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The Red Scare: A comparison of Charlie Chaplin and John Proctor.

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Presentation on theme: "The Red Scare: A comparison of Charlie Chaplin and John Proctor."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Red Scare: A comparison of Charlie Chaplin and John Proctor.

2 Facts about Charlie Chaplin (for those who don’t know his work) His real name is: Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin He is considered to be one of the finest mimes and clowns ever caught on film and has greatly influenced performers in this field He was one of the most famous silent movie stars. His working life in entertainment spanned over 65 years

3 This is Chaplin’s main character know as “The Tramp” He has manners and the dignity of a gentleman. The character wears a tight coat, oversized trousers and shoes, a derby, carries a bamboo cane, and has a signature toothbrush mustache.

4 Facts about John Proctor Proctor moved to Salem in 1666 He was a farmer When the witch hysteria broke out, Proctor denounced any such activities despite the girls confessions Proctor was the first man to be accused in Salem

5 This is a picture of the movie version of John Proctor.

6 A comparison of two men: Charlie Chaplin Around 1942, the FBI began investigating Chaplin for “un- American activities” He was believed to be a communist sympathizer Chaplin had friends that were accused of being a communist John Proctor –1692, Proctor is accused of witchcraft after Mary Warren confesses that his sprit comes to her at night. –His wife and many others in his family were also accused of witchcraft

7 Charlie Chaplin never testified in court claiming, “ I am not a communist, I am a peace monger.” Charlie Chaplin was a lusty gentleman, this came about because he fathered a child out of wed- lock, and it was also reported that he was also a “seducer of white women” John Proctor never wanted to get caught up in the nonsense of the witchcraft hysteria. Proctor testified in court to try to prove his families innocence. John Proctor was a lusty gentleman, this came about because of his alleged affair with Abigail.

8 Both men were well-known, however, one difference between the two men is that Charlie Chaplin was rich and John Proctor was poor.

9 There was no real evidence that either man was working for the other side and unfortunately for John Proctor, he met an untimely end John Proctor was hanged August 10, 1962, this is his tombstone.

10 In 1952, Charlie Chaplin left the United States, it was intended to be a brief trip home, however when he applied for re-entry he was denied. Chaplin never returned to the U.S until 1972, he was also never charged of being a communist upon his return….

11 The End

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