video, “Learn To Type” program. The “Learn To Type” CD-ROM teaches children, ages 7 & up, the location of the 30 letters and symbols on the Qwerty keyboard. Teachers and parents requested KTP to develop a primer for the “Learn To Type” keyboarding instruction program so that children younger than 7 could begin learning good habits that would last a life time. “Little Hands Can Type” To accommodate this request, KTP designed the “Little Hands Can Type” readiness program for five and six year olds who knew their letter configurations and had developed a level of fine motor skills. “Little Hands Can Type” The “Little Hands Can Type” goal is to familiarize young children with the basic concepts on the keyboard and understand the relationship of letters to keys and keys to fingers. TEACHER’S GUIDE

3 The program begins by focusing on each finger of the hand as a separate entity The program begins by focusing on each finger of the hand as a separate entity. There are several fun hand activities. o Trace the hand. o Color one finger at a time. o Learn the name of that finger. o Learn to count fingers, houses and keys sequentially. o Learn that the same little finger always presses the same key. TEACHER’S GUIDE

4 The puppet’s name begins with the letter they teach. The letters have a permanent location on the keyboard. The fingers move around the keyboard. The same finger always presses the same key. A Z Q A Q Z PUPPETS-LETTERS-FINGERS-KEYS A Z Q Amy Zebra Q-wert TEACHER’S GUIDE

5 The “Little Hands Can Type” program uses screen grabs from the hour long uses screen grabs from the hour long “Learn To Type” video to teach basic concepts. Children are transitioned from Keyboard Town to a keyboard; from streets and houses in the town where charming puppets live to keys on a keyboard where letters live. The houses in Keyboard Town are on a slant. The keys on the keyboard are on a slant. Children practice drawing straight lines and slanted lines. Children color the streets and the houses in the town and the keys on the keyboard. middle row row below row below row above row above Street below Street above Middle street TEACHER’S GUIDE

6 “Little Hands Can Type” will prepare the five and six year old child to be successful on will prepare the five and six year old child to be successful on “Learn To Type. “ “Learn To Type. “ “Learn To Type” PC &Mac compatible French Available in Spanish and French versions. TEACHER’S GUIDE

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