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How to… Research Like An Expert! Day 2. Today’s Goals By the end of the period, I will: understand Boolean search operators have created a successful.

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Presentation on theme: "How to… Research Like An Expert! Day 2. Today’s Goals By the end of the period, I will: understand Boolean search operators have created a successful."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to… Research Like An Expert! Day 2

2 Today’s Goals By the end of the period, I will: understand Boolean search operators have created a successful search string, using my key terms have found at least two journal articles from a research database

3 It’s all about process! 1. Choose a topic…i.e. BROWSE! 2. Find general/background information. 3. Focus and narrow your topic. 4. Determine what information you need. 5. Plan your search strategy. 6. Search!

4 Planning your search strategy... Map it out! What do you need to learn? Where is the best place to find it? What are your key search terms? Choose the right kind of information source The Internet is not your only option… be sure to use it wisely!

5 Internet search strategies… Don’t rely on a single search engine for all searches library catalogues indexes & directories facts & statistics news sites Use the Web resources already available…don’t reinvent the wheel! your assignments page! Library’s Online Resources page

6 Online research databases full-text articles, from a variety of sources academic journals, books, magazines, etc. full access from home! access from your Assignments pageAssignments page Global Issues in Context is an easy one to start with Browse through the topics, search in the search box, or try an advanced search

7 Power Searching… Cross-searching search multiple databases at once NOTE: Global Issues in Context and GREENR are not cross-searchable – you will have to search each of them separately! Click on “Continue” button at the list of databases First determine the “subject” the database uses to describe your topic choose Subject Guide search

8 Subject Guide searching… Subdivisions narrow your results by providing sub-categories of each subject Related Subjects broaden your results by providing other subject terms related to your topic Example: Child labour…

9 Advanced Searching… Use BOOLEAN Search Operators

10 Boolean Operators AND OR NOT exact phrases truncation

11 AND Must contain BOTH terms e.g. AIDS AND Africa AIDSAfrica Only the articles with BOTH terms will appear in your results list

12 OR Must contain EITHER term use for synonyms or spelling variations e.g. teens OR youth; color OR colour teensyouth ALL of the articles would appear in your results list.

13 NOT Must contain one term but NOT the other sometimes AND NOT e.g. Africa NOT Rwanda AfricaRwanda Only those “Africa” articles that do not contain “Rwanda” will appear in your results list.

14 Exact Phrases use quotation marks “ ” or parentheses ( ) to search for an exact phrase e.g. “Prime Minister”

15 Truncation Searches for multiple forms of a word either ? or * e.g. Canad* will retrieve… Canada Canada’s Canadian Canadians

16 Search strings Combine Boolean operators for more powerful searches fewer, but more accurate results e.g. you're looking for information on how AIDS in Africa is affecting teens in countries other than Rwanda (AIDS AND Africa) AND (teen* OR youth) NOT Rwanda

17 AIDS AND Africa teen* OR youth Rwanda Only these articles will appear in your results list (AIDS AND Africa) AND (teen* OR youth) NOT Rwanda

18 Keywords for Searching Chocolate Candy-coated Chocolate Bar Bubbles Chocolate Bar Wafer Chocolate Bar Wafer Coffee Let’s try some examples…

19 Using Boolean in the databases… Once you’ve determined your “subjects”, go to the Advanced Search tab Choose the appropriate Boolean search operator Each search box represents a single idea (i.e. you can type Boolean terms in yourself – e.g. teen* OR youth)

20 Types of searches Subject – searches a specified list of descriptive terms used to categorize articles Keyword – searches title and description of articles (the citation and/or abstract) Full text – searches full text of the articles Let’s try a PowerSearch: child labour in India and Pakistan…

21 Today’s task… Strategize create a list of key terms map out your search strategy Collect info don’t spend too much time reading only determine whether it might be useful just gather articles & information to evaluate and read through later

22 Questions…?

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