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1 Intro to Genetics Why you gotta be like that.. 2 Gregor Mendel The father of _______ Studied heredity Aka. genetics.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Intro to Genetics Why you gotta be like that.. 2 Gregor Mendel The father of _______ Studied heredity Aka. genetics."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Intro to Genetics Why you gotta be like that.

2 2 Gregor Mendel The father of _______ Studied heredity Aka. genetics

3 3 Heredity What gets passed down to the next __________.

4 4 Mendel-austrian monk Studied ______ Monastary garden Watched plants and how they _________

5 5 terms _____ pollination ______ pollination ________ & Hybrid traits

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9 Genes & Dominance Genes control _____ Different forms of genes are _____ Ex. Seed color, ___ color, seed ______, pod shape p.184

10 10 __________ One allele _____ over another ______ eyes vs. blue

11 11 How to show dominance Ear lobes attatched L- _________ (free) l- ________ (attatched) Dominant shows

12 12 Dominance described ______ and ________ LL, __, ll each has its phenotypic characteristic

13 13 How to figure out what the next generation will look like. Law of __________ assortment _________ squares

14 14 P generation & F 1 _=parents _ 1 =first _______

15 15 LL l l L L L L ll l l F 1 Purebred cross

16 16 F 1 ______ cross Ll L l L L l l L L l l

17 17 Offspring ratios Purebred ratio cross Genotype= Phenotype=

18 18 Genotypes= Ll=100% LL l l L L L L ll l l

19 19 Phenotypes = Ll = 100% LL l l L L L L ll l l

20 20 Offspring ratios Hybrid ratio cross Genotype= Phenotype=

21 21 Genotypes LL=25% Ll L l L L l l L L l l Ll= 50% ll=25%

22 22 Phenotypes- Free=75% Ll L l L L l l L L l l Attatched= 25%

23 23 ___________ NN nn ___________ Nn

24 24 2 Factor crosses

25 25 Mendel’s basics Factors controlling heredity are ____ Genes may be ________ or recessive

26 26 Genes are _____ in sex cells Genes assort __________

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