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Unit 6 Advertising & Promotion — Text A Introduction to Advertising (I)

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Advertising & Promotion — Text A Introduction to Advertising (I)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 Advertising & Promotion — Text A Introduction to Advertising (I)

2 outline of the text Part I. What is advertising? Part II. Advertising as Branding. Part III. Advertising as Institution.

3 outline of the text Part I. What is advertising? 1. Is advertising a medium? 2. An instance to show what advertising is. 3. Conclusion: What is advertising ?  A message from vendors/manufactures to consumers; consumers;  Intended to give information which will influence consumer’s choice; influence consumer’s choice;  Aimed at a known audience;  Paid for.  How to make a piece of ad more eye-catching?  What are the basic elements of print advertising?

4 outline of the text Part II. Advertising as Branding Brand Identity is created by using the following elements: 1. Brand Essence 2. Brand Slogan 3. Brand Personality 4. Brand Values Sony Brand Identity Dream is a mother of innovationDream is a mother of innovation. Dream is a mother of innovation Sony Dream World: Platform of Personal Enjoyment Sony Dream World: Platform of Personal Enjoyment This is living. The next hip thing from Sony.

5 outline of the text Part III. Advertising as Institution Account Department Creative Department Media Department An Advertising Company ( 客户部 ) ( 创意部 ) ( 媒介部 ) MB (Media Buyer) Buyer) MP (Media Planner) Planner) MD (Media Director) Director) AD (Account Director) Director) AM (Account Manager) Manager) AE (Account Executive) Executive) Designer AD (Art Director) CW (Copywriter) GH (Group Head) CD (Creative Director)

6 Key words, phrases & usages in one’s own right —without depending on anyone or anything else, with one’s own efforts, talents, identify etc. Example: She's a rich woman in her own right rather than by inheritance. She's a rich woman in her own right rather than by inheritance. Kate was the wife of a painter and an artist in her own right. Kate was the wife of a painter and an artist in her own right. 通过自己的努力 自己本身、本人 Translate: in his own right Although now a celebrity in his own right, actor Joe Redgrave knows the difficulties of living in the shadow of his famous older brother.

7 Key words, phrases & usages exotic —1) coming from abroad — 2) unusual and exciting because of a connection with a foreign country Example: In English there are many exotic words, for example, “fiance” from French, “pizza” from Italian, or “Tofu”, “Kung fu” and “Confucius” from Chinese. In English there are many exotic words, for example, “fiance” from French, “pizza” from Italian, or “Tofu”, “Kung fu” and “Confucius” from Chinese. Example: Possessing superb foreign facilities and being permeated with oversea romance, this holiday centre enables you to enjoy an exotic atmosphere. Possessing superb foreign facilities and being permeated with oversea romance, this holiday centre enables you to enjoy an exotic atmosphere.

8 Key words, phrases & usages slogan Advertising Slogans: — a short easily remembered phrase used in advertising, politics etc. politics etc. 口号 / 标语 1) Just do it. 2) Impossible is nothing. 想做就做。 没有什么不可能。 —Nike —Adidas 3) Anything is possible. —Lining 一切皆有可能。 Logo (公司 / 组织的)标识 / 标志

9 Logo Key words, phrases & usages slogan More Advertising Slogans: 4) I'm lovin' it. 5) Always Coca Cola. 我就喜欢。 永远的可口可乐。 —McDonald's Coca Cola —Coca Cola 7) Good to the last drop. —Maxwell Coffee 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。 6) The taste is great. —Nescafe 味道好极了。

10 Key words, phrases & usages slogan More Advertising Slogans: 8) Connecting People.... 9) Intelligence everywhere. 科技以人为本 。 智慧演绎,无处不在。 Nokia —Nokia Motorola —Motorola 10) No business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。 M —IBM — De Bierres 11) A diamond lasts forever. 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。

11 Key words, phrases & usages slogan Campaign Slogans: 1) 珍爱生命,远离毒品。 2) 绿灯可以再等,生命不能重来。 3) 为了您和他人的健康,请不要吸烟。 4) 国家兴旺,匹夫有责;计划生育,丈夫有责。





16 Unit 6 Advertising & Promotion — Text A Introduction to Advertising (II)

17 outline of the text Part IV. Advertising as Part of Our Culture Part V. Advertising Makes The World Go Round.

18 Key words, phrases & usages installment Example: The novel will appear in installments. The novel will appear in installments. —1) one of the parts of the story that appears as a series in a magazine, newspaper, movie etc. ( 连载故事的 ) 一部分 ; ( 系列电影的 ) 一集 / 部 installment As the concluding installment of Prison Break is getting televised in May, enthusiasts of the series were sad to leave its stars — Michael, Lincoln, and many others. Translate: —2) If you pay for something in installments, you pay small sums of money at regular intervals over a period of time, rather than paying the whole amount at once. ( 分期付款的 ) 一期 Example: We just paid the last installment of our car loan. We just paid the last installment of our car loan. Translate: I bought a digital camera on the 12-month interest-free installment plan with my credit card. 分期付款购物法

19 Key words, phrases & usages obsess Example: Successful students sometimes become so obsessed with grades that they never enjoy their school years. Successful students sometimes become so obsessed with grades that they never enjoy their school years. He is obsessed with the idea of making big money. —1) be obsessed with think about sth./sb. all the time and cannot think of anything else cannot think of anything else —2) obsess over/about think about sth./sb. than is necessary or sensible necessary or sensible 过分担心 / 忧虑 一心想着 / 老想着 ( 某事 ); ( 某事 ) 困扰 / 烦扰 ( 某人 ) Example: Stop obsessing about weight. You look fine. Stop obsessing about weight. You look fine. The fear of unemployment obsessed her.

20 Key words, phrases & usages obsession [n.] Derivative: Translate: obsession She would try to forget her obsession with Paul. obsessions 95% of patients know their obsessions are irrational. 一心想着、迷念 担心、忧虑 Derivative: obsessive [adj.] Translate: obsessive about I tend to be a little obsessive about cleaning. 我有点过分讲究干净。 obsessive-compulsive * an obsessive-compulsive person 有强迫症的人

21 Key words, phrases & usages subtle Example: Have you noticed the subtle changes in her tone Have you noticed the subtle changes in her tone/expression/psychology? Some of the subtleties of the language were lost in translation. —1) not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention careful attention 细微的 ; 微妙的 subtlety [n.]

22 Key words, phrases & usages subtle —1) not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention careful attention —2) a subtle person, plan, method etc. skillfully hides what really want or intend to do or does it in a very what really want or intend to do or does it in a very indirect way indirect way 细微的 ; 微妙的 Example: Lynn was able to influence her superiors in subtle ways. Lynn was able to influence her superiors in subtle ways. 含蓄的,隐晦的;巧妙狡猾的 —3) very smart about noticing and understanding things 敏锐的;有辨别力的 Example: a subtle mind a subtle mind a subtle observer a subtle observer 敏锐的头脑 敏锐的观察者

23 — Text C Expo Shanghai 2010 Unit 6 Advertising & Promotion

24 outline of the text Part I. (Para.1) History and The Present Status of The World Expos Part II. (Para.2)How did China win the opportunity to hold the 2010 World Expo? Part II. (Para.2) How did China win the opportunity to hold the 2010 World Expo? Part III. (Para.3-8)What will China give in return to the world at the 2010 Expo? Part III. (Para.3-8) What will China give in return to the world at the 2010 Expo?

25 Key words, phrases & usages inspiration Example: Edison had great faith in progress and industry, and valued long, hard work. He used to say, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Edison had great faith in progress and industry, and valued long, hard work. He used to say, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” —1) a sudden good idea about what you should do or say

26 Key words, phrases & usages inspiration —1) a sudden good idea about what you should do or say Example: Turner uses his childhood in rural Alabama as the inspiration for his stories. Turner uses his childhood in rural Alabama as the inspiration for his stories. —2) the source of ideas —3) a feeling of encouragement that you get from someone or something someone or something Example: Powell's unusual journey to high office is an inspiration to millions. Powell's unusual journey to high office is an inspiration to millions. inspiration for sth. be aninspiration to sb. be an inspiration to sb.

27 Key words, phrases & usages disseminate — [Formal] to spread information, ideas etc. to as many people as possible, especially in order to influence them Example: disseminate rumors disseminate rumors disseminate Buddhism disseminate Buddhism Racist messages are being widely disseminated via the Internet. Racist messages are being widely disseminated via the Internet. Translate: We should disseminate science and promote the scientific spirit. We should disseminate science and promote the scientific spirit. 散布谣言 传播佛教 We should carry forward anddisseminate the Olympic spirit. We should carry forward and disseminate the Olympic spirit. 普及科学知识,弘扬科学精神。 弘扬和传播奥林匹克精神

28 Key words, phrases & usages endeavor [FORMAL] Example: we endeavor to make our customers satisfied. we endeavor to make our customers satisfied. —2) [n.] an attempt to do something, especially something new or original Example: His latest endeavor is a Chinese restaurant in the Beacon Hill neighborhood. His latest endeavor is a Chinese restaurant in the Beacon Hill neighborhood. —3) [n.] efforts or activities that have a useful purpose Example: He’s an expert in that field of endeavor. He’s an expert in that field of endeavor. —1) [v.] endeavor to do sth.try very hard to do sth. —1) [v.] endeavor to do sth. try very hard to do sth. 尝试,努力 活动,努力 尽力,竭力

29 Key words, phrases & usages endeavor [FORMAL] Translate: Soon nearly every area of human endeavor will be dominated by the computer chip. Soon nearly every area of human endeavor will be dominated by the computer chip. 不久,人类活动的方方面面几乎都将受到电脑芯片 的支配。 不久,人类活动的方方面面几乎都将受到电脑芯片 的支配。

30 Key words, phrases & usages epitomize [v.] — [v.] to be a very typical example of sth Example: Perfume epitomizes France. Perfume epitomizes France. Translate: If the Bund represents Shanghai's past, the Pudong New Area on the other side of Huangpu River epitomizes Shanghai's bright and bustling future. If the Bund represents Shanghai's past, the Pudong New Area on the other side of Huangpu River epitomizes Shanghai's bright and bustling future. Derivative: epitome [n.] Translate: T-shirts, the epitome of American casualness, have moved upscale. T-shirts, the epitome of American casualness, have moved upscale. the epitome of sth. — the typical example of sth.

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