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 General paralysis  Severe damage to spinal cord  Loss feeling from injury down  Quadriplegia—lose control of both arms and legs.

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Presentation on theme: " General paralysis  Severe damage to spinal cord  Loss feeling from injury down  Quadriplegia—lose control of both arms and legs."— Presentation transcript:


2  General paralysis  Severe damage to spinal cord  Loss feeling from injury down  Quadriplegia—lose control of both arms and legs


4  Paraplegia  Lose control of just the legs  Repair  Impossible naturally  No cell division of neurons  Trying artificial division  Uses stem cells

5  About 35 billion neurons  About 3 pounds  Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)  Brain floats in this  Makes brain light  Transports nutrients, neurotransmitters, and wastes  Lumbar puncture—useful in determining CNS disease  Replaced every 8 hours


7  Largest part of the brain  Conscious Thought  Intelligence  Gray matter—superficial layer  White matter—deep layer  Contains axons  Gyri—grooves that increase the surface area  Left and Right Lobes  Control opposite sides of the body


9  Parietal Lobe  Primary motor cortex  Directs voluntary movements  Primary sensory cortex  Receives somatic sensory information  Ex: Touch, pressure, pain, temperature


11  Occipital Lobe  Visual cortex  All visual information


13  Frontal Lobe  Gustatory cortex  Taste sensations


15  Temporal Lobe  Auditory cortex—hearing  Olfactory cortex—smell


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