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Six ways to help you remember tricky spellings Use colour Find small words in-side big words Over-pronounce Learn the rule Use a mnemonic Copy, copy, copy.

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Presentation on theme: "Six ways to help you remember tricky spellings Use colour Find small words in-side big words Over-pronounce Learn the rule Use a mnemonic Copy, copy, copy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Six ways to help you remember tricky spellings Use colour Find small words in-side big words Over-pronounce Learn the rule Use a mnemonic Copy, copy, copy

2 Which is correct? 1.Embaras 2.Embarras 3.Embarrass

3 Try using colours to help you remember 1.Embaras 2.Embarras 3.Embarrass.

4 Which is correct? 1.Separate 2.Seperate 3.Seperrate

5 Find a small word inside the big word 1.Separate - Sep a rat e 2.Seperate 3.Seperrate

6 Which is correct? 1.Febuary 2.February 3.Feburey

7 Emphasise the sound that is the tricky bit 1.Febuary 2.February FebRuary 3.Feburey

8 Which is correct? 1.Achievment 2.Acheivement 3.Achievement

9 Learn the rule: i before e except after c 1.Achievment 2.Acheivement 3.Achievement

10 Which is correct? Ocassion Occasion Occassion

11 Use a mnemonic Ocassion Occasion Occassion Our Carol Can Always Spell occasion

12 Keep copying them Embarrass Separate February Achievement Occasion

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