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 Committee on Social Dumping LO (DK-TUC)  Focus on 17 initiatives to prevent Social dumping and fight Precarious Work  EU regulation  National regulation.

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2  Committee on Social Dumping LO (DK-TUC)  Focus on 17 initiatives to prevent Social dumping and fight Precarious Work  EU regulation  National regulation  Collective agreements

3  3 collective agreements with focus on Social Dumping  Transport  Building and Construction  Horticulture, Agriculture and Forestry

4  Access to information/controle on pay  Immediately Conciliation between Employer and Union if an unorganised subcontractor (not covered by a collective agreement) takes part in a contract  Common understanding on how to handle Carpotage Transport  Coorperation to demand stronger control from the Authorities

5  The Collective partners agree, that all work in the Sector should be covered by collective agreement  All companies should ensure, that subcontractors are covered by a collective agreement  To prevent Social Dumping, Employers and Unions set up a common Committee to develop and organise the fight against Social Dumping

6  ”48 hour meeting”  Imideately Conciliation between Employer and Union in cases where an unorganised subcontractor is part in a contract  Access to all relevant information about pay etc.  If the collective agreement isn’t respected, the responsible contractor must take action against the subcontractor  No employed may be forced to buy ”services” as part of a employment contract

7  Conciliation between Employer and Union in cases where an unorganised subcontractor is part in a contract  Corporation to prevent social dumping and ensure coverage by Collective Agreements  Agreement on pay and other working conditions for foreign trainees

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