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Lecture 1 Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus.

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1 Lecture 1 Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus


3 Unary Relational Operations ► SELECT Operation  To select the EMPLOYEE tuples whose department number is four  DNO = 4 (EMPLOYEE)  To select the EMPLOYEE tuples whose salary is greater than $30,000  SALARY > 30,000 (EMPLOYEE)

4 Unary Relational Operations ► PROJECT Operation  To list each employee’s first and last name and salary, the following is used   LNAME, FNAME,SALARY (EMPLOYEE)

5 Select employees in dep. 4 with salaries exceeding 25000 or in dep. 5 with salaries exceeding 30000 Show the full name and salary of every employee. Show the gender and salary of every employee. Select the gender and salary of all employees in dep. 4 with salaries exceeding 25000 or in dep. 5 with salaries exceeding 30000


7 Unary Relational Operations ► To retrieve the first name, last name, and salary of all employees who work in department 5, we must apply select and project operations.  We can write a single relational algebra expression as follows: ►  FNAME, LNAME, SALARY (  DNO=5 (EMPLOYEE))  OR We can explicitly show the sequence of operations, giving a name to each intermediate relation: ► TEMP   DNO=5 (EMPLOYEE) ► R   FNAME, LNAME, SALARY (TEMP)


9 Slide 6- 9

10 Operations From Set Theorys ► CARTESIAN (or cross product) Operation  Find the cross product between female employees (Fname, LName and SSN) and dependents ► FEMALE_EMPS   SEX=’F’ (EMPLOYEE) ► EMPNAMES   FNAME, LNAME,SSN (FEMALE_EMPS) ► EMP_DEPENDENTS  EMPNAMES x DEPENDENT

11 To get employees’ dependant s, SSNs must match The rest are spurious

12 ► Retrieve the manager of each department  we need to combine each DEPARTMENT tuple with the EMPLOYEE tuple whose SSN value matches the MGRSSN value in the department tuple  We do this by using the join operation ► DEPT_MGR  DEPARTMENT MGRSSN=SSN EMPLOYEE Binary Relational Operations

13 ► Get the locations of every department  DEPT_LOCS  DEPARTMENT DEPT_LOCATIONS DNUMBER=DNUMBER

14 Examples of Relational Algebra Queries Q1: Retrieve the names and addresses of all employees who work for the ‘Research’ department RESEARCH_DEPT   DNAME=‘Research’ (DEPARTMENT) RESEARCH_EMPS  (RESEARCH_DEPT DNUMBER= DNOEMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE) RESULT   FNAME, LNAME, ADDRESS (RESEARCH_EMPS) Q2: For every project located in ‘Stafford’, list the project number and the controlling department name STAFFORD_PROJS   PLOCATION=‘STAFFORD’ (PROJECT) CONTR_DEPT  (STAFFORD_PROJS DNUM=DNUMBER DEPARTMENT) RESULT   PNUMBER, DNAME (RESEARCH_EMPS)

15 Examples of Relational Algebra Queries Q3: For every project located in ‘Stafford’, list the project number, the controlling department name and the department manager’s last name, address and birth date STAFFORD_PROJS   PLOCATION=‘STAFFORD’ (PROJECT) CONTR_DEPT  (STAFFORD_PROJS DNUM=DNUMBER DEPARTMENT) PROJ_DEPT_MGR  (CONTR_DEPT MGRSSN=SSN EMPLOYEE) RESULT   PNUMBER, DNAME,LNAME, ADDRESS, BDATE (RESEARCH_EMPS)



18 Examples of Relational Algebra Queries Q4: Find the names of employees who work on ALL projects controlled by department number 5 DEPT5_PROJS(PNO)   PNUMBER (  DNUM=5 (PROJECT)) EMP_PROJ(SSN, PNO)   ESSN, PNO (WORKS_ON) RESULT_EMP_SSNS  EMP_PROJ ÷ DEPT5_PROJS RESULT   FNAME, LNAME (RESULT_EMP_SSNS ESSN = SSN EMPLOYEE) Q5:Make a list of project numbers for projects that involve an employee whose last name is ‘Smith’ either as a worker or as a manager of the department that controls the project SMITHS   SSN (  LNAME=‘Smith’ (EMPLOYEE)) SMITH_WORKER_PROJ   PNO (WORKS_ON ESSN = SSN SMITHS) MGRS   LNAME, DNUMBER (EMPLOYEE SSN=MGRSSN DEPARTMENT) SMITH_MANAGED_DEPTS (DNUM)   DNUMBER (  LNAME=‘Smith’ (MGRS)) SMITH_MANAGED_PROJS (PNO)   PNUMBER (SMITH_MANAGED_DEPTS DNUMBER =DNUM PROJECT) RESULT  (SMITH_WORKER_PROJS  SMITH_MGR_PROJS)

19 ► Use of the Functional operator ℱ (script f)  ℱ FUNCTION ATTRIBUTE (R) ► ℱ MAX Salary (Employee) retrieves the maximum salary value from Employee ► ℱ MIN Salary (Employee) retrieves the minimum Salary value from Employee ► ℱ SUM Salary (Employee) retrieves the sum of the Salary from Employee  Sometimes we want to get aggregate functions over groups of tuples (e.g. for all employees in every department separately) ► GROUPING_ATTRIBUTES ℱ FUNCTION ATTRIBUTE (R)  DNO ℱ COUNT SSN, AVERAGE Salary (Employee) groups employees by DNO (department number) and computes the count of employees and average salary per department Additional Relational Operations

20 R (DNO, NO_OF_EMPLOYEES, AVERAGE_SAL )  ( DNO ℱ COUNT SSN, AVERAGE Salary (Employee)) DNO ℱ COUNT SSN, AVERAGE Salary (Employee) If no names are specified for aggregates: FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE ℱ COUNT SSN, AVERAGE Salary (Employee) Get the number of employees in the company and the average salary of an employee Get the number of employees and the average salary in each department Default Names

21 Examples of Relational Algebra Queries ► Q6: List the names of all employees with two or more dependents  T1(SSN, NO_OF_DEPTS)  ESSN ℱ Count DEPENDENT_NAME (DEPENDENT)  T2   NO_OF_DEPS >=2 (T1)  RESULT   LNAME, FNAME (T2 SSN=SSN EMPLOYEE) ► Q7: Retrieve the names of employees who have no dependents  ALL_EMPS   SSN (EMPLOYEE)  EMPS_WITH_DEPS ( SSN )   ESSN ( DEPENDENT )  EMPS_WITHOUT_DEPS  (ALL_EMPS - EMPS_WITH_DEPS)  RESULT   LNAME, FNAME (EMPS_WITHOUT_DEPS SSN=SSN EMPLOYEE)



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