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Decolonization: Kenya and Vietnam 1945-1965 Terik Terrell, Monikka Edgeston Period 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Decolonization: Kenya and Vietnam 1945-1965 Terik Terrell, Monikka Edgeston Period 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decolonization: Kenya and Vietnam 1945-1965 Terik Terrell, Monikka Edgeston Period 7

2 Thesis Vietnam and Kenya’s goals to unite their individual countries through nationalistic action to rebel and manipulate politics ultimately lead to the decolonization of the two countries

3 Rebellion VietnamKenya First Indochina War ◦(1946-1954) ◦Victorious Vietnamese French attacked Haiphong ◦6,000 civilians dead Similar to Hungary in 1956 Vietnamese fought back when Viet Minh attacked at Hanoi (Vietnamese Capital) War=Sign of Rebellion, Wanting Reform in country Mau Mau Rebellion (1952-56) ◦Emergence period ◦Nationalism ◦British cooperation ◦Paved the way!

4 Politics VietnamKenya Ho Chi Minh ◦Founder of Viet Minh  Formed May 1941 ◦Independence-oriented ◦Methods:  Cooperated with the US during their  struggle with Japan. (Had a Friendship) ◦Friendship with USSR and CoChina ◦(Giving financial and military support) Independent ◦financial support ◦popular vote Jomo Kenyatta ◦1 st Kenyan president (1964-78) ◦Best known African nationalist ◦Kenya African Union ◦1960: Elected president of Kenya African National Union ◦1961: Negotiations with Brit over new constitution 1963: Independence!


6 Bibliography Columbia University. "Vietnam by The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition." Questia School - The Online Library for Students and Educators. Web. 08 Feb. 2011.. MoIse, Edwin E. "VN Wars: First Indochina War." Clemson University. 04 Nov. 1998. Web. 08 Feb. 2011.. Ogot, B. A., and W. R. Ochieng. Decolonization & Independence in Kenya, 1940-93. London: James Currey, 1995. Questia. Web. 8 Feb. 2011. "Viet Minh (Vietnamese Revolutionary Organization) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia." Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Web. 08 Feb. 2011.. "Vietnam." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed. 2009. Questia. Web. 8 Feb. 2011.

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