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A BIBLE STUDY BIBLICAL TIMELINE. Emergence of civilization as measured by formations of cities and written language Nomadic until arrival Of Europeans.

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2 Emergence of civilization as measured by formations of cities and written language Nomadic until arrival Of Europeans 1492 AD Maya 1000 BC – 1521 AD Aztec 1200 AD – 1521 AD 1700 BC -1027 BC Shang Dynasty writing on oracle bones Uruk Period 3500 BC – 3000 BC Egypt Early Dynasty 3100 BC – 2500 BC

3 4000 BC3500 BC3000 BC2500 BC2000 BC Secular Timeline Biblical Timeline Adam & Eve 3900 BC Seth 3770 BC Enos 3666 BC Mahalalel 3506 BC Jared 3440 BC Uruk Period 3500 – 3000 BC Cities first emerge in the Area of Southern Babylon. Enoch 3274 BC Methuselah 3214 BC Lamach 3027 BC Noah 2845 BC Mesopotamia Period 3000 – 2000 BC Capital City at Ur Egypt Early Dynasty 3100 – 2700 BC Egypt Old Kingdom 2700 – 2000 BC Flood 2245 BC Nahor 2054 BC Terah 2025 BC

4 Fall of the Great States: Biblical Timeline Abraham 1955 BC Mesopotamia Babylonian Period 2000 – 1500 BC Egypt Middle Kingdom 2000 – 1700 BC The Judges 1363 - 1050 BC Isaac 1855 BC Moses 1530 BC Jacob 1795 BC Joseph 1704 BC Exodus 1450 BC Enter the Promise Land 1408 BC Ruth Ehud Deborah Gideon Tola & Jair Sampson Samuel The Kings 1050 - 721 Hammurabi 1763 BC The Great States: 1500 – 1200 BC Babylonia, Anatolia, Mesopotamia Egypt New Kingdom 1700 – 1000 BC Tutmoses III 1479 BC Ramesses II 1213 BC 1200 – 900 BC Asia: Shang Dynasty 1700 – 1000 BC Secular Timeline 2000 BC1750 BC1500 BC1250 BC1000 BC Saul Tower of Babel

5 Israel/Judea Divided Kingdom 933 BC Persian World Domination 539 BC - 323 BC Babylon Domination 626 BC - 539 BC Assyrian World Domination 900 BC - 626 BC David King 1003 - 970 BC Fall of the Northern Kingdom (Israel) to Assyria in 710 BC Solomon 970 BC Josiah’s Reformation 628 BC Asia: Zhou Dynasty 1000 BC – 221 BC/South America: Maya 1000 BC – 1521 AD 1000 BC750 BC500 BC323 BC Biblical Timeline Assyria Attacks Egypt 700 BC Persians Conquer Egypt 525 - 323 Judea saved by miracle from Assyria in 710 BC Fall of Southern Kingdom (Judea) to Babylon in 586 BC Upper & Lower Egypt Split 1000 BC Jeremiah 600 BC Ezekiel 580 BC Ezra returns to Jerusalem from Babylon 458 BC Nehemiah goes to Jerusalem & Rebuilds the walls 445 BC Nehemiah returned to Babylon 433 BC Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem ? BC Secular Timeline

6 Ptolemaic Dynasty 200 BC – 30 BC Greeks conquer Egypt 323 BC – 200 BC Romans Conquer Egypt 30 BC – 646 AD Roman Empire 200 BC – 500 AD Hellenistic Greece Empire 323 BC - 200 BC Jews in the Diaspora. Writing of the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books: Susanna [Daniel] 90 BC, Prayer of Azariah 175 BC, Bel and the Dragon 50 BC, Esther addition 50 BC, 1st Esdras 50 BC, Judith 300 BC, Wisdom of Solomon 50 BC, Sirach 180 BC, Baruch 180 BC, Letter of Jeremiah 50 BC, 1 Maccabees 103 BC, 2 Maccabees 100 BCE Asia: Shang Dynasty 1700 – 1000 BC 323 BC240 BC160 BC80 BC1 BC Biblical Timeline Asia: 221 BC beginning of the Great Wall (Qin Dynasty); Han Dynasty 206 BC – 8 A.D. Secular Timeline

7 Birth of Jesus 2 BC 1 AD100 AD200 AD300 AD400 AD Biblical Timeline Secular Timeline Death & Resurrection 30 AD New Testament Writings 40 AD – 85 AD Destruction of the Temple 70 AD Destruction Of Jerusalem 136 AD Christians kicked out of the Synagogue Time of Heresies & Schisms Marcion - Rejected the OT & issued a NT of Luke + 10 letters Gnosticism - redeemer revealed away for souls to return to the spiritual world 150 AD – 325 AD Romans persecute Christians Starting with Nero in AD 86 – AD 313 Constantine makes Christianity the official religion of Rome AD 330 Ratification of the Cannon 397 AD The Nicene Creed 325 AD The Empire is permanently Divided 395 AD

8 400 AD500 AD600 AD700 AD800 AD Biblical Timeline Secular Timeline Fall of Rome 410 AD Mahmoud AD 570 - AD 632 Lose of Southern & Eastern Mediterranean to Islam 650 AD – 800 AD The loss of Northern Europe to Francia 550 AD – 800 AD Map circa 800 AD Boniface I became the 1 st “papal vicar” of Rome 418-422 AD Establishment Of the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church Christian Reaction to Islam incursion 650 – 800 AD 1 st Response A chastisement for sins Repentance 2 nd Response Apocalyptic interpretation Prepare 3 rd Response Realistic Assessment Positioning Internal Political and Theological battles (mostly East vs. West)

9 The Dark Ages 800 AD900 AD1000 AD1100 AD1200 AD Biblical Timeline Secular Timeline Papal revival Under Leo IX 1049 The Holy Roman Empire was a German Empire established in 962 AD Europe Main Map at the Beginning of the Year 1200 Schism between East & West 1054 1 st Crusade 1096-99 2 nd Crusade 1147-49 Caliph Al-Hakim Starts campaign To convert all Jews & Christians 1009 AD Seljuk Turks take Palestine and Jerusalem 1070-71 3rd Crusade 1187-92 Dictatus Papae 1075 Continuous Battles between Islam & Christianity

10 1200 AD1300 AD1400 AD1500 AD1600 AD Biblical Timeline Secular Timeline The 4 th to 8 th Crusades 1202-71 Europe Main Map at the Beginning of the Year 1600 Martin Luther 1483 – 1546 Intellectual revival and establishment of universities Aristotle’s corpus became available The beginning of the age of reason Thomas Aquinas’ Natural Theology 1268 Rodger Bacon introduces Math, science & Philosophy into religious Study 1285 The 1400 began a time of financial corruption in the church/state Leonardo da Vinci 1452 to 1519 Niccolò Machiavelli 1469 to 1527 The Renaissance: 1350-1550 Invention of Printing Press 1450 The Plague Killed 1 / 3 rd of Population 1347-51 John Calvin 1509- 1564 Protestants attempt to define themselves after Luther & Calvin Henry VIII Breaks with Rome 1538 The Spanish Armada 1588 Shakespeare: 1564-1616

11 1600 AD1700 AD1800 AD1900 AD2000 AD Biblical Timeline Secular Timeline Europe Main Map at the Beginning of the Year 2000 John Locke Reasonableness of Christianity 1695 Rene Descartes Discourse on Reason 1637 Beginning of Pietism Movement 1606 WW I 1914 – 1918 WW II 1939 – 1945 Emergence of Puritanism in England 1603 Rene Descartes Discourse on Reason 1637 Voltaire and Deism 1763 French Revolution 1789 American Revolution 1776 John Wesley 1703-1791) David Hume Experience only source of knowledge 1711-76 Karl Marx 1818- 1883 Frances Willard 1839-1898 Women’s Christian Temperance Albert Schweitzer Introduces Biblical critical Methods 1875-1965 Carl Barth Dialectical Theology of Crisis 1930’s & 40’s 30 Years War 1618 1648

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