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The Holy Spirit Mobile Force Brittany Stanford Jesse Harker Katrina Rodzon Marlon Mackey.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holy Spirit Mobile Force Brittany Stanford Jesse Harker Katrina Rodzon Marlon Mackey."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holy Spirit Mobile Force Brittany Stanford Jesse Harker Katrina Rodzon Marlon Mackey

2 What comes to mind?

3 This is what we thought

4 …but we were wrong …Very wrong…

5 The Setting Where- Uganda  Acholiland (Acholi)  Right here --->

6 The Characters in This Story Alice Auma “Lakwena”  The Leader of the Holy Spirit Movement Followers  desperate peasants and former soldiers in Uganda Joseph Kony-  The brother  Later leader of Lords Resistance Army

7 The Set Up Power was obtained through violence in this area National Resistance Movement (NRM) gains power in 1986  Create unstable government  Emphasize oppressing the people

8 …more set up… The people get fed up with President Yoweri Musveni Two rebel forces form  Uganda Peoples Democratic Army(UPDA) Goal: Restore Multi-party democracy  Holy Spirit Movement Goal: Cleanse Acholi people and purge the government of evil

9 Holy Spirit Movement  Vs Holy Spirit Mobile Force One and the same

10 The Leader Alice Auma “Lakwena”  Born June 3, 1956 Pongdwo-North’s biggest town Second of 15 children 2 divorces- no children May 1985 said she couldn’t see or hear- no witch doctor  Messenger of Lakwena At age 30…according to legend…went to Murchison Falls National Park Came out….a spiritual messenger  Attracted thousands to her cause  Took command over a UPDA battalion in November 1986

11 What They Were All About Initially targeted witches and sorcerers  Tortured and killed them Violent against civilians and NRA soldiers was necessary for ‘purification’ Recruits included peasants, former soldiers, and some educated individuals

12 The Rules No  Drinking  Smoking  Stealing  Quarreling  Having sex  Taking cover in the heat of battle Follow the rules and you will succeed

13 Tactics and Defense Defense-  Shea butter (moo yaa) Protect against bullets Weapons  “Holy water” dipped rocks Turn to hand grenade against enemies Tactic  Marching in the shape of a cross



16 Success and Defeat Success  November and December 1986 against NRA Defeat  UPDA alliance quickly severed  Major defeat in 1987 Spreading forces with little support Series of defeat in effort to regain Kampala and “initiate” a paradise on earth Finally November 1987 NRA used artillery and gained an overwhelming victory over HSMF

17 The End of Alice 1987- Alice fled to Kenya  Jailed Her brother used the remnants of the HSMF defeat to make the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) later Alice dies in January 17 th 2007  Long time illness

18 References Barnes, C., Lucima, O. (2002). Northern Uganda: Introduction. In Conciliation Resources. Retrieved February 2, 2007, from uganda/introduction.php Johannesburg, F. (2007). Uganda: Leader of holy spirit rebels dies. In Institute for War & Pease Reporting. Retrieved February 2, 2007, from Marlon, M. (2007). Theories and delusions. From the Mind of Mackey. p. 1-2. Nyeko, B., Lucima, O. (2002). Northern Uganda: Profile of the parties to the conflict. In Conciliation Resources. Retrieved February 2, 2007, from work/accord/northern-uganda/profiles.php

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