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Report to the Nevada System of Higher Education. University System of Georgia 31 institutions 320,000 students 4 Research Universities, 4 Regional Universities,

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Presentation on theme: "Report to the Nevada System of Higher Education. University System of Georgia 31 institutions 320,000 students 4 Research Universities, 4 Regional Universities,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Report to the Nevada System of Higher Education

2 University System of Georgia 31 institutions 320,000 students 4 Research Universities, 4 Regional Universities, 9 State Universities, 14 State Colleges 6 year graduation rates range from below 30% to 83% Additional Technical College System with 25 units and 151,000 students

3 Mathematics Taskforce 8 mathematics faculty from a wide spectrum of institutions, 4 USG specialists Consultants: Uri Treisman, Jenna Cullinane from Dana Center and Bruce Vandal from CCA January 2013 – July 2013 Charge: Recommendations for dramatically improving success rates in gateway mathematics courses without compromising the disciplinary integrity of these courses.

4 University System of Georgia: Transforming College Mathematics July 2013 How to dramatically increase success rates in mathematics gateway courses without compromising the integrity of the mathematical content

5 Recommendations Focus on supporting success in college credit-bearing, gateway mathematics courses for all students. Align gateway mathematics course sequences with academic programs of study. In particular, College Algebra should not be the default class for non-STEM majors. Implement a co-requisite approach to support student success in gateway mathematics courses. Develop year-long mathematics pathways for students with significant gaps in preparation. Use multiple measures to place students in gateway courses and appropriate supports. Terminate use of COMPASS as an exit examination. Align the outcomes of gateway mathematics courses with the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) for Mathematics. Develop advising systems and protocols for placing students in gateway mathematics courses and co-requisite supports that align with their intended programs of study.

6 Implementation Advisory Committee for Mathematical Sciences Standing committee with representatives from all system math departments Ad hoc subcommittee for Implementing Taskforce Recommendations Implementation Plan: February 2014 System-wide symposium April 2014

7 Alignment with Academic Programs Core Area A2: Basic Quantitative Skills College Algebra -> Pre-Calculus -> Calculus Mathematical Modeling or Quantitative Reasoning - default gateway course for non-STEM majors System-wide transfer articulation Articulation includes Technical College System Repackaged non-STEM path All institutions will offer this Advisement is critical

8 Co-requisite Remediation At scale at six institutions in Fall 2014 At scale system-wide in Fall 2015 Implementation Remediation aligned separately with STEM and non- STEM gateways Parameters defined: common numbering, etc. Best Practices outlined Sample syllabi and course description repository provided

9 Year-long Pathways Same timeline: At scale at lead institutions in Fall 2014 System-wide in Fall 2015 First semester LS followed by Gateway course with co- requisite remediation. Separate courses for the two Gateway paths Policies, Parameters, Best Practices, sample syllabi provided

10 Placement Develop Math Placement Index (MPI) combining high school gpa and SAT/ACT scores (ongoing) Placement cuts tuned to each Gateway course Some institutional flexibility

11 Summary: the Georgia Experience Consensus building from the start Faculty involvement from all types of institutions Used existing faculty advisory committees for implementation Took advantage of progress already made Gateway courses in place Articulation agreements developed over several years Used data and expert advice for implementing fundamental change Lots of hard work left to be done!

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