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PURITAN PLAIN STYLE R.E.C.A.P. Prepare to be schooled by Ms. Hanzlick!

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Presentation on theme: "PURITAN PLAIN STYLE R.E.C.A.P. Prepare to be schooled by Ms. Hanzlick!"— Presentation transcript:

1 PURITAN PLAIN STYLE R.E.C.A.P. Prepare to be schooled by Ms. Hanzlick!

2 R eflected religious beliefs -modesty -fear of evil forces in the world -thought witches really existed -hard work brings you closer to God -certain people “predestined” for heaven -strict interpretation of Bible

3 E veryday life was subject of writing -wrote about everyday objects and experiences in life rather than flowery, fancy abstract ideas or feelings

4 C onfusing language and word order - short sentences…almost too short - outdated pronouns -stuff like… “thee” NOT “you” -inverted sentence structure (like how Yoda talks) -stuff like…“my friend you are” NOT “you are my friend” -omission of certain words -stuff like… “my love a rose” NOT “my love is like a rose”

5 A postrophe & met A phor -apostrophe -when an author writes as if speaking to a person who is not there or to an object that is personified -metaphor -a comparison between two unlike things that does NOT involve the words “like” or as”

6 P eople you should know -Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672) -Edward Taylor (1642-1729)

7 Now, let’s look for examples of all this stuff in a poem, found on p. 82 of textbook.

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