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Response to Intervention (RtI) for English Language Learners/PHLOTE Students (For more detailed description, see RtI Checklist for ELLs/PHLOTE Students)

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Presentation on theme: "Response to Intervention (RtI) for English Language Learners/PHLOTE Students (For more detailed description, see RtI Checklist for ELLs/PHLOTE Students)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Response to Intervention (RtI) for English Language Learners/PHLOTE Students (For more detailed description, see RtI Checklist for ELLs/PHLOTE Students) RtI Flowchart for ELLs/PHLOTE Students, MCSS & MAST, Jefferson County Schools, 2/2407 Page 1 of 3 If concerns about learning or behavior beyond Strategic Instruction, refer to RtI Problem-Solving Team for Intensive Interventions (including ESL/BL Resource Teacher). Notify parents in language they understand best. Review and analyze all data collected at Core and Strategic levels. Identify additional data needed. Identify additional student needs and appropriate Intensive Interventions. Collaborate with appropriate specialists (including MAST as needed). Develop appropriate Intensive Intervention Plan, including timelines, frequency, and method of progress monitoring. Consider all available school interventions. Implement and evaluate interventions. Return to Core or Strategic Instruction OR continue Intensive Instruction. If student does not demonstrate adequate rate of learning in spite of Intensive Interventions, may consider eligibility for specialized services. Use a multidisciplinary team approach and evaluation methods that minimize cultural bias. Collaborate with appropriate specialists. Provide research-based Core Instruction that supports English language acquisition as ELLs achieve high standards. Identify PHLOTE students who might need ESL/BL services (Home Language Survey – HLS). Assess English language proficiency for all PHLOTE students (Colorado English Language Assessment – CELA). Provide ESL/BL services to students identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP). Maintain parent involvement. If concerns about learning or behavior beyond Core Instruction, refer to RtI Problem-Solving Team (including ESL/BL Resource Teacher). Notify parents in language they understand best. Gather and analyze data: Home Language Survey, Language Proficiency Summary, Family Interview (short form), classroom observations & assessments, instruction provided & student response. Consider L2 issues (see page 2). Identify student needs and appropriate Strategic Interventions (see pages 2 & 3). Develop Strategic Intervention Plan including timelines, frequency, and method of progress monitoring. Implement and evaluate interventions. Return to Core Instruction, continue Strategic Interventions, OR move to Intensive Instruction. See Considerations for ELLs

2 Considerations for ELLs/PHLOTE Students (Instructional decision-making for ELLs/PHLOTE students should include the following) Stages of English Language Proficiency: Stage I: Preproduction (newcomer, emergent speaker, silent period) Stage II: Early Production (emergent/beginner, 1-2 words, social language) Stage III: Low Intermediate (short phrases/simple sentences, social language) Stage IV: High Intermediate Fluency (bridging, academic language) Stage V: Advanced Fluency (exitable, fluency, academic language) BICS/ALP: Basic Interpersonal Conversation Skills (BICS), 1-2 years to develop Academic Language Proficiency (ALP), 5-7 years to develop Behavioral/motivational issues: Consider incentive, behavior modification, functional behavior analysis, or other emotional supports to build self-esteem and confidence, leading to improved performance in classroom Lower affective filters to reduce anxiety Family supports/involvement: Consider all available district or community resources for family (i.e., health needs, adult English classes, etc.) Parents should be provided opportunities to be involved in their child’s education and must be communicated with in the language they understand best; district interpreters are available to assist ESL/BL recommended instruction: 5 Components of Reading with reverse emphasis (i.e., Comprehension, Vocabulary, Fluency, Phonics, Phonemic Awareness) Contextualized instruction, Sheltered Instruction (see Suggested Strategies for ELLs), Whole Language, Language Experience, Differentiated Instruction, Natural Approach, Total Physical Response (TPR), Read Alouds, Shared Reading, Guided Reading, Process Writing, Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop, Directed Reading-Thinking, Before-During-After Reading, Story Mapping/Webbing, Multiple Intelligences, Cooperative Learning, Reader’s Theater Focus on comprehension, connecting to background knowledge; skill-work in context of “big picture” Instruction should have both content and oral language development objectives (i.e., SIOP model) Placement with ESL endorsed/trained teacher and/or provide staff development for non-ESL endorsed/trained teachers Native language instruction, when possible District interventions currently being used: JERI 1 & 2, TGIR, ESL/BL strategies/programs, Fundations/Wilson Reading Program (if student is Intermediate English Proficient on CELA), G/T, Positive Behavior Supports (PBS), Flooding, SPED Consider district resources: ESL/BL Resource Teachers, District Interpreters, Translation Services, MAST, SPED Area Coordinators, G/T Staff, etc. Page 2 of 3RtI Flowchart for ELLs/PHLOTE Students, MCSS & MAST, Jefferson County Schools, 2/24/07

3 Suggested Strategies for Teaching ELLs (Sheltering Instruction) First… Smile. Learn to pronounce the student’s name correctly, without shortening or changing it. Seat your student near the front/center of the room, close to the teacher. Assign a buddy. Follow predictable routines & use consistent vocabulary. Use non-verbal classroom management. Try to establish a low anxiety, low-risk environment. STRATEGIES - Use multiple modalities: speaking; writing; gesturing; visual aids; facial expressions Oral – Slow down rate of speech and articulate clearly – no need to talk loudly. Explain & define as you speak; restate & paraphrase. Allow non-English speakers to be silent (receptive) for a few months; eventually they will use nods, yes-no, and then one-word responses. Visual – (always include visual input) Use illustrations & photos, realia (real objects) to clarify meaning. Demonstrate & use gestures as you talk. Write instructions/information on board/paper and use graphic organizers (with word bank provided). Academic – Emphasize hands-on listening & speaking activities prior to reading & writing. In other words, teach it “backwards” – first do activities, then talk about the content, then look at questions to be answered, and then read material. Activate prior knowledge and/or build background knowledge through interactive experiences as well as through use of native language. Pre-teach, teach, and re-teach key vocabulary & concepts. Review main topic & key vocabulary frequently. Use native language to preview and review sheltered lessons, when possible. Provide clearly stated objectives and revisit them before & after each session. Provide plenty of context (identify target vocabularies, use picture files, have oral discussion & directed listening/ thinking activities, writing response groups). Consider reducing the amount of text by highlighting, rewriting, outlining, using graphic organizers, etc. Check for understanding frequently, using non-verbal as well as verbal assessment and providing alternative ways to show understanding of targeted concepts. Allow for extra time if needed; slow down & break into smaller steps. Limit error correction when the focus is on understanding of content concepts. Use cooperative learning structures – pairs, partners, groups - time to interact & discuss before responding. Have the same high expectations for learning as with other students; adjust the load, not the cognitive level. RtI Flowchart for ELLs/PHLOTE Students, MCSS & MAST, Jefferson County Schools, 2/24/07Page 3 of 3

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