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Deanne Gannaway Facilitating Change in Higher Education Practices.

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2 Deanne Gannaway Facilitating Change in Higher Education Practices

3 Overview of Session Introductions Thinking about dissemination – The D-Cubed Project Developing a dissemination strategy

4 Who’s here? Introductions – What’s your background? – What’s your key objectives for being here today? – What’s your teaching and learning innovation/ idea?

5 Background 39 public universities, mainly located in capital cities Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) / Office of Learning and Teaching


7 Project Background An ALTC-funded project to evaluate dissemination of grants scheme outcomes between 2006 and 2009

8 Research Question, Scope, Focus To what extent have the promoted dissemination strategies adopted by ALTC led to the effective dissemination and consolidation of outcomes of completed ALTC Grants Scheme projects? All grant projects funded completed by December 23, 2009. Effectiveness of dissemination, not evaluating the impacts of project outcomes.

9 Project approach Document analysis, narrative enquiry – mapping the territory Interviews with innovators and implementers Surveys Resource development Engaged professional development Final report, evidence-based guidelines and resources, proposed revisions to dissemination framework Illuminative evaluation Illuminative evaluation (Perlett & Hamilton, 1977) = Observe + Inquire further + Seek to explain

10 Activity 1: Common understandings What do you understand dissemination to be? – What activities would you anticipate? How would you know when dissemination is successful or effective?

11 Project Findings Dissemination activities – Most popular methods of communication of project outcomes remain traditional academic modes (conference presentations, book publications, publication in academic journals and conference presentations). – A web presence is a common dissemination activity, but its potential impact is limited due to maintenance issues after the project concludes. Timing – Project leaders generally talk about dissemination activities occurring across the life of the project, rather than at the end – Dissemination is commonly described as a collection of atomistic activities, rather than as a clearly planned strategy designed to achieve a particular purpose.

12 Project Findings Sustainability – ALTC grant holders tend to equate the end of the grant with an end of their involvement in that topic. – It is not possible to accurately measure or determine evidence of long-term changes that may have occurred as a result of the project based on the current reporting mechanisms. – ALTC is perceived as having an obligation to support the dissemination of project outcomes through providing a searchable repository for project deliverables and facilitating opportunities for making links between projects. Importance of people – Projects that have successfully embedded and upscaled have identified and engaged with potential adopters from the outset. – Successful dissemination strategies have multiple layers of change enablers who facilitate dissemination. Challenges of nomenclature – Clearer definition of key terms is required – Project leaders grapple with identifying, articulating, and responding to or developing a climate of readiness for change.

13 Engage Interacting with targeted potential adopters on an ongoing basis Planning for interaction – Responding to changes and opportunities Building credibility and familiarity Cultivating readiness for change – Building empowerment and ownership in adopters and institutions ENGAGE

14 TRANSFER Facilitating the commitment to change of the target audience ENGAGE Building both awareness and knowledge in the target audience throughout the project ASSESS CLIMATE Ascertaining the climate of readiness for change among the target audience Understandings of Dissemination

15 Assess Climate Characteristics of the project – Understanding the intended impacts and perceived benefits – Addressing a perceived need – Ensuring the project is grounded in existing knowledge – Ensuring the feasibility of project implementation Characteristics of the targeted potential adopters – Identifying targeted potential adopters Characteristics of the systems in which change will occur – Identifying potential enablers of change – Understanding the culture and structures of the target institution – Ascertaining a willingness and ability to change at target audience institution – Assessing readiness of leadership to bear costs related to resourcing ASSESS CLIMATE

16 Transfer Characteristics of the project – Making the outcomes adaptable – Making the outcomes findable – Capacity of the project to provide ongoing support Characteristics of adopters – Articulating the value of the project outcomes Ownership Capacity to adopt Characteristics of system – Nurture ongoing commitment – Capacity for provision of resources TRANSFER

17 Dissemination is most effective when all three elements are in place, resulting in the greatest possibility of uptake, upscaling and sustainability. Dissemination effectiveness may be limited if the target audience hasn’t been engaged during the project ENGAGE Building both awareness and knowledge in the target audience throughout the project ASSESS CLIMATE Ascertaining the climate of readiness for change among the target audience TRANSFER Facilitating the commitment to change of the target audience Dissemination effectiveness may be limited if the climate is not ready for change Dissemination effectiveness may be limited if commitment to change is not facilitated Dissemination Framework

18 D-Cubed Definition The planned process of understanding potential adopters and engaging with them throughout the life of the project, to facilitate commitment to sustained change.

19 Exploring the Resources The Dissemination Framework The Dissemination Guide which includes examples of effective practice Project planning tools – Identify target groups Helps clarify the different roles people will play in your project. – Assess the climate of readiness for change Helps assess whether the climate is ready for change or do you need to change the climate? – Plan a dissemination budget Helps identify considerations when budgeting for dissemination. – Sustainable dissemination Helps thinking about the sustainability of your dissemination strategy. – Plan a dissemination strategy Helps design a dissemination strategy – Dissemination literature provides a summarised collection of useful articles about dissemination.

20 Activity 2: Developing a Dissemination Strategy Cirque example 1.Is the climate ready for change? 2.Is there a plan for engagement with the target audience throughout the project? 3.How is transfer described or conceptualised? 4.How will you gather evidence that uptake has occurred?

21 Please stay in touch!

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