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HealthMakers Join a community of patients making a real difference.

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1 HealthMakers Join a community of patients making a real difference

2 1 1 Bracknell and Ascot Clinical Commissioning Group Welcome 1.Introduction to HealthMakers – getting us all on same page 2.Reflections from our first HealthMakers 3.Q&A

3 2 2 Bracknell and Ascot Clinical Commissioning Group What is HealthMakers? HealthMakers will help to create strong communities using their own experience to support improvements in health and wellbeing in Bracknell Forest and Ascot area. They will complement the work of health care professionals.

4 3 3 Bracknell and Ascot Clinical Commissioning Group HealthMakers Inspiration HealthMakers will be the health and wellbeing equivalent of the Olympics' ‘Games Makers’. Volunteers are being recruited, trained and motivated to be ambassadors for health in a variety of roles in every GP practice: Advocates Experts by Experience Contributors Listeners What we believe and what we know.

5 4 Bracknell and Ascot Clinical Commissioning Group Self-Management Self-Management Facilitation Facilitation skills for delivering self management training in pairs (lay/clinician). Transferable skills for life. Champion peer-support groups and networks in the community Self-Management Training Enables patients to understand their condition and the benefits of good self management to improve quality of life. Creating patients who are activated to manage the impact of their condition on their lives.

6 5 Bracknell and Ascot Clinical Commissioning Group HealthMaker Leadership Developing leadership skills Using personal experience to effectively influence decisions about local health services. Creating activated patients in the system

7 6 Bracknell and Ascot Clinical Commissioning Group What will HealthMakers gain? Acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes for good health and wellbeing in their condition Opportunities to influence health services and improve patient care. Meeting and working alongside others who are also keen to make a difference. Opportunities to raise the patient voice within the Clinical Commissioning Group. Listening skills and ability to learn from others To inspire and be inspired. Create and participate in strong local networks / groups around their condition and train others to do so Make a strong and local difference and improve health outcomes for others. Reduce the need for medication and hospital admissions. Evidence of team building/counselling and leadership for their CVs. Certificates will be provided which can be used to support continued professional development

8 7 Bracknell and Ascot Clinical Commissioning Group HealthMakers Progress So Far: Bracknell Open Learning Centre as the HealthMakers’ base. Recruitment via practices, events, Healthwatch and CCG. Interviewed young HealthMakers at Bracknell and Wokingham College Completed first Self-Management Facilitation training Next Steps: Introduce new HealthMakers at Diabetes evening (4 March) Deliver HealthMaker Leadership training. Recruit HealthMakers for roll out of Self Management training. Develop clinician facilitation training. Develop and support young HealthMakers role. Create library of good resources with Self Care Board priorities Evaluation of pilot and development of business case for further roll out. Identify host community base for HealthMakers. Engage other partners (Local Authority, Public Health, Providers…)

9 8 Bracknell and Ascot Clinical Commissioning Group Long-Term Aims NHS England have expressed a strong interest in HealthMakers. The long term aim is that each cluster (Ascot, North Bracknell and South Bracknell) have HealthMakers at all levels to deliver training, peer support and involvement in commissioning activities. Improved health outcomes and fewer hospital admissions, A&E attendances and visits to GP – focussed on Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) priorities. Improved relationships between patients and healthcare professionals. Improved engagement with the community.

10 9 Bracknell and Ascot Clinical Commissioning Group Find out more More information available: Contact Details: Ally Karen Dr Martin Kittel Ryan Dunstan

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