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Unexplained phenomena and events. The largest of Jars is located at Site One. It is approximately 3.5m high and weighs an estimated 14 tonnes. Located.

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Presentation on theme: "Unexplained phenomena and events. The largest of Jars is located at Site One. It is approximately 3.5m high and weighs an estimated 14 tonnes. Located."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unexplained phenomena and events



4 The largest of Jars is located at Site One. It is approximately 3.5m high and weighs an estimated 14 tonnes. Located in the Lao Highlands, a remarkable archaeological site known as the Plain of Jars has been estimated to be 2000years old.

5 Unexplained phenomena and events


7 Do you believe in ghosts? In films or TV programmes, there are many characters with magical powers. Do you think it is possible for people to have these powers in real life? If you had super powers, what would you do? Do you read the horoscopes? Do you believe what horoscopes say? Do you believe in predestinations? Do you believe in life after death?

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