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STEM-CHANGING O  UE VERBS PG. 164. WHAT IS A STEM? “stem” A “stem” is the remainder of a verb after the –ar, -er, or –ir ending is dropped off. Ejemplo:

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Presentation on theme: "STEM-CHANGING O  UE VERBS PG. 164. WHAT IS A STEM? “stem” A “stem” is the remainder of a verb after the –ar, -er, or –ir ending is dropped off. Ejemplo:"— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS A STEM? “stem” A “stem” is the remainder of a verb after the –ar, -er, or –ir ending is dropped off. Ejemplo: comer  com vivir  viv hablar  hab

3 WHAT’S A STEM- CHANGER? A “stem-changing” verb has a CHANGE that takes place somewhere in the STEM. In this case, our O in the stem is going to change to UE.

4 RECUERDAS These changes take place in all subject pronoun boxes EXCEPT vosotros and nosotros. That’s why we also call them BOOT VERBS.

5 DORMIR (O  UE): TO SLEEP Yo Duermo I sleep. Nosotros(as) Dormimos We sleep. Tú Duermes You (inf.) sleep. Vosotros(as) Dormís You all (Spain) sleep. Él, Ella, Ud. Duerme (He, She, You, It sleeps.) Ellos, Ellas, Uds. Duermen They,You all sleep.

6 DORMIR HASTA *Use DORMIR HASTA to say you sleep until a certain time. Modelo: Los domingos dormimos hasta las once. On sundays we sleep until 11.

7 ALMORZAR (O  UE): TO EAT LUNCH almuerzoalmorzamos almuerzasalmorzáis almuerzaalmuerzan

8 VOLVER (O  UE): TO RETURN/TO COME BACK vuelvovolvemos vuelvesvolvéis vuelvevuelven

9 LLOVER (O  UE): TO RAIN -- -- llueve-

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