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Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Exploring eHealth within the pre-registration Curricula of NMAHPs Heather Strachan,

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Exploring eHealth within the pre-registration Curricula of NMAHPs Heather Strachan,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Exploring eHealth within the pre-registration Curricula of NMAHPs Heather Strachan, eHealth Clinical Lead (NMAHPs) eHealth Directorate, Scottish Government and Helen McFarlane, Allied Health Professions Programme Director, NHS Education for Scotland

2 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Contents Background Stage one results Stage two objectives Project Governance Defining terms Method Potential Limitation and their mitigation Discussion Early Recommendation areas

3 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Background 1. pre registration nursing, midwifery and AHP curricula should reflect the eHealth agenda” 2. Post registration education development opportunities in ICT for NMAHPs should be reviewed 3. NMAHP should be appropriately trained and equipped to use eHealth for recoding and using information to improve the patient experience and health outcomes Scottish Executive (2002) Delivering Care, enabling health – Harnessing the nursing, midwifery and AHP contribution to implementing Delivering for Health “Build NMAHP eHealth capabilities through education and development” National eHealth Programme (2007) The NMAHP contribution to realising benefits of the National eHealth Programme “enable the assessment, integration and delivery of eHealth capability for NMAHPs to meet both current and projected future educational requirements for NMAHPs in order to meet patients needs for health services in NHS Scotland” National eHealth Programme (2008) Enabling eHealth – a capability framework and delivery plan for NMAHP Education

4 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Stage One NMAHP eHealth Education Framework

5 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Stage Two Exploring eHealth within the pre-registration Curricula of NMAHPs Objectives Demonstrate how eHealth is delivered within curricula, identifying examples of good practice and gaps in both provision and regulator expectations. Make recommendations which support education providers, planners, commissioners and enable individual practitioners to meet eHealth learning / training needs, requirements and standards;

6 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Project Governance Project organisation and reporting structures: NMAHP eHealth Programme Board NMAHP eHealth Education Project Board/ NES Steering Group SHANAHP NMAHP eHealth Education Project team

7 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals About NHS Education for Scotland Born on 1st April 2002 “To contribute to the highest quality of healthcare in NHS Scotland by promoting best practice in the education and lifelong learning of all its staff.” Design, Commission, Assure and, where appropriate, Provide educational solutions for workforce development to ensure improved patient care

8 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals 1.Arts therapists including art, drama and music therapies 2.Dieticians 3.Occupational therapists 4.Orthoptists 5.Physiotherapists 6.Podiatrists 7.Orthotists and Prosthetists 8.Therapeutic and Diagnostic Radiographers 9.Speech and Language Therapists

9 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals SHANAHP Scottish Academic Heads of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions – Chair: Frank Crossan. Identified as key partner in leading work and in implementing emergent recommendations. Avoided need for competitive tender process. Risk of AHP academic programmes not all involved.

10 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals eHealth Definition Use of information and communication technology to support healthcare delivery. Includes: Using Internet to access health information Teleconferencing, videoconferencing, to support education and clinical networks Visiting the NHS online eLibrary to access to literature and information; The use of handheld technologies such as mobile phones and portable devices to record, view and communicate clinical data; Electronic communication via email or wireless messaging devices; Interfacing with telehealth applications to monitor, consult, diagnose, or treat remotely; Building, maintaining and managing electronic patient records; Using software applications to support the management of health service resources, and Interacting with electronic clinical decision support systems.

11 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Method Literature Review – Thematic Analysis Online Quantities Survey Questionnaire Seven LtMHI Learning Outcomes Barriers, Enablers and Good Practice Bristol Online Survey available for 6 Weeks Semi Structured interviews Telephone and face to face Further clarification Detail of good practice to be shared Sample and Response 12 Higher education Institutions Programme Leads identified as respondents

12 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Framework used was Learning to Manage Health Information– a theme for clinical education; Making a difference Protection of Individuals & Organisations Data, Information & Knowledge Communication & Information Transfer Health & Care Records The Language of Health: Clinical Coding & Terminology Clinical Systems & Applications eHealth: the Future Direction of Clinical Care

13 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Literature Review – Key Barriers Lack of Understanding of Health Informatics Lack of champions/trained staff within clinical schools Crowded curricula Focus on IT skills not Health Informatics To many competing directives, checklists, and gold standards Lack of buy in from educational institutions Inadequate liaison between education providers and employers Uncertainly over who is ultimately leading or overseeing Health Informatics Education Students denied access to live clinical systems Lack of guidance and support from Health Informatics Research Groups (Murphy 2004)

14 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Potential Limitations and their Mitigation Potential Limitations Range of programmes in each institution and complex curricula Limited AHP participation or representation on SHANAHP Confusing eHealth and eLearning Potential low response rate Difficulty in identifying or collecting examples of good practice Mitigation activities Communication strategies SHANAHP involvement One survey form per programme Contact with other AHP programmes leads Defining eHealth with examples Mix method to collect data – qualitative and quantative

15 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Discussion Demystifying eHealth Making eHealth explicit vs. ubiquitous Supporting authenticate learning Education for Educators Basic IT skills pre-requisite or supported How to stay one step ahead of the future

16 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Early Recommendations Areas Developing Awareness

17 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Early Recommendations Areas Shared Learning

18 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Early Recommendations Areas Access to eHealth Environments

19 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Early Recommendations Areas Incorporation of LtMHI Themes into Curricula

20 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals Early Recommendations Areas Embedding ICT Skills

21 Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Allied Health Professionals The Future is Here

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