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1 Workplace Technology Prepared for © Harris Interactive April 2013.

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1 1 Workplace Technology Prepared for © Harris Interactive April 2013

2 © Harris Interactive Table of Contents Methodology3 Questionnaire Design Flow4 Executive Summary6 Detailed Findings9 Appendix44 © Harris Interacti ve

3 Methodology The research was conducted via self-administered online surveys within the United States by Harris Interactive between February 20 - 28, 2013. Two audiences were targeted: –Information Technology Decision Makers (“ITDMs”): n=250 –Full-time employed mobile device (smartphone and/or tablet) users (“USERs”): n=1,001 Among ITDMs figures for business size (in number of employees) were weighted to bring them into line with the population of business sizes across the US. Among USERs, figures for education, age by gender, race/ethnicity, region, and household income were weighted where necessary to bring them into line with the population of US residents who own a cell phone or smart phone. For the online sample, our weighting algorithm also included a propensity score which allows us to adjust for propensity to be online. For the phone sample, our weighting also included variables to account for the probability of selection. All sample surveys and polls, whether or not they use probability sampling, are subject to multiple sources of error which are most often not possible to quantify or estimate, including sampling error, coverage error, error associated with non-response, error associated with question wording and response options, and post-survey weighting and adjustments. Therefore, Harris Interactive avoids the words "margin of error" as they are misleading. All that can be calculated are different possible sampling errors with different probabilities for pure, unweighted, random samples with 100% response rates. These are only theoretical because no published polls come close to this ideal. © Harris Interactive 3

4 USERs: Questionnaire Design Flow  Responsibility of mobile device security and data recovery  Benefits of BYOD  Security and recovery responsibility  Risks of BYOD  Responsibility of mobile device security and data recovery  Benefits of BYOD  Security and recovery responsibility  Risks of BYOD  Formal company policy  Reimbursement policy  Device security on and off BYOD  Steps taken to protect device, self and employer  Formal company policy  Reimbursement policy  Device security on and off BYOD  Steps taken to protect device, self and employer  Familiarity and definition of BYOD  Frequency of access of work-related information and applications via mobile devices  Types of information and applications accessed  Familiarity and definition of BYOD  Frequency of access of work-related information and applications via mobile devices  Types of information and applications accessed Questions to screen for full time employed respondents who own and use smartphones or tablets. ScreenerBYOD Familiarity & Usage Company Policies & Security BYOD Attitudes 4

5 ITDMs: Questionnaire Design Flow  Familiarity and definition of BYOD  Proportion and awareness of employees engaging in BYOD  Awareness of employees engaging in  Types of information and applications accessed  Familiarity and definition of BYOD  Proportion and awareness of employees engaging in BYOD  Awareness of employees engaging in  Types of information and applications accessed Questions to screen for employees with oversight or decision- making authority in IT/Technology systems  Formal company policy  BYOD policy details  Recency of policy implementation  Mobile device mgmt  Reimbursement  Protocol upon employee severance  Employees’ device security  Steps taken to protect employees’ devices  Importance of security measures  Cybersecurity communication with employees  Responsibility of mobile device security  Benefits of BYOD  Security and recovery responsibility  Risks of BYOD ScreenerBYOD Familiarity & Usage Company Policies & Security BYOD Attitudes 5

6 Executive Summary and Key Observations Familiarity with BYOD is low among users and lower than expected with ITDMs perhaps due to the newness of the phenomenon. It is important for companies to implement BYOD policies and ensure their employees’ awareness because more users are engaging in BYOD than ITDMs may be aware of. Users may also be unaware of their employer’s BYOD policy as evidenced by the disconnect between reported incidence of policies among ITDMs and the user’s unawareness. Users and ITDMs alike may not be doing enough to protect devices that are accessing company information, as well as the information itself. Users and ITMDs both focus on password/PINs as the main security measure, often ignoring more advanced security. © Harris Interactive 6

7 Executive Summary and Key Observations With users accepting responsibility for protection and information recovery, it should not be an uphill battle for ITDMs to emphasize the importance of taking proper security measures with their devices. Benefits of BYOD are readily recognized by users and ITDMs. –Users and ITDMs see BYOD as providing convenience, flexibility, and a virtual connection to work for employees. BYOD can also help attract employees as users tend to favor employers with a BYOD permitting policy. Overall, ITDMs and users are favorable toward BYOD, but have some reservations. –Most users agree that BYOD is the wave of the future and most ITDMs agree the benefits outweigh the risks. But the low intensity of support may indicate cautious optimism. Concerns around data protection and employee compliance could be contributing to these less intense feelings. © Harris Interactive 7

8 Executive Summary and Key Observations Small businesses see opportunity in BYOD but may also be more vulnerable. –Despite similar incidence of BYOD usage across company size, smaller companies (500 or fewer employees) are less likely to take action to protect employees’ mobile devices and are less likely to communicate the importance of protective action to their employees. –Smaller companies show those same tendencies in their attitudes as well, assigning low concern to the risks of BYOD. –Companies with 500 or fewer employees are also more likely than larger companies to say the benefits of BYOD outweigh its risks. The higher vigilance among larger companies may be related to the increased risk due to the volume of employees engaging in BYOD. ITDMs in smaller companies are also more likely to be the owners/executives and thus less familiar with the complexities of implementing BYOD practices. © Harris Interactive 8

9 Awareness and knowledge of BYOD (Employees bringing their personal mobile devices smartphones and tablets to work to access work-related information and applications.) © Harris Interactive

10 Among users, familiarity with the term BYOD is low. © Harris Interactive Base: All USERs (n=1,001) Q700 How familiar are you with the term “bring your own device” or BYOD? Base: Very/Somewhat Familiar (n=259) Q705 Based on what you know, how would you define what BYOD is? 10 Based on what you know, how would you define what BYOD is? (Among Very/Somewhat familiar)

11 As expected, familiarity with the term BYOD is higher among ITDMs. © Harris Interactive Base: All ITDMs (n=250) Q700 How familiar are you with the term “bring your own device” or BYOD? Base: Very/Somewhat Familiar (n=134) Q705 Based on what you know, how would you define what BYOD is? 11 Based on what you know, how would you define what BYOD is? (Among Very/Somewhat familiar) The term is mainly associated with bringing mobile devices to work to access work related information.

12 Over half of Users reported some amount of BYOD behavior during the year. © Harris Interactive Base: All USERs (n=1,001) Q800 How often, if at all do you use your personally owned mobile devices to access work-related information or applications? 12 57% BYOD on either mobile device during the year Over 4 in 10 use either a smartphone or tablet weekly to access work-related information or applications.

13 Majority of ITDMs (60%) think 25% or less of their employees access company info on their personal devices on a regular basis. © Harris Interactive Base: All ITDMs (n=250) Q800 Approximately what percentage of your employees do you think access company information or applications with their personal devices on a regular basis (at least weekly)? 13

14 However nearly 4 in 10 acknowledge that they may be unaware of some employees that access company information. © Harris Interactive Base: All ITDMs (n=250) Q801 Are you fully aware of all employees who access company information or applications? Base: Unaware of all employees engaging in BYOD (n=90) Q802 Why do you think some employees access company information or applications without your knowledge? 14 -ITDM lack of knowledge -“Convenience” -ITDM lack of knowledge -“Convenience”

15 Smartphones are noted as the mobile device of choice for BYOD and email is the application most accessed. © Harris Interactive Base: BYOD ITDMs(n=197) Q803 What types of mobile devices do employees typically use to access company information or applications? Please select all that apply. Base: BYOD (USERs: n=551; ITDMs: n=197) Q810 What types of company information or applications do you/they typically access? Please select all that apply. 15 What types of company information or applications do you/they typically access? Company information or applications UsersITDMs Email89%92% Calendaring and Scheduling57%75% Databases28%32% Company Applications28%39% Directories25%31% Financial information19%16% File servers19%33% Other6%4% Smartphone 83% Tablet 66% Other 14% What types of mobile devices do employees use to access company info? ITDMS

16 Presence of BYOD Policy © Harris Interactive

17 Half of users say their company doesn’t have a BYOD policy whereas more ITDMs claim they have a policy. © Harris Interactive Base: All Respondents (USERs: n=1,001; ITDMs: n=250) Q900 Does your company have a formal BYOD policy? Base: ITDMs with formal policy (n=146) Q902 When did your company put your BYOD policy in place? 17 Yes, we allow employees to use their personal mobile devices to access work information or applications Yes, we officially do not allow employees to use their personal mobile devices to access work information or applications No ITDMS Presence of formal BYOD policy

18 Even in the presence of BYOD policies, employees are expected to pay for the device and data plan themselves. © Harris Interactive Base: BYOD (USERs: n=551; ITDMs: n=197) USERs: Q905 Thinking about the mobile device you use to access work information or applications, does your company pay for your mobile device in some way? ITMDs: Q905 Thinking about those employees who bring their own device, does your company pay for the personal mobile devices or data plans in some way? 18 Yes, my company pays for the device Yes, my company pays for the data plan Yes, we share the costs of the device Yes, we share the costs of the data plan No, the employee pays for the device and data plan themselves Device Reimbursement

19 Six in ten of users who said their company has a formal BYOD policy said they provide IT support. © Harris Interactive Base: USERs and Employer formally allows BYOD (n=206) Q907 Does your company provide IT support for its BYOD policy? 19

20 ITDM BYOD policies cover a variety of items. © Harris Interactive Base: Variable Q903 Are you applying mobile device management as part of your company’s BYOD policy? Base: ITDMs and formally allows BYOD (n=116) Q907 What does your BYOD policy cover? Please select all that apply. Base: ITDMs and formally allows BYOD (n=116) Q909 When an employee leaves the company, what policies and procedures do you have in place? Please select all that apply. Base: BYOD ITDMs (n=197) Q947 Does your IT department require employees to sign some form of a data security notice? All ITDMs (n=250) 20 When an employee leaves the company, what policies and procedures do you have in place? Protections for employees related to privacy and loss of personal information Back-up and restore for personal data if an employee loses or inadvertently wipes their mobile device Back-up and restore for personal data if their mobile device is hacked Other What does your BYOD policy cover? Deactivate network certificate Remote wipe Remote lock Other None Does your IT department require employees to sign some form of a data security notice? YES 52% NO 48% Including mobile device management, protection related to privacy and loss, deactivation of network certificates when an employee leaves, and signing of a data security notice.

21 Security of Devices and Steps Taken © Harris Interactive

22 Both users and ITDMs believe employee personal devices are secure. © Harris Interactive Base: All USERs with device (Smartphone: n=846; Tablet: n=534) Q910 How secure do you feel your personal smartphone is? Q912 How secure do you feel your personal tablet is? 22 Security of smartphone and personal tablet ITDMSUSERS Base: ITMDs and employees use device (Smartphone: n=162; Tablet: n=129) Q910 Thinking about those employees who bring their own device, how secure do you feel your employee’s personal smartphones are? Q912 Thinking about those employees who bring their own device, how secure do you feel your employee’s personal tablets are?

23 A slight majority of users think their device is more secure when accessing work-related info. © Harris Interactive Base: BYOD USERs (n=551) Q913 How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 23 My personal mobile device is more secure when I am accessing work- related information than it is when I am accessing personal information. USERS

24 Very few users have experienced cyber attacks or had their device stolen or lost, but of those who did they are much more concerned about their personal information than their company’s info. © Harris Interactive Base: All USERs with device (Smartphone: n=846; Tablet: n=534) Q935 In the past year, how many times, if at all, have you lost any of the following mobile devices (either misplaced it or it was stolen)? Q914 Have you experienced a cyber-attack or security breach on your mobile device? Base: Device stolen and engage in BYOD (n=71) Q940 When your mobile device was lost/stolen, how concerned were you about a stranger accessing any of the following information? 24 Lost any of the following mobile devices USERS How concerned were you about a stranger accessing any of the following information? USERS Personal InformationCompany Information Experienced Cyber-attack/security breach USERS 74%58%

25 Users note that adding a password/PIN is one of the most popular security measures taken by themselves and their IT department. © Harris Interactive Base: All USERs (n=1,001) Q915 Which of the following steps, if any, have you personally taken to protect your mobile devices? Please select all that apply. Base: BYOD USERs (n=551) Q920 Which of the following steps, if any, has your IT department taken to protect your mobile devices? 25 What other steps have you taken to protect your mobile devices? Run software updates Added a password/PIN Installed anti-virus programs Location tracking Installed an app that can remote lock, locate, and/or erase data Other None Steps personally taken to protect your mobile devices USERS Added a password/PIN Installed anti-virus programs Run software updates Restricting downloads Restricting access to certain employees Restricting or blocking access to websites Installed an app that can remote lock, locate, and/or erase data Location tracking Mobile application management software Usage limits Other None Steps IT department taken to protect your mobile devices USERS

26 Actions taken by ITDMs is consistent with the actions users are reporting of their IT departments. © Harris Interactive Base: Employees engage in BYOD (n=184) Q920 Which of the following steps, if any, has your IT department taken to protect your mobile devices? 26 Steps the IT department has taken to protect employee’s mobile devices. ITDMS Added a password/PIN Installed anti-virus programs Network certificates VPNs Restricting access to certain employees Restricting or blocking access to websites Run software updates Installed an app that can remote lock, locate, and/or erase data Restricting downloads Lock screens Mobile application management software Location tracking Hardware based authentication tokens Usage limits Other None

27 Users and ITDMs note that updates are typically run automatically and password/PINs are asked to be updated every 2 – 6 months. © Harris Interactive Base: BYOD and Required to add password/PIN (USERs: n=156; ITDMs: n=88) Q925 How often are you required/how often do you require your employees to change your password/PIN? Base: BYOD and Required to run updates (USERs: n=104; ITDMs: n=56) Q927 Are the software updates you are required to run/require your employees to run..? 27 What other steps have you taken to protect your mobile devices? How often are you required to change your password/PIN? Are the software updates you are required to run..? User initiated – you have to make a selection for the update to run USERS: 45% ITDMS: 23% Automatic – you don’t have to do anything for the update to run USERS: 55% ITDMS: 77%

28 ITDMs impose restrictions on remote access and social media sites. © Harris Interactive Base: ITDMs and employ usage limits (n=23) Q923 What types of usage limits or restrictions do you have? Base: ITDMs and restrict access (n=54) Q924 When accessing corporate applications and information, are BYOD users restricted from accessing: 28 *Small base size

29 Base: BYOD ITDMs (n=197) Q946 How important do you find each of the following BYOD security measures in helping to protect company information? Please answer for each even if your company does not employ the protection. ITDMs view passwords/PIN and anti-virus programs as being most important in protecting company info. © Harris Interactive 29 Password/PIN Anti-virus programs Software updates Network certificates VPNs Download restrictions Access restrictions for certain employees App that can remote lock, locate, and/or erase data Restricting or blocking access to websites Locking of screens Mobile application management software Hardware based authentication tokens Location tracking Usage limits

30 ITDMs have communicated the importance of secure networks, changing passwords, and reporting security issues. © Harris Interactive Base: BYOD ITDMs (n=197) Q950 What specifically have you communicated to your employees to protect themselves against cybersecurity threats on their mobile devices, if anything? 30 Employees to protect themselves against cybersecurity threats on their mobile devices ITDMS Importance of accessing information when on secure networks (e.g. those that require passwords) Importance of changing password/PIN frequently Need to report data security issues quickly Importance of running updates frequently Importance of encrypting messages to protect sensitive information Other Nothing, we have not communicated anything to them

31 © Harris Interactive Based on survey results, both users and ITDMs feel that it is the user’s primary responsibility to keep their device secure. © Harris Interacti ve Base: BYOD USERs (n=551) Q1015 Whose primary responsibility is it to keep your mobile device secure? Q1020 In the event that your mobile device is hacked, whose primary responsibility is it to recover your personal information? Base: ITMDs (n=250) Q1010 Whose primary responsibility is it to keep your employee’s personal mobile devices secure when they are accessing company information or applications? 31

32 Attitudes toward BYOD © Harris Interactive

33 Base: All USERs (n=1,001) Q1030 Now you will read two hypothetical opposing opinions about BYOD. One statement will represent the opinions of a person named [ROTATE: Smith/Jones] and the other statement will represent the opinion of a person named [ROTATE: Jones/Smith]. Users recognize BYOD may be wave of the future and ITDMs feel the benefits outweigh the risks. © Harris Interactive 33 “BYOD is a fad that will soon fade.” Smith says: Jones says: “BYOD is the wave of the future so companies need to get on board.” Base: All ITDMs (n=250) Q1020 Thinking about BYOD, do you think the..? Risks/Benefits: ITDMS

34 Users recognize that BYOD “keeps employees connected”, “is convenient”, and “provides flexible work environment”. © Harris Interactive Base: All USERs (n=1,001) Q1005 How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 34 I would prefer working for an employer that allows BYOD than one that doesn’t. BYOD keeps employees connected to work without having to be there BYOD helps the company save money on technology BYOD is convenient for employees BYOD provides a flexible work environment - employees can work wherever they want BYOD helps employees be more productive BYOD makes employees happy BYOD policies help improve company and employee relations BYOD provides employees with a good work-life balance USERS Over 6 in 10 users prefer to work for an employer that allows BYOD over one that doesn’t.

35 BYOD is convenient for employees BYOD provides a flexible work environment - employees can work wherever they want BYOD keeps employees connected to work without having to be there BYOD makes employees happy BYOD helps employees be more productive BYOD helps the company save money on technology BYOD policies help improve company and employee relations BYOD provides employees with a good work-life balance These attributes of BYOD are also recognized by ITDMs. © Harris Interactive Base: All ITDMs (n=250) Q1006 How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 35

36 Base: All ITDMs (n=250) Q1016: When employees access work-related information or applications with their mobile devices, how concerned are you about each of the following? Data protection Security of the devices Employee compliance The device could be lost or stolen Visibility into all devices that are accessing company information and applications Employees abusing BYOD Compatibility Lack of standardization Providing IT support for their personal devices Increased liability for damage to the device at work Performance of the device ITDMs emphasize “data protection”, “security of device”, and “employee compliance” as their chief concerns. © Harris Interactive 36

37 ITDM Perceptions by Company Size © Harris Interactive

38 Smaller companies are slightly less likely to have employees who engage in BYOD. © Harris Interactive Base: All ITDMs (Less than 500 employees: n=132; 500 or more employees: n=118) Q800 Approximately what percentage of your employees do you think access company information or applications with their personal devices on a regular basis (at least weekly)? 38 % of employees engaging in BYOD by company size (in employees) Indicates a score significantly higher / lower than Less than 500 employees at the 95% confidence level

39 ITDMs in larger companies are more likely to have taken all types of steps to protect their employee’s mobile devices. © Harris Interactive Base: BYOD ITDMs (Less than 500 employees: n=90); 500 or more employees: n=94) Q920: Which of the following steps, if any, has your IT department taken to protect your employee's mobile devices? Steps IT Dept has taken to protect mobile devices by company size (in employees) 39 Indicates a score significantly higher / lower than Less than 500 employees at the 95% confidence level

40 Larger companies are also more likely to have communicated the importance of protecting against cybersecurity threats. © Harris Interactive Base: BYOD ITDMs (Less than 500 employees: n=97; 500 or more employees: n=100) Q950: What specifically have you communicated to your employees to protect themselves against cybersecurity threats on their mobile devices, if anything? Communication to employees by company size (in employees) 40 Indicates a score significantly higher / lower than Less than 500 employees at the 95% confidence level

41 ITDMs in larger companies are more likely to recognize the importance of non-basic security measures. © Harris Interactive Base: BYOD ITDMs (Less than 500 employees: n=97; 500 or more employees: n=100) Q946: How important do you find each of the following BYOD security measures in helping to protect company information? Importance of security measures (very/somewhat important) by company size (in employees) 41 Indicates a score significantly higher / lower than Less than 500 employees at the 95% confidence level

42 Although ITDMs of different sized companies recognize the benefits... © Harris Interactive Base: All ITDMs (Less than 500 employees: n=132; 500 or more employees: n=118) Q1006: How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Agreement (strongly/somewhat) by company size (in employees) 42 Indicates a score significantly higher / lower than Less than 500 employees at the 95% confidence level

43 ...Concerns over the hazards of BYOD are universally higher among larger companies. © Harris Interactive Base: All ITDMs (Less than 500 employees: n=132; 500 or more employees: n=118) Q1016: When employees access work-related information or applications with their mobile devices, how concerned are you about each of the following?/ If your employees were to use their personally owned mobile devices to access work-related information or applications, how concerned would you be with each of the following? Concern (very/somewhat concerned) by company size (in employees) 43 Indicates a score significantly higher / lower than Less than 500 employees at the 95% confidence level

44 And larger companies are more likely to say the risks outweigh the benefits when it comes to BYOD. © Harris Interactive Base: All ITDMs (Less than 500 employees: n=132; 500 or more employees: n=118) Q1020: Thinking about BYOD, do you think the..? Less than 500 500 or more BYOD Risks vs. Benefits by company size (in employees) 44 Indicates a score significantly higher / lower than Less than 500 employees at the 95% confidence level

45 Also larger companies are more likely to say it’s the company’s responsibility to keep their employee’s device secure. © Harris Interactive Base: All ITDMs (Less than 500 employees: n=132; 500 or more employees: n=118) Q1010: Whose primary responsibility is it to keep your employee's personal mobile devices secure when they are accessing company information or applications? Responsibility in keeping employee’s mobile device secure by company size (in employees) 45 Indicates a score significantly higher / lower than Less than 500 employees at the 95% confidence level

46 Demographics © Harris Interactive

47 47 Total Gender Male 57% Female 43% Age 18-247% 25-3426% 35-4934% 50-6428% 65+5% Race/Ethnicity White72% Hispanic12% Black10% Asian or Pacific Islander4% Native American or Alaskan Native1% Some other race1% Household Income Less than $50k 23% $50k to less than $100k 34% $100k or less than $249k 37% $250k or more 3% Education HS or Less 18% Attended college or college degree 58% Attended graduate school or graduate degree 17% USER Demographics Total Company Size (in employees) 1 - 2414% 25-495% 50 - 997% 100 - 49917% 500 - 9999% 1,000 - 4,99915% 5,000 - 9,9999% 10,000+24%

48 © Harris Interactive 48 Total Title Owner/President 28% VP/C-Suite 13% Director/Manager 23% Other 9% Industry Communications/Technology26% Finance/Legal12% Business Services8% Government/Non-Profit17% Total Company size 1 – 24 31% 25 – 496% 50 – 996% 100 – 49911% 500 – 9994% 1,000 – 4,99910% 5,000 – 9,9994% 10,000+27% Company revenue Less than $500,000 26% $500,000 - $999,999 4% $1 million - $24.9 million 14% $25 million - $49.9 million 5% $50 million - $99.9 million 9% $100 million - $499.9 million 2% $500 million - $999.9 million 4% $1 billion or more 23% Decline to answer 13% Employment status Employed full time68% Self employed29% Employed part time3% ITDM Demographics

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