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Skeletal System.

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1 Skeletal System

2 The Skeleton is the name given to
the collection off bones in the body and the tissues that connect them.

3 The skeleton has 5 major functions.
It protects our vital organs such as the brain, the heart, and the lungs It gives us structure. Without it we would just be a blob of blood and tissue on the floor. It allows us to move. Because our muscles are attached to our bones, when our muscles move, they move the bones.

4 Functions It stores calcium. Which keeps bones and teeth hard.
It makes Red and White blood cells

5 Skeleton Facts When you were born, your skeleton had close to 350 bones By the time you become an adult, you will only have around 206 bones This is because, as you grow, some of the bones fuse together to form one bone such as the skull. Our bones are 5 times stronger than steel •.

6 Skeleton Facts The smallest bones in the body are found in the ear. (3mm) The longest bone in the body is the femur Over half the body's bones are in the hands and feet. As your bones grow, you get taller. Girls usually stop growing around age 16, and boys around age 18.

7 Organization of the Human Skeleton
• Your skeleton is made up of two parts; the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. Green = Axial Purple = Appendicular

8 Colour the axial and appendicular parts of the skeleton
Axial skeleton protects the organs of your body

9 Appendicular skeleton allows movement

10 The Axial Skeleton • Skull 29 • Vertebral column 24
• Ribs (12 pairs) 24 • Sternum 1 • Sacrum 1 • Coccyx 1 • Total 80 Green Area

11 The Appendicular Skeleton
• Pectoral girdles (2 x 2) 4 • Arms (3 x 2) 6 • Wrists ( 8 x 2) 16 • Hands (19 x 2) 38 • Pelvis 2 • Legs (4 x 2) 8 • Ankles (7 x 2) 14 • Feet (19 x 2) 38 • Total 126 Purple Area



14 There are Four Main types of bone
Flat: like those found in the skull; provide protection for soft tissues and points for muscle attachment Long: found in the arms and legs; provide strength and support Short: found in the wrists and ankles; provide flexibility Irregular: backbone, middle ear; have shapes related to a specialized function

15 Flat Long Irregular Short

16 Bones • Bones get their strength and rigidity from hard deposits of
minerals such as calcium and phosphate. • Bones are strong but light because they are hollow and filled with a substance called Bone Marrow.

17 Bone Marrow the center of large bones.
• Bone marrow is the tissue in the center of large bones. It is a spongy, fatty tissue that houses stem cells.

18 Types of Bone Marrow Red marrow Yellow marrow
Has stem cells that make red blood cells, platelets and most white blood cells Yellow marrow Has stem cells that make fat, cartilage, bone and some types of white blood cells Both types of bone marrow contain blood vessels and capillaries.


20 At birth, all bone marrow is red.
With age, more and more of it is converted to the yellow type. Adults have about 2.6kg of bone marrow - about half of it is red.

21 Red marrow is found: In flat bones such as hip bone, breast bone, skull, ribs, and shoulder blades In the spongy material at the ends of the long bones the femur and humerus.

22 What happens if you loose a lot of blood?
Your body can convert yellow marrow to red marrow to help replace the loss. You may need a blood transfusion

23 Every minute of every day, someone in Canada needs blood.

24 Canadian Blood Services collects blood through donations
Most people have five litres of blood. When you donate you give approximately 450 ml of blood - ~ ½ a litre Canadian Blood Services collects approximately 850,000 units of blood annually Think about becoming a donor

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