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11 ECPD Regional Planning Project Training January 22, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "11 ECPD Regional Planning Project Training January 22, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 ECPD Regional Planning Project Training January 22, 2010

2 2 Welcome! Vickie Ansley, NC Child Care Resource & Referral Council and Debra Torrence, NC Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development

3 ECPD Project Flow 3 RPMs CCR&R Council Facilitators Regional Teams DCD Project Coordinators CCR&R Regional Lead Agencies Project Committee & Trainers Institute

4 Project Team Introductions Lead Agency Directors Project Coordinators Facilitators Project Trainers

5 5 Agenda & Activities 9:30 am Registration & Materials 10 am Opening & Introductions Project details & roles 12:30 pmLunch break 1:00 pmRole Group Work 3:00 pm Rejoin into large group, reflection & wrap up day 3:30 pm Adjourn

6 66 Project Introduction & Vision Dr. Deborah J. Cassidy Director NC Division of Child Development Katherine S. Shepherd Workforce Standards Section Chief NC Division of Child Development

7 Connection to Smart Start  Smart Investing Forums  PBIS as a driver for change  Currently funded Smart Start activities

8 Smart Investing: Communities Thrive When Children Thrive Discussion at Forums: What do North Carolinians want for their children? Every day, individuals, communities, and government make choices about how to invest resources in young children. Are these choices consistent with the priorities of North Carolinians? What priorities should guide these choices? (For example, quantity vs. quality in child care; no child should be hungry; etc.)

9 Smart Investing: Communities Thrive When Children Thrive Purpose of Summits: What are the priorities that should guide our investment in children? Summits will narrow down the list of priorities identified at the forums. Participants (including those representing every sector of the early childhood system) will identify how they will act upon these priorities.

10 Smart Investing: Communities Thrive When Children Thrive What will be produced?  A set of identified priorities, by region, that can be presented to policy makers and the public at large.  An increased awareness and understanding for delegates about issues associated with early childhood development.  Ways for the delegates to support the implementation of the desired policy OUTCOMES. Smart Investing Website:

11 Performance-Based Incentive System (PBIS) – A driver for change Smart Start’s accountability system Document progress toward fulfilling Smart Start’s vision at the state level and for each local partnership Source of objective data to  Develop targeted technical assistance  Garner resources  Guide state and local planning efforts  Allocate resources

12 Lead Teacher Education – Minimum Standard (EDU10)

13 Lead Teacher Education – High Performing Standard (EDU10)

14 Administrator Education – Minimum Standard (EDU20)

15 Administrator Education – High Performing Standard (EDU20)

16 Family Child Care Provider Education Minimum Standard (EDU20)

17 Family Child Care Provider Education High Performing Standard (EDU20)

18 Smart Start Activities that Address PBIS Criteria Include:  Child care workforce needs assessment  Professional Development Coordinators  Non-traditional community college courses  Substitute or child care cost reimbursement  WAGE$ or local salary supplement  Education bonuses  Textbook lending library  Resource center with computers  Tutoring – study skills, computer skills, etc  Support for Center Directors  Recognition events

19 Smart Start Virtual Conference - SAVE THE DATE - February 18, 2010 11:00 am – 6:00 pm (EST) Featured Keynote: Joan Lombardi Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children & Families Topics for the Virtual Conference will include: Using data Building quality measures Supporting family engagement Professional development

20 For More Information North Carolina Partnership for Children, Inc. Jani Kozlowski, Early Education Consultant (919) 821-9581

21 Professional Development System A comprehensive system of preparation and ongoing development and support for all early childhood professionals working with and on behalf of children. An integrated system crosses sectors serving early education professionals working in direct and non- direct service roles


23 Professional Development Regional Planning What do we need to do? (Content) Scan Identify Strengths, Limits and Gaps Set Goals/Plan Strategies Collaboration & Funding Check Principles Next Steps How do we need to do it? (Process) Authentic dialogue Strengthen the team Check Principles/Agreements Monitor Agreements On-going Evaluation

24 Key Focus Area of the Plan  Access  Continuing Education  Professional Standards  Compensation  Planning & Coordination

25 The following guiding principles/values are provided to assist teams in reflecting on the impact of the goals and strategies outlined in their regional action plan. Before deciding on a goal team members should reflect on the goal by asking... Does this policy, program or practice... - increase integration among sectors/agencies? - improve quality? - support diversity, inclusion and access? - increase workforce compensation? - use resources creatively and effectively? - allow us to assess the impact -- qualitatively & quantitatively - require outreach to assure the population to be served in aware of it and resources to support it? NC ECPD Regional Action Plan Guiding Principles

26 Process Goal: Engage in authentic dialogue, discovery and relationship building to create a plan that reflects the values, goals, perspectives and experiences of the team and the early childhood community. Process Principles:  Authentic dialogue and relationship building requires a sense of “confident humility” – we bring wisdom and we have more to learn.  All perspectives inform the process and the outcomes.  Diversity in communication and engagement are encouraged and invited.  Discussions are grounded in "what we know" using multiple sources and types of evidence/data.  Build on "what's working" and explore new ways of thinking about professional development. Process Agreements: Listen carefully – "sit on the edge of your seat" "lean in" Honor and share time – step up, hold back Refrain from sidebar conversations. Be curious - ask questions/don't assume. Be intentional about learning – "do your homework". Have the difficult conversations. Team Process Principles & Agreements

27 Pre-Meeting Ideas  Develop Participant Contact List  Create a Calendar of Meeting Dates and Locations  Identify Current Activities by County  Encourage Participants to read NAEYC Blueprint or View Webinars

28 Meeting 1 Objectives  Clarify Roles and Process  Review Principals and Values  Develop Team Spirit  Awareness of Activities in Region  Identify Strengths/Gaps/Limitations

29 Meeting 2 Objectives  Complete Regional Scan  Work on developing strategies and goals

30 Meeting 3 Objectives  Prioritize Goals and Strategies  Compare goals and strategies to project principles and values

31 Meeting 4 Objectives  Complete Action Plan Document  Develop recommendations to be submitted for inclusion in state plan  Set date for regional review of final plan document  Next steps – regional

32 Regional Process  Scan  Identify Strengths, Limits and Gaps  Goals/Strategies  Collaboration and Funding  Next Steps

33 Regional Team Make-Up  Lead CCR&R agencies  Smart Start Partnership (professional development providers/coordinators)  DCD regulatory consultant serving the region  2 and 4 year colleges in the region  Early intervention  Providers and administrators of direct services for children (must include representation reflective of the diversity of both Early Educators and early care and education settings in the region).

34 Roles  Facilitators  Project Coordinators

35 Facilitators Break Out Room Rosemarie Vardell, Katura Jackson & Vickie Ansley  Building on an opportunity  Reflections/Questions on process  Think-Share on effective facilitation strategies  Anticipating facilitation challenges & responses  Supports during the project  Questions & Answers

36 36 Role of Facilitator Plan, guide, and support discussions at the regional level. Tasks:  Attend facilitator training (January 22, 2010)  Work with regional project coordinator to set regional meeting dates  Work with project coordinator to set meeting agendas  Facilitate four regional team meetings  Review and provide feedback on meeting minutes/reports & final report  Submit expense documentation, with a short assessment of the meeting to the contracting Council agency, within two weeks of the meeting  Submit final summary of work in each region to Council/Institute (by August 9, 2010)  Attend final project wrap-up meeting (August 2010)

37 Lead Agency Directors & Project Coordinators Large Room CCR&R Regional Program Managers & Debra Torrence  Building on an opportunity  Review of project implementation, fiscal needs, roles and responsibilities, timeline, documentation, reporting needs  Questions and clarification on team makeup  Idea Exchange  Supports during the project  Questions & Answers

38 Project Implementation  The CCR&R Lead Agency will coordinate, support implementation of meetings, document meeting activities, and create a regional action plan in an electronic format provided by the Institute.  Identify project coordinator  Identify facilitator  Identify stakeholders  Schedule & hold 4 regional team meetings  Submit reports after each meeting  Submit regional ECPD plan 38

39 Role of CCR&R Lead Agencies Contracts with Council management agency to meet the goals and outcomes of the ECPD project. Tasks:  Coordinate and document regional meetings and provide a regional ECPD action plan.  Designate/hire & supervise the Project Coordinator (one point person per region) -- adhering to ARRA specifications (by 12/30/09)  Provide name of facilitator selected by partners (lead agency & 2 or 3 partners from approved list) and submit name to RPM (by 1/7/10)  Identify community representatives to participate in project as defined in the contract  Utilize Council-provided reporting forms  Responsible for timely submission of project reports and FSRs to the designated Council agency 39

40 Roles & Responsibilities of Project Coordinators Coordinate and implement the day-to-day activities of the project and provide critical written information about meetings and regional plan. (Project Coordinator responsibilities should not be split amongst multiple people). Tasks:  Communicates regularly with lead agency  Key point person in each region  Write minutes with input and review by facilitator  Submit electronic regional meeting reports to project reporting site within two weeks of each meeting  Set regional meeting dates (by 2/1/10)  Send out with invitation the appropriate supporting materials  Form a regional team based on project specifications 40

41 Roles & Responsibilities Project Coordinators (con’t) Tasks:  Assure representation/input from each county/required role  Coordinate meetings (secure meeting space, copy materials, order lunch, collect mileage and sign in forms, etc.)  Work with facilitator to develop and disseminate agendas  Communicate with team members (meeting dates, reminders, food needs, minutes, support materials)  Gather and share support materials and input between meetings for team use  Write regional action plan with input from team members  Submit regional action plan electronically to the Institute (by 7/31/10)  Participate in the project wrap-up meeting (August 2010) 41

42 Roles & Responsibilities of Regional Team Members Participate and complete a regional assessment of the key components of the early childhood professional development system. Tasks:  Actively participate in four (4) regional meetings  Gather and share information in between meetings, as needed  Individually, members will provide input from the perspective of their designated role  Collectively provide input from each county’s perspective  Work with project coordinator and facilitator to develop a regional action plan (for submission by 7/31/10)  Submit required expense forms to project coordinator in a timely manner 42

43 Composition of Regional Team Members Regional teams must include representation reflective of the diversity of both educators and early care and school-age settings in the region. Teams will include (up to 30 persons per team):  CCR&R agency (including professional development providers/coordinators)  SS Partnership (including professional development providers/coordinators)  At least one DCD regulatory consultant serving the region – assigned by DCD  Representative sample of a variety of two- and four-year institutions with early childhood departments serving the region  Early intervention expert (0-3 and 3-5)  Representative sample of diverse teachers, family child care providers and/or administrators of early care and school-age programs  NCaeyc representative 43

44 Timeline & Important Dates  January 22, 2010 – Participate in project training  February 1, 2010 – Finalize regional team members and submit to RPMs  February 1, 2010 – Complete scheduling of regional meetings  February - July 2010 – Conduct 4 regional meetings / submit electronic reports no later than two weeks after each meeting  Project Coordinators – Check-In/Conference Calls February 24/8:30 am March 30/10:00 am May 14/10:00 am August 12/10:00 am  July 31, 2010 – Submit regional ECPD action plan 44

45 Documentation & Reporting  Maintain meeting minutes and attendance records  Submit Regional Planning Project Meeting Notes within two weeks of regional meetings  Provide mileage reimbursement form to stakeholders  Project Coordinator/Lead Agency – submit ECPD Plan by July 31 st  Project materials -- 45

46 Fiscal  Submit monthly FSRs – due 10 th calendar day of month  Provide mileage reimbursement to Project Coordinator & stakeholders ---.50 cents per mile  Maintain timesheets/invoices for Project Coordinator  Reimbursement of travel mileage, meals, lodging and other travel expenses may not exceed the rates published in the applicable State rules  Lead Agency – report monthly on number of FTEs and completion status (ARRA guidelines) 46

47 Reflection

48 Thank you!

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