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2T’s Healthy ABCs By Rami By 2T Pocantico Hills School March 2008.

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1 2T’s Healthy ABCs By Rami By 2T Pocantico Hills School March 2008

2 A A is for apple. It is in the Fruit Group. I like to eat them when they are cut into pieces. By Julijana

3 B B is for broccoli. Broccoli is in the Vegetable Group. I like to eat it with chicken. By Kyle

4 C C is for cheese. Cheese is a dairy treat. I like cheese very much. By Tomas

5 D D is for duck. Duck is in the Meat & Bean Group. It gives you protein. I like to eat duck with duck sauce. By Alex S.

6 E E is for eggs. They are in the Meat and Beans Group. I like to eat them for breakfast. By Adrianna

7 F F is for fish. Fish is part of the Meat & Bean Group. Fish gives you protein. By Jack

8 G G is for grape. Grapes are in the Fruit Group. The kind of grapes I like are green grapes. by Emma

9 H H is for ham. Ham is a part of the Meat and Beans Group. I just eat it regular. By Emma

10 I I is for ice cream. It has a lot of fat. Try low fat yogurt instead. By Michael

11 J J is for jackfruit. It grows in India. It is a wild fruit. It tastes like a tangerine. By Justin & Michael

12 K K is for kiwi. Kiwi is a fruit. I like to eat it with peanut butter and a glass of milk. By Matthew

13 L L is for lemon. They are in the Fruit Group. I like to eat them cut up. By Alex L.

14 M M is for milk. Milk is in the Milk Group. It gives you calcium. By Michael

15 N N is for nuts. We like nuts because they make peanut butter and that is also in the Meat and Beans Group. By Erik and Matthew

16 O O is for oranges. They are in the Fruit Group. I like to peel oranges when I eat them. By Jack

17 P P is for pineapple and pear. They are in the Fruit Group of the Food Pyramid. By Danaiya

18 Q Q is for quinoa. Its seeds are like white rice. Quinoa is a food that we have never tasted before. By Alex L. and Shirin

19 R R is for rice. Rice is in the Grain Group. I like rice with chicken and broccoli. By Rami ☺♥♣♦ ◘○☻♠

20 S S is for strawberry. It is a fruit. I like to eat strawberries with sugar. A strawberry has seeds on the outside. By Shirin

21 T T is for tomatoes. T is for Travis, too. He loves to eat tomatoes. Scientifically speaking, tomatoes are a fruit. By Travis

22 U U is for ugli fruit. Ugli fruit grows in Jamaica. It is a combination of grapefruit and tangerine. By Travis

23 V V is for vegetables. Vegetables are healthy for your heart. They make you strong. By Erik

24 w W is for watermelon. Watermelon is in the Fruit Group. It has seeds. I like to spit watermelon seeds. By Casandra

25 X We couldn’t come up with anything that began with X. E-mail us if you know of something.

26 Y Y is for yogurt. Yogurt makes your bones strong because it has calcium. Yogurt is good frozen. By Justin

27 Z Z is for zucchini. Zucchini is really a fruit but most people think it is a vegetable. By Casandra

28 The End By Danaiya

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