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Project Based Assessments 1 An Alternative Pathway to Proficiency 2013 Field Test Training for PBA Tutors.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Based Assessments 1 An Alternative Pathway to Proficiency 2013 Field Test Training for PBA Tutors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Based Assessments 1 An Alternative Pathway to Proficiency 2013 Field Test Training for PBA Tutors

2 Project Based Assessment Overview  Created by PA educators guided by curriculum experts  Scaffolded tasks building to the creation and submission of a Project Based Assessment  Approximate five to seven hour time frame for completion of actual assessment  Student completes the project work before, during, or after school in supervised environment  Logistics and locations for project completion determined by district  PSSA accommodations apply

3 PBA Design  Online Delivery  Secure Site  Accessible by Defined Roles  Student Access  Tutor Access  Administrator Access

4 Project Based Assessment Overview The student training video can be located at: Let’s view the video for an overview of what they student will see and do as they work on the Project Based Assessment 4

5 Roles in the PBA  Intermediate Unit  District Level Administrator  School Site Administrator  PBA Monitor  PBA Tutor  Student  Review Panel Members

6 Responsibilities of District Administrator District Administrator  Acts as liaison with IU regional representatives  Communicates PBA concept to stakeholders  Oversees the implementation of the PBAs in district schools  Supports environment to ensure accuracy and security  Recommends educators to serve on statewide review panels 6

7 Responsibilities of Site Administrator Site Administrator  Ensures that students have participated in a satisfactory manner in supplemental instructional services prior to PBA  Supports environment to ensure accuracy and security  Provides an overview of the PBA concept, the online portal, and the project requirements to stakeholders  Identifies project needs for students and assigns appropriate projects  Determines timeline for completion, i.e., number of weeks to work on PBA  Notifies student of PBA start date and previews site with students  Assigns project monitors and tutors to PBA students  Schedules students for supervised sessions in before, during, and/or after school 7

8 PBA Monitor  Logs student onto secure portal  Supports environment to ensure accuracy and security  May be the assigned tutor, study hall teacher, librarian, etc. PBA Monitor

9 Responsibility of the Student Student  Gains an understanding of PBA portal, project components, and expectations  Completes PBA activities online; stops at designated checkpoints to await tutor approval; completes final project for submission, as appropriate.  Requests help as needed  Communicates with tutor as necessary  Completes PBA within district prescribed timeline 9

10 Responsibility of the Evaluator Project Review Team Members (Evaluators)  Participate in PBA evaluation training  Evaluate PBAs for defined courses (subject certified teachers)  Award satisfactory/unsatisfactory evaluation and provide annotation for unsatisfactory projects 10

11 Responsibilities of the PBA Tutor PBA Tutor  Reviews project activities at designated checkpoints for content and quality of work to permit student to continue  Supports environment to ensure accuracy and security  Provides remediation on the Eligible Content based upon student need (does NOT tutor or instruct on specific activities in PBA)  Evaluates project based upon evaluative criteria; submits project for regional review or provides remediation for project revisions, as necessitated by criteria 11

12 Who is the Tutor? The tutor is a certified teacher in the content area being assessed.  Biology PBA – Biology certified  Algebra I PBA – Mathematics certified  Literature PBA – English certified 12

13 Example of Tutoring Assistance  Remediation in eligible content such as: John is working on a Literature PBA and is having difficulty identifying the main idea of the sample reading. He requests help from the tutor. The tutor can identify a resource from SAS that addresses main idea or can provide additional tutoring on identifying main idea in samples other than the PBA activity. 13

14 Non-example of Tutoring Assistance John is working on a Literature PBA and is having difficulty identifying the main idea of the sample reading. He requests help from the tutor. The tutor works with John on the PBA activity to assist him in identifying the main idea.  Tutors MAY NOT offer assistance with the activities themselves only with related eligible content. 14


16 PBA Design The Tutor access is unique and password protected.  It provides access to all assigned projects and student communication. 16

17 Tutor Code tab 17

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24 Questions? 24

25 Contact Information  Contacts: Project Based Assessments Jean Dyszel Project Based Assessments Rita Perez Keystone Exams Rich Maraschiello

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