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Presented by Kathy & Al Miller. $15,800,000,000,000  Buyer Seller 

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Kathy & Al Miller. $15,800,000,000,000  Buyer Seller "— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Kathy & Al Miller


3 $15,800,000,000,000  Buyer Seller 

4 $15,800,000,000,000$43,000,000,000  Buyer Seller  EVERY DAY!

5 We are wanting a piece of that $43,000,000,000  Buyer Seller 

6 That’s a Lot of Selling! TVRadio BillboardsMagazines Newspapers Everybody is Selling - Something! Internet Brochures Pamphlets EVERY DAY! Advertising on Buses Rolling Billboards Cars wrapped in Advertising Advertising on Trucks

7 People are in Selling Mode more hours

8 In Buying mode a few hours per week

9 People are in Selling Mode more hours In Buying mode a few hours per week Most of the Time in Idle Mode

10 People are in Selling Mode more hours In Buying mode a few hours per week Most of the Time in Idle Mode CONSUMING! IDOL/CONSUMING!


12 We are looking for are BUYERS!

13 When we walk into a business

14 We are looking for are BUYERS! When we walk into a business Those folks are looking for BUYERS, too!

15 We are looking for are BUYERS! When we walk into a business Those folks are looking for BUYERS, too! They are in a SELLING mode!


17 Our task is to make it as easy as possible for advertisers to see this will work for them! To bring BUYERs to their business

18 The minute we first make contact with the person who can make the decision to BUY an Ad

19 An invisible clock starts ticking!

20 The minute we first make contact with the person who can make the decision to BUY an Ad We are interrupting their SELLING

21 We are on probation, so to speak,

22 You are on probation, so to speak, By not telling us to leave,

23 You are on probation, so to speak, By not telling us to leave, They are letting us SELL them! They are willing to hear our message! So, give our message as quickly and to the point, as possible That’s GOOD!

24 Using ONLY our words, And our gestures !

25 What obstacles do we have to get past to make it easy for them to switch to BUYING mode?

26 Advertisers PERCEPTIONS

27 Of entity we are selling

28 Advertisers PERCEPTIONS Of entity we are selling Of getting business from the ad

29 Advertisers PERCEPTIONS Of entity we are selling Of getting business from the ad Of his situation

30 Advertisers PERCEPTIONS Of entity we are selling Of getting business from the ad Of his situation Of US

31 Advertisers PERCEPTIONS Of entity we are selling Of getting business from the ad Of his situation Of US

32 Non-verbal Body Language Verbal Tone & Language 55% 33% 12%

33 Non-verbal/Body Language 55% of the Advertisers decision Has Nothing to do with What we say OR… HOW we say it!

34 Non-verbal/Body Language Over half of his decision to buy from us is… …about HOW we LOOKED to the advertiser, when we walk in!

35 That means: If we flub the Non-verbal/Body Language our chances of getting the ad are cut In half!

36 Non-verbal Body Language Verbal Tone & Language 55% 33% 12%

37 Non-verbal/Body Language Wear clothes similar to the ones you see them wearing!

38 Non-verbal/Body Language Wear clothes similar to the ones you see them wearing! Do what you can to minimize any negative perceptions

39 Non-verbal/Body Language Always have a pleasant look on your face

40 Non-verbal Body Language Verbal Tone & Language 55% 33% 12%

41 Verbal Tone & Language 33% of the Advertisers decision Has Nothing to do with What we say! It has to do with HOW we say it!

42 Verbal Tone & Language I like to speak in a friendly, Straightforward “business like” tone

43 Verbal Tone & Language Try to adopt their speech patterns

44 Verbal Tone & Language I work to make them feel more comfortable with me

45 Verbal Tone & Language The more you sound like them The more likely they are to buy from you!

46 Non-verbal Body Language Verbal Tone & Language 55% 33% 12% 88%



49 Maintain a Positive Attitude, In the Face of a Negative Outcome!

50 We KNOW we are going to get more No’s Than YES’s! Maintain that Positive Attitude! We have to

51 BE POSITIVE That there are buyers out there, It could HAPPEN! we just have to go FIND them!

52 What are the numbers? We wanted to make Century Club? Gross Sales: $2,084 per week MIN $416.67 per day!!! Compared to: $43,000,000,000 That’s Teeny TINY! It’s a NUMBERS GAME

53 $417 per day!!! How many ads is that per day? 1 full panel Ad per day!

54 The numbers for that goal are:

55 Sell $417 per day

56 The numbers for that goal are: Sell $417 per day Sell $2,084 per Week

57 The numbers for that goal are: Sell $417 per day Sell $2,084 per Week 48 weeks!

58 The numbers for that goal are: Sell $417 per day Sell $2,084 per Week 48 weeks! Century Club!

59 We had 17 jobs 3 didn’t make print! 2 barely made print! We needed $35,000 more! In 2011…

60 We needed few more ads sold And a few more parks!

61 ~1 Full Panel per day to make Century Club! ~1 full and 1 half ad per day to make Platinum Club! What would it take to make Platinum Club?

62 The numbers for that goal are: Sell $625 per day

63 The numbers for that goal are: Sell $625 per day Sell $3,125 per Week

64 The numbers for that goal are: Sell $625 per day Sell $3,125 per Week 48 weeks!

65 The numbers for that goal are: Sell $625 per day Sell $3,125 per Week 48 weeks! Platinum Club!

66 How do we do THAT?!?

67 The short cut would be: Get 10 - $15,000 jobs! OR… Turn all our current jobs into $15,000 jobs!

68 NOT all jobs are equal! NOT all jobs can be $15,000+ jobs! $5,000 jobs $6,000 jobs $8,000 jobs $10,000 jobs $20,000+ jobs

69 What we did was: examine our current book of jobs And looked for the best way to raise weekly sales

70 NOT all jobs are equal!

71 Working a job for the first time

72 NOT all jobs are equal! Working a job for the first time is NOT the same as working a renewal!

73 NOT all jobs are equal! It is best to work a job at LEAST 2 years

74 NOT all jobs are equal! It is best to work a job at LEAST 2 years You will do better than your first year!

75 NOT all jobs are equal! Our jobs: $2,400 to $7,000 We had to build our book Of jobs!

76 We had holes in our schedule that we had to fill

77 So went out looking for new jobs to line

78 We had holes in our schedule that we had to fill We had to improve sales on our parks

79 We evaluated each of our current jobs:

80 We evaluated each of our current jobs: What was each job’s POTENTIAL 

81 We evaluated each of our current jobs: What was each job’s POTENTIAL  What were the Numbers?  How many new ads needed? How many POTENTIAL new advertisers are there? How many CALLS to make to get a SALE!

82 MY HIT RATIO AVERAGE: 1 YES in 4 NEW CALLS! It’s a range: 2 to 11+

83 Potential new advertisers  What were the Numbers?  6 ads x 4 = 24 New CALLS Are there that many left to call on? 6 ads x 7 = 42 New CALLS

84 New jobs that we have Never worked before The strategy is different I evaluate it with a 10 to 1 New Call ratio That’s 16 CALLS per day! And hope for FEWER calls!

85 This is where Maintain a positive attitude, In the face of a negative outcome! I PLAN for 10 calls per sale But hope for 2 calls per sale!

86 Potential new advertisers  What are the Numbers?  What Kind of businesses?

87 Not all potentials are equal: TIER 1 = all businesses that are RV related TIER 2 = auto repair, pet related, auto glass, attractions, auto rentals, muffler shops, some restaurants, etc. TIER 3 = restaurants in general, doctors, dentists, pharmacies, chiropractors, chambers, cities, hospitals, etc. 2 to 1 4+ to 1 7+ to 1

88 Some jobs had Potential new ads Others did not! Here is what we did:

89  We changed 7 of our jobs to one week each

90  We changed 7 of our jobs to one week each  We changed 5 jobs to 7 BD each

91  We changed 7 of our jobs to one week each We changed 5 others to 7 day jobs  We put 2 jobs in the tank to cut down excess driving

92  We changed 7 of our $2,900 jobs to one week each  We changed 5 others to 7 day jobs  We put 2 jobs in the tank to cut down excess driving  We picked up 2 jobs from the tank close to work we already did to push up weekly gross above $3,125

93  We lined 11 new parks:

94  2 were super good $12,000 & $23,000!

95  We lined 11 new parks: 2 were super good $12,000 & $23,000!  2 were $2,900 range

96  We lined 11 new parks:  2 were super good $12,000 & $23,000!  2 were $2,900 range  One we combined with one we did Pushing Gross from $7,000 to $10,000 for the same two weeks

97  We lined 11 new parks:  2 were super good $12,000 & $23,000!  2 were $2,900 range One we combined with one we did to improve gross and commission for the same two weeks  Our weekly gross is now $3,234 per week!

98 Work a job at least two years to get a real feel for the area.

99 Work a job at least two years to get a real feel for the area. if you have24 jobs, and you sell 1 $419 ad on each = +$10,000 That’s $6,500 more in Your pocket

100 Work a job at least two years to get a real feel for the area. 1 ad added to 24 jobs = +$10,000! We have a job that grossed $3,754 the first year - $5,724 this year

101 Work a job at least two years to get a real feel for the area. 1 ad added to 24 jobs = +$10,000! We had a job we that grossed $3,754 last year - $5,724 this year We worked it with another job this year – gross on both improved

102 We’ve talked about the selling & goals Now let’s talk about the “how to”

103 K I S S

104 Keep Careful Records

105 K I S S Keep Careful Records we use index cards, spreadsheets & forms


107 K I S S Keep Careful Records Internet, Internet, Internet,…

108 K I S S Keep Careful Records Internet, Internet, Internet,… Times have changed

109 K I S S Keep Careful Records Internet, Internet, Internet,… Times have changed Make use of technology Before arriving at the park search for websites Chamber of Commerce Any tourism websites

110 K I S S Keep Careful Records Internet, Internet, Internet,… Times have changed Make use of technology Before arriving at the park e-mail long lead time advertisers download advertiser agreements and ad copy layout form


112 K I S S Keep Careful Records Internet, Internet, Internet,… Times have changed Make use of technology After arriving at the park continue to use the internet e-mail “cold calls” e-kits to potential advertisers

113 K I S S Keep Careful Records Internet, Internet, Internet,… Spend Time With Your Hosts

114 K I S S Keep Careful Records Internet, Internet, Internet,… Spend Time With Your Hosts Improve ad sales

115 K I S S Keep Careful Records Internet, Internet, Internet,… Spend Time With Your Hosts Improve ad sales Strengthen loyalty

116 K I S S Keep Careful Records Internet, Internet, Internet,… Spend Time With Your Hosts Spend Some Time Having Fun

117 K I S S Keep Careful Records Internet, Internet, Internet,… Spend Time With Your Hosts Spend Some Time Having Fun Good for the psyche

118 K I S S Keep Careful Records Internet, Internet, Internet,… Spend Time With Your Hosts Spend Some Time Having Fun Good for the psyche Can be a source of additional advertisers

119 Wrapping up

120 We know there is $43,000,000,000  Buyer Seller  EVERY DAY!

121 That’s $1.8 BILLION  Buyer Seller  EVERY HOUR!

122 We learned: Our Hook

123 We learned: Advertiser PERCEPTIONS Do affect ad sales!

124 We Learned how we can make Non-verbal Body Language Verbal Tone & Language WORK FOR US

125 We Learned WE MUST Maintain a Positive attitude In the face of a negative outcome

126 We Learned It’s a numbers game There are POTENTIAL advertisers out there We are going to get NO’s Just go to another until you get that …

127 YES!

128 We Learned Organization and preplanning Can help us improve Ad Sales

129 We know that it is going to take some work to meet our goals And we will get more NO’s than YES’s So…

130 We just Need to work SMARTER! Not harder!

131 If we need encouragement along the way, Remember these ….

132 Words of Wisdom from: Our Dear Friend & MENTOR Southeast’s Jedi Master: Wayne Morris

133 We will DO today, what others won’t So, we can have tomorrow, what others don’t!


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