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Presentation on theme: "Environments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environments

2 Foss Inv. 1 pt 1 Purpose: To observe and compare a variety of organisms by planting seeds of different kinds To identify the factors that make up a terrestrial environment

3 Question?

4 Terrarium Map

5 Materials 8 wheat seeds 8 corn seeds 8 radish seeds 8 pea seed
Mini scoop of clover seed Soil Water Mini scooper Terrarium and lid Sticky note 100ml beaker 1 liter container Plastic wrap


7 Procedure Use your terrarium map and make a plan for how you want to plant your terrarium and how much water you are going to use. Get materials Label the front of your terrarium with a sticky- note that has your groups’ initials on it. Pour 1 liter of soil into your terrarium. Plant your seeds according to your terrarium map Water your seeds Raise hand and wait for teacher to come and cover your terrarium.

8 Data/ Observations Date
Observations ( need 14 days of observation for an A)

9 Terrariums Line of Learning (LOL)
An environment is everything that surrounds and influences an organism. An environmental factor is one part of an environment. It can be nonliving, such as water, light or temperature or living such as a plant or animal. A terrarium is a mini-garden in an enclosed container. Any living thing, including plants and animals, is an organism. Germinate- is when a seeds sprouts, or starts to grow. How do you determine what is an environment? - An environment is everything that surrounds and influences and organism.

10 Title: Living or Non-living
N.U. 1.1 Title: Living or Non-living P (Purpose): 1. To identify living and non-living factors in an environment. Q? (Question): How do we know something is living? What are the living and non-living components in our school yard?

11 How do we know something is living?

12 Terrariums Living Non- Living
Model and Have students help identify what is living and non living in their terrarium?

13 Let’s Investigate our School Yard
Living Non- Living Have students go outside (literacy garden) and identify living and non living. Then have students share out, ask students not to erase incorrect identifications but to circle and move point it to the correct column.

14 How do we distinguish (or tell) one thing from another?
LOL (LINE OF LEARNING) Date: Living thing – organism that is alive, It needs air, food , water, shelter, and space to survive, and is able to reproduce or create more of itself. Each part of an environment, living or nonliving is recognized as an environmental factor. How do we distinguish (or tell) one thing from another? -Each part of an environment , living or non living, is recognized as an environmental factor.

15 Title: Relationships In An Ecosystem
N.U. 1.3 Title: Relationships In An Ecosystem P (Purpose): To demonstrate how organisms, population, community, and ecosystems are connected. Q? (Question): What relationships exist in ecosystems?

16 O: (Observation): School Yard-
Bird 5 Go outside again and have students look for living and non living and count how many of them they see.

17 Checking out our Nature Unleashed Book!
What Do you notice?(text features, Content, Text Structure, etc.)

18 Reading: It’s All Connected
Read Pg. 2-3 O (Obeservation): Use the graphic organizer on the next slide for you notes 

19 ECOSYSTEM! – Everything together
Organism- a single living thing Population- a group of the same organisms living together Community- different populations of organisms living together Non-living things ECOSYSTEM! – Everything together Interacts With Have students copy in their notebook. Make a blank graphic organizer for them to fill out see next slide. I did this instead of the overlays- seemed to work fine last year. =

20 __________: ____________
__________ : ___________ __________: ____________ _____________ _________________ __________: ____________

21 Organism 1 Duck

22 Population A group of ducks

23 Community Ducks, frogs, And dragonflies Living together

24 Non-Living things

25 Ecosystem – Everything together!!!

26 Can you identify the different Groups?
Go back to your school yard observations and see if you can classify if its an organism or population. Bird 5 X This could be homework

27 LOL (Line of Learning) What are the 6 basic things a plant needs to survive? What are the 5 basic things an animal needs to survive? Add Organism Chart if you didn’t already do so.

28 Title: Making Connections
N.U. 1.5 Title: Making Connections Purpose: Organisms, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems are connected Q?: How are organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems connected?

29 Let’s organize ourselves.
You will be given a playing card. You are to quietly act out your card while clearly displaying your card for the class to see. If you are a living thing go stand by the white board. Non- living by the smartboard. Living things organize yourselves into populations. Now organize yourselves into a community Non-living things place yourself where you think you belong in the community You need the playing cards. I laminated mine from last year but will run copies if you need it.

30 Ob. Students draw a quick sketch of the ecosystem we just formed in this game.

31 What did the addition of non- living things provide the living things?

32 What do the living things provide for each other?


34 Title: It’s What’s Inside that Counts
NU 2.1 Title: It’s What’s Inside that Counts Purpose: To investigate pond, forest, and prairie ecosystems Question: What animals and plants are in the pond, forest, and prairie ecosystems? 2 days and will use the completed charts in other upcoming lessons. Only fill out plant/animal/ organism

35 Activity: You and a partner will use the Pond Poster on pg. 5 to help identify some of the plants and animals that live in the pond ecosystem. On your chart you will need to complete the following 1. Only need to fill out Organism, and identify if it is a plant or animal. Then repeat with the other ecosytems (days) Yellow water lily X

36 Ob) Ob X Raccoon



39 LOL (Line of Learning) Name one plant and one animal from each ecosystem: Pond- Forest- Prairie-

40 Title: Water Tolerance
Foss #3 Title: Water Tolerance Purpose: To investigate optimal water conditions for plants.

41 Testable Question- Which environment do the seeds grow best in: Dry, Moist, wet, very wet, swamp.

42 What are the variables? Independent Variable (IV)- Dependent Variable (DV)- Constants (c)-

43 Hypothesis (H): I think this will happen……..because…..
Which environment do you think will produce the tallest plants? The plant in which evironment will have the most leaves?

44 Setting up our experiment:
Each table will be given one environment to setup for the class to observe. Before we begin planting we need to Map out our plan for our planting.

45 Water Tolerance: I would have each table fill out with me…all plant the seeds in the same area.

46 Procedure 1. Label the container with the amount of water to be added (IV).  2. Put in 1 level plastic cup of soil without compacting it.  3. Add three seeds of each of the four kinds (12 total). 4. Put the seeds in all containers in exactly the same locations.  5. Add ¼ cup of soil on the seeds. 6. Gently tap the soil using the bottom of the cup. 7.  Add the amount of water (IV) evenly to each container, using the 100ml beaker. 8.  Put the container in a large zip bag and seal it. 9. Put the bagged container in the FOSS tray. Demonstrate with the dry environment for the class then let them begin. (this will most likely be the second day.

47 Observation: Which environments had the most plants come up?
Which environment had the tallest plant? Height?

48 Conclusion: Which environment do you think was the best? Why?
Did you date support/not support your hypothesis?

49 Line of Learning: Controlled experiment: is a set of compared investigations in which one variable is manipulated (changed) by steps while all the other variables are controlled or kept the same.

50 There’s No Place Like Home
NU 2.2 2.3 There’s No Place Like Home Purpose: The pond, prairie, and forest ecosystems are similar and different. Question: How are the pond, prairie, and forest ecosystems similar and different?

51 SAME PLANTS...Same Animals
Look over our Pond, Prairie, and Forest Big Charts with those at your table groups... Place dots next to the same plants Place triangles next to the same animals

52 Ob) Same Plants Same Animals

53 Characteristics of….. Pond Prairie Forest
Have students describe each ecosystem to review Which of these three ecosystems is most like our schoolyard?

54 In Your notebook choose one ecosystem to compare with our school yard ecosystem
Pond, Prairie, Forest

55 LOL (Line of Learning) Be able to explain some of the similarities and differences between the pond, prairie, forest, and schoolyard ecosystems. - Each ecosystem meets the basic needs of the animals/ plants so they are able to find or have exactly what they need to survive.

56 N.U 3.2 Title: Survival Tools Purpose: To learn about survival tools. Question: What are some survival tools for plants and animals?

57 Activity- Choose a sheet with either a frog, moth, or snake
Color the top picture any way your would like Then head outside with the class and do the activity.

58 Let’s head outside Read pg after the activity

59 Now let’s camouflage our 2nd pictures

60 LOL (Line of Learning) Specialized Structure: A part of a plant or animal that helps them survive in their environment

61 Homework: Read pgs. 12-17 and list 6 survival tools for each ecosystem
Pond Prairie Forest 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6,

62 Title: Internal and External Cue
Purpose: To learn about plants’ and animals’ internal and external cues Question: How do internal and external cues affect organisms behavior?

63 Discussion How do you suppose it would feel if your body temperature always matched the air temperature in this classroom? What about at recess? How would having your body always math the air temperature in the school yard change the way you spent your recess time?

64 Activity Your table group is going to be given an animal.
It is your mission to keep the “body temperature” of the animal (thermometer) within a comfortable range as indicated on the card. You have 10 mins to try and come up with as many strategies as you can. You must try each strategy for at least 10 mins. and record the information on the chart.

65 Strategy (where and how the animal was placed) Beg. Temp
Location (Brief Description) Strategy (where and how the animal was placed) Beg. Temp Temp. After 1 minute Did the Strategy work? Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 Location 5 Location 6

66 What Strategies Worked For You?

67 Read pg. 16 -17 in Nature Unleashed
What is a cue? Internal cue- External cue-


69 LOL Internal cues- Signal from the inside of a plant or animal that causes a change in behavior. ex)hunger– causes animals to stop and eat External cues- something on the outside of a plant or animal serving as a signal or suggestion to change behavior. ex) High heat and lack of rain causes plants to send their roots deeper into the ground to find water

70 Title: Katy Trail Field Trip
Purpose: To investigate the environment at The Katy Trail. Q? 1.What are some living and non living things found at the Katy Trail? 2. What type of ecosystem is the Katy Trail?

71 Foss IV3 Water Tolerance Day 5 Observations - Go back to the Water Tolerance investigation and fill out part one.

72 Title: Specialized Structures
NU 3.4 Title: Specialized Structures Purpose: To identify specialized structures that help plants and animals survive. Question: How do specialized structures help plants and animals survive?

73 Specialized Structures Game
Directions: 1) You will be working in table teams 2) Each team will send a member up to dry a card 3) If your team can answer correctly your team receives a point 4) WE will keep score on the SmartBoard

74 If the card drawn is an organism...
1) Identify the organism as a plant or an animal 2) Name one specialized structure for that organism 3) Explain how that specialized structure helps that organism survive. 4) Predict the ecosystem in which that organism would most likely be found - Pond - Forest - Prairie

75 If the card drawn is a specialized structure...
1) Identify the specialized Structure 2) Name one organism that would have the specialized Structure. 3) Explain how that specialized structure helps that organism survive. 4) Predict the ecosystem in which that organism would most likely be found - Pond - Forest - Prairie

76 If the card drawn is a cue card...
1) Identify whether the cue on the card in an internal cue or an external 2) Name one organism that would experience/react to the cue 3) Describe one possible behavior the organism might have in response to the cue 4) Predict the ecosystem in which that organism would most likely be found - Pond - Forest - Prairie

77 LOL Specialized Structures- -help animals find their needs (food, prey, shelter) but they can also protect them. - Plant or animal part that helps and organism survive in its environment. HW- So What Do You Know 3

78 Water Tolerance Observation Day 8

79 Title: Basic Food Chain
4.1 Purpose: To be able to describe and create a basic food chain. Question: What are the elements of a basic food chain?

80 What did you eat today? Which of these items are producers and which are consumers?

81 As a table I want you to make one paper link chain of someone in your groups most recent meal
On your paper link put a P above the producers and a C above the consumers.

82 Looking at Nature Unleashed
How could the chain be made shorter or longer? How else could this food chain have been different? How would you describe the forest food chain (pg 21)? How would you describe the prairie food chain (pg. 23)?

83 Make your own simple food chain.

84 LOL Food Chains- transfer energy from organism to another beginning with the energy from the sun to producers. Producers- make their own food (plants) Consumer- eat other organisms to get the energy they need to survive( animals)

85 Homework: Read Chapter 4 and answer questions

86 Food Chain Yarn Game 4.2 Purpose: To explain the difference of consumer and producers and their relationship to one another. Q? What is the sequence of the flow of energy in food chains? HW- So What Do You Know 4

87 YARN GAME You will be given a Food Chains Card.
Once you have your card you need to figure out independently these 3 things. What plant or animal are you? Are you a produce or consumer How do you get your energy? ( make your own using the sun, consume a plant, consume and animal.

88 Consumer stand by the smart board
Producers go stand by the whiteboard Who is still sitting in their seat?

89 All Food Chains begin with the Sun none of the producers and consumers can survive without you
Start connecting the sun to producers. Each connection is started with a new ball of yarn.

90 What would get its energy directly from a producer?

91 Some consumers get the energy directly from producers.
At this point the consumers who eat plants need to connect with the yarn. It must match up to the card. Only consumers who eat other consumers should be left

92 Homework: So What do you know Chapter 4

93 Title: Owl Pellets Purpose: To sort and categorize owl pellet components. Question: What is the relationship between what an owl eats and the contents of an owl pellet.

94 Observations

95 Conclusion: After the activity what conclusions can you draw about Owls?

96 Homework Read chapter 5 pgs 24-27

97 Title: Are There Any “Free” Lunches?
N.U. 5.1 & 5.2 Need 10 things of yarn Title: Are There Any “Free” Lunches? Purpose: To classify population of organisms as producers, consumers, or decomposer by the role they serve in the ecosystem. Q?

98 What kind of organism are you???
1.Raise your hand if you are a consumer. 2. If you are a herbivore go sit in the computer area 3. If you are a carnivore go sit by the smartboard. 4. If you are an omnivore go sit in the reading area. 5. Producers go sit by the backpacks. 5. Who is left? What are you???

99 Which organisms should be connected directly to the sun?
Let’s actually connect by using yarn. The sun is going to be connected to Various chains….hold on tight 

100 What should be connected next?
We are going to keep connecting. If you connect incorrectly you will be removed from the chain and sent to decompose with the decomposers 

101 How well did we connect? Lets chart the different kinds of organisms we found in the pond ecosystem.

102 Let’s Graph Our Findings

103 The Forest chain I will give you each a card again. Now without talking you are all going to have link yourselves to the appropriate part in the a chain. If you talk = decomposition pile If you are incorrectly link = decomposition pile ARE YOU READY FOR THE CHALLENGE??

104 Let’s Graph Our Forest Findings


106 LOL Herbivores- animals that eat only plants Carnivores- are meat-eaters, they hunt other animals for food. Omnivores- eat both plants and animals Decomposers- an animal that feeds on and breaks down dead plants and animal matter. Scavenger- an animal that lives on dead and decaying organisms.

107 Homework: So What do you know Chapter 5

108 Title: Predators and Prey
Purpose: To understand why predators and prey are important to the food chain. Q? What are predators and prey? Why are they important to the food chain?

109 Nature Unleashed: Read chap. 6
Predator V. S Prey

110 What would happen if the mouse species no longer existed?

111 LOL Predator- an animal that lives by hunting other animals
Prey- an animal that is hunted by another animal for food. Predators and prey keep the food chain in balance. Without them some species populations would increase while others would decrease.

112 Homework So What do you know Chapter 6

113 Title: Interaction Purpose: Q? Why do organisms interact with each other?

114 Ob) What are some examples of organisms interacting with one another.

115 LOL Organisms interact with other organism to survive. Exs)

116 Title: Human interaction
P)To understand the impact of human interaction on our environment. Q? ) How do human interactions affect ecosystems?

117 Ob)What are some examples of humans interacting with other organisms-negative/positive?
Human Interactions Then go back and have the students label if they are positive and or negative.

118 LOL Human interaction can have positive and negative affects on our environment. Ex) Positive- Negative-

119 The Pond DE Streaming need laptops.

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