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From an Idea To Market

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Presentation on theme: "From an Idea To Market"— Presentation transcript:

1 From an Idea To Market Twitter: @dorait

2 Every Trend is an Opportunity

3 Product Alone is Not Enough Early Customer Interaction is the Key

4 The Best Money is the One You Get from Customers Validation that you are creating something of value

5 When you Build products, You Get Services Business When you Provide Services, You Get Product Ideas

6 Internet and Open Source Change Everything Including how you build and market

7 Changing Marketing Landscape Outbound vs. Inbound Marketing

8 Questions! Funded or Bootstrapped? Products or Services? Breadth or Depth? Low-end or high-end? Use a platform? Or Be a platform? Tools or Applications? Improve Existing Product or Build New Product? Incremental Innovation or Radical Innovation? Established Categories or New Categories? Direct Sales or through internet?

9 And More Questions What is the business model? How does the world know we exist? How do we keep up with information? How do we validate an idea? How do we know what it is worth? How do we know that there is a market? How do we get your first customer? How can we be different? What if I am a marketing guy? What if I am a techie with no marketing expertise? How can we ride a wave? How do I catch one?

10 Blog: Twitter: @dorait

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