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Vocabulary Week #2 English II. Abjure verb to renounce, repudiate, or retract, esp. with formal solemnity. to avoid or shun. Syn: forswear, recant.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Week #2 English II. Abjure verb to renounce, repudiate, or retract, esp. with formal solemnity. to avoid or shun. Syn: forswear, recant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Week #2 English II

2 Abjure verb to renounce, repudiate, or retract, esp. with formal solemnity. to avoid or shun. Syn: forswear, recant.

3 Bellicose adjective inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile. Syn: belligerent; pugnacious.

4 Decorum noun dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc. the quality or state of being decorous; orderliness; regularity. Syn: politeness, manners, dignity.

5 Elated adjective To feel very happy or proud.

6 Invoke verb to call for with earnest desire; make supplication or pray for. to call on (a deity, Muse, etc.), as in prayer or supplication. to cause, call forth, or bring about.

7 Profess verb to lay claim to, often insincerely; pretend to. to declare openly; announce or affirm; avow or acknowledge: to profess one's satisfaction. Syn: claim, allege, purport, avow.

8 Quandary noun a state of perplexity or uncertainty, esp. as to what to do; dilemma. Syn: predictament.

9 Tacit adjective understood without being openly expressed; implied. Syn: unexpressed, unspoken, unsaid, implicit. Ant: expressed.

10 Vanguard noun the foremost division or the front part of an army; advance guard; van. the forefront in any movement, field, activity, or the like.

11 Zealous adjective full of, characterized by, or due to zeal; ardently active, devoted, or diligent Syn: enthusiastic, eager, fervid, fervent, intense, passionate, warm

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