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ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 Development of quality control tools for the MLRO G. Bianco, V. Luceri, D. Iacovone.

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Presentation on theme: "ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 Development of quality control tools for the MLRO G. Bianco, V. Luceri, D. Iacovone."— Presentation transcript:

1 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 Development of quality control tools for the MLRO G. Bianco, V. Luceri, D. Iacovone

2 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 One year ago…

3 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 At that time we concluded… A dedicated SLR system engineer is mandatory. A dedicated SLR system engineer is mandatory. A set of quasi real-time SLR station health indicators should be agreed upon, defined and developed by system specialists and data analysts. This should allow to rapidly pinpoint a problem arising at a station A set of quasi real-time SLR station health indicators should be agreed upon, defined and developed by system specialists and data analysts. This should allow to rapidly pinpoint a problem arising at a station Is range bias monitoring enough? Is range bias monitoring enough? Standardizing calibration procedures? Standardizing calibration procedures?

4 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 The three souls in SLR:

5 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 The scientist (DA)

6 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 The engineer (EN)

7 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 The operator (OP)

8 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 Internal QC Data acquisition send data Report to DA Check OP Check DA Action (EN/AD/OP) Feedback to OP OP = Operators DA = Data analysts EN = Engineers ok nok ok nok

9 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 Internal QC Acquisition phase Acquisition phase –Calibration stability (mean, rms) –Pass parameters stability (editing, rms, other) Routine checks Routine checks –Diagnostics, calibrations –Other procedures in collaboration with EN

10 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 MLRO health indicator parameters Automatically monitored params (DA is automatically notified if threshold values are reached): Automatically monitored params (DA is automatically notified if threshold values are reached): –System delay rms (should be <2 mm) –System delay variations –Transmitted energy std –Pass residuals rms

11 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 System delay

12 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 External QC Info from Analysis Center No action Action (EN/DA/OP) Check DA OP = Operators DA = Data analysts EN = Engineers ok nok

13 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008 External QC ILRS reports ILRS reports ILRS station performance ILRS station performance Biases from Hitotsubashi Univ. Biases from Hitotsubashi Univ. GeoDAF MLRO monitor GeoDAF MLRO monitor

14 ILRS 2008 Poznan, Poland - 13-17 October 2008







21 Lesson learned, and conclusions Improve interaction between DA, EN and OP Improve interaction between DA, EN and OP Web based monitor system on line and working Web based monitor system on line and working Better understanding of the system Better understanding of the system Clear identification of issues Clear identification of issues Still a lot to be done… Still a lot to be done…

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