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Methodology Student Course Performance with Objectives Based Assessment Todd A Zimmerman, Gabriel Hanna - University of Wisconsin-Stout Question: Does.

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Presentation on theme: "Methodology Student Course Performance with Objectives Based Assessment Todd A Zimmerman, Gabriel Hanna - University of Wisconsin-Stout Question: Does."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methodology Student Course Performance with Objectives Based Assessment Todd A Zimmerman, Gabriel Hanna - University of Wisconsin-Stout Question: Does an learning objectives based grading system produce different student performance than a points based grading system? Learning Objectives Based Assessment (LOBA) is a grading paradigm, based on Standards Referenced Grading, where student grades are based on demonstrating proficiency of key learning objectives. Students in a LOBA course are given a list of the learning objectives they must demonstrate proficiency on and are given weekly assessments (quizzes) to show their proficiency. A student that has not mastered a learning objective is allowed to reassess as often as needed to master a learning objective. Their final course grade is determined by the number of learning objectives they have demonstrated proficiency on. The benefits of LOBA are: 1)Students know what skills and concepts they must study. 2)Students can learn from their mistakes without any penalty. 3)Students have a stronger incentive to make use of feedback from instructor. 4)More frequent assessment leads to better student outcomes 2. Students are held accountable for demonstrating understanding on the learning objectives in the hopes that they will be more motivated to make take a more active role in their education and to make use of instructor feedback to help master the material. Introduction 1) Marzano, Robert J. Formative assessment & standards-based grading. Solution Tree, 2010. 2) Bangert-Drowns, Robert L., James A. Kulik, and Chen-Lin C. Kulik. "Effects of frequent classroom testing." The Journal of Educational Research 85.2 (1991): 89-99. Thanks to OPID Wisconsin Teaching Fellows and Scholars program and UW-Stout Provost’s office for financial support Conclusions Four sections of University Physics I where split into a control group (points based) and a LOBA group. All lecture sections taught by same instructor Different lab/discussion instructors but all activities dictated by lead instructor During assessment days, points based class did group problem solving on related problems. Common midterm and final given to both groups Force Concept Inventory (FCI) – a 30 question conceptual survey on topics related to Newton’s Laws and Kinematics Given pre- and post-instruction Study habit survey given after midterm and final exams Data analysis: Comparison of FCI scores Comparison of study habit survey results Comparison of exam problem solving skills (in progress). Results - Survey 1) Time spent on reworking problems from exams/ assessments you already took P value = 0.0063 Points (N=31) LOBA (N=35) (1) More than 3 hours54 (2) From 2 to 3 hours07 (3) From 1 to 2 hours410 (4) Less than an hour166 (5)Did not use68 Mean =3.583.20 References 2) Time spent on looking at solutions to practice assessments/exams (without working through the problems) P value =.00032 Points (N=31) LOBA (N=35) (1) More than 3 hours05 (2) From 2 to 3 hours85 (3) From 1 to 2 hours135 (4) Less than an hour114 (5)Did not use96 Mean =3.353.31 3) Time spent on reading the list of topics/learning objectives that will be on the assessment/exam P value = 0.0044 Points (N=31) LOBA (N=35) (1) More than 3 hours13 (2) From 2 to 3 hours74 (3) From 1 to 2 hours83 (4) Less than an hour419 (5)Did not use611 Mean =3.553.60 4) Time spent on asking the instructor questions about the material outside of class P value =.00010 Points (N=31) LOBA (N=35) (1) More than 3 hours02 (2) From 2 to 3 hours22 (3) From 1 to 2 hours57 (4) Less than an hour09 (5)Did not use2415 Mean =4.483.94 5) Time spent on working problems from online homework P value = 0.0064 Points (N=31) LOBA (N=35) (1) More than 3 hours53 (2) From 2 to 3 hours104 (3) From 1 to 2 hours412 (4) Less than an hour07 (5)Did not use129 Mean =3.133.43 6) Time spent reading the textbook material covered by the exam/assessment P value =.0042 Points (N=31) LOBA (N=35) (1) More than 3 hours22 (2) From 2 to 3 hours65 (3) From 1 to 2 hours59 (4) Less than an hour211 (5)Did not use168 Mean =3.773.51 7) Time spent viewing video lectures P value = 0.023 Points (N=31) LOBA (N=35) (1) More than 3 hours11 (2) From 2 to 3 hours72 (3) From 1 to 2 hours46 (4) Less than an hour010 (5)Did not use1916 Mean =3.944.09 8) I use comments on previous assessments to study for assessments/exams. P value =.0035 Points (N=31) LOBA (N=35) (1) Not at all like me20 (2) Somewhat unlike me114 (3) Somewhat like me1219 (4) Just like me612 Mean =2.813.23 9) When studying for assessments/exams, I have a good idea what things I need to focus on. P value =.0023 Points (N=31) LOBA (N=35) (1) Not at all like me40 (2) Somewhat unlike me1310 (3) Somewhat like me1318 (4) Just like me17 Mean =2.352.91 Results - FCI No significant difference between groups in improvement in following topics: Free fall Impulse Balanced forces Projectile motion TopicPoints (Percent Improvement) LOBA (Percent Improvement) Differences Unbalanced Forces0.20±0.070.07±0.08Points slightly better Circular and tangential motion0.19±0.080.29±0.09LOBA slightly better Newton’s Third Law0.27±0.080.37±0.08LOBA slightly better Kinematics0.11±0.120.29±0.13LOBA slightly better LOBA students may show better performance on topics related to circular and tangential motion, Newton’s Third Law, and kinematics. LOBA students more likely to spend study time on looking at previous assessments and interacting with instructor. With the exception of online homework, Points students more likely to use passive techniques like reading text or viewing videos. LOBA students more likely to make use of instructor feedback and feel better informed of material on assessments. Future research involves analyzing and comparing problem solving skills on exams and comparison to LOBA class with required homework. The FCI measures student understanding of Newton’s Laws and other basic physics principles using a 30 question multiple-choice survey given at start and end of term. ‘Percent Improvement’ is a measure of the fraction of questions initially missed that are answered correctly on post-semester FCI

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