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Critical Analysis  A composition in which the writer makes a judgment with specific references to the work that proves the judgment.

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2 Critical Analysis  A composition in which the writer makes a judgment with specific references to the work that proves the judgment

3 A critical analysis includes…  Judgment  Criteria  Thesis  Proof  Conclusion

4 JUDGMENT  Your opinion based on the reading that will be supported with specific examples from the text  MUST BE ABLE TO BE PROVEN  NOT A FACT

5 CRITERIA  Areas of proposed discussion in the paper (criterion)  In this paper, your 3 adjectives to be supported

6 For this assignment, your thesis includes  Title of selection (story)  Author of selection  Name of character being analyzed  Judgment to be proven  Criteria

7 Proof  Incidents, quotes, inferences from the story that substantiate (support) judgments  Will be cited (page #).

8 Thesis Restatement  Rewording of the thesis with added emphasis  It may suggest consequences of the thesis  A different adjective replaces that of your title adjective

9 Sample judments/provables  The princess is capable of selecting the tiger.  Sangor Rainsford could kill a human being.  The scout would make a good friend.  Walter Mitty will eventually go insane. How are these JUDGMENTS and not facts?

10 Sample Thesis Statement  In “The Lady, or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton, the princess is capable of selecting the tiger because she is jealous, devious, and cruel. Title: The Lady, or the Tiger Author: Frank R. Stockton Name of character: The princess Judgment: capable of selecting the tiger Criteria: jealous, devious, cruel

11 Sample Proof  The Princess is jealous  The princess realizes the beauty of the lady (35).  The Princess has seen an attraction between the lady and her lover while exchanging glances (35).

12 Sample Thesis Restatement  Because of her jeal0us, devious, and cruel nature, the emotional princess would select the door with the tiger and condemn her lover to death.  New adjective: Barbaric becomes Emotional  Restatement of criteria  Conclusion: condemn her lover to death

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