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Organic Molecules Pre-Lab: Reagents

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Presentation on theme: "Organic Molecules Pre-Lab: Reagents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organic Molecules Pre-Lab: Reagents
What is a reagent? What simple sugars does Benedict’s Reagent test for? How can Benedict’s reagent be used to determine if a person potentially has diabetes?

2 Organic Molecules Pre-Lab: Starch
What is starch? Where is starch found? What happens to starch in our bodies after we eat it? What in the starch is responsible for the coloring when it comes into contact with Iodine-KI reagent?

3 Organic Molecules Pre-Lab: Protein
What is Biuret’s reagent made from? What is the principle of the Biuret Test? What is it used to test for in the medical field?

4 Organic Molecules Pre-Lab: Lipids
Lipids: Sudan IV is a dye that will dissolve in fats. It will not dissolve in carbohydrates or proteins. Sudan IV will change the color of a fat. What color will Sudan IV change in the presence of fat? Predict what will happen if Sudan IV is dropped into a test tube of water mixed with whole peanuts. Explain.

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