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Single parenthood A sociological study AS Sociology 2005 Families and Households.

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Presentation on theme: "Single parenthood A sociological study AS Sociology 2005 Families and Households."— Presentation transcript:

1 Single parenthood A sociological study AS Sociology 2005 Families and Households

2 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 The trend for single parenthood is up HANTRIS and LETABLIER 1996 say that Britain has the second highest rate of single parenthood in Europe. Single parenthood is not a new phenomena but the causes, affects and consequences are different to what they were in the C19th when the main cause of lone parenting was death.

3 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 Did you know? 10% of households are headed by lone parents 2% of all households are lone Dads

4 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 But… A related fact is that 15% of lone parents stop being lone parents each year. [Household survey and available in Social Trends]. They find a new partner and settle into a relationship. Children rarely experience single parenthood for all their childhood but many children experience single parenthood as a part of their childhood.

5 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 Causes Divorce Separation Death Lifestyle choice – single parents who have never been married. Not living with the other parent when the child is born.

6 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 Teenage Pregnancy Highest in Western Europe. Creates moral panics. Financial campaigns. Over time things have moved on from the shot gun weddings of the past. Being a single mother has in a way given me lots of confidence

7 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 Rapoports The see the single parent family as an emerging form of the family. It has become a legitimate alternative to other family structures. And. Other studies have confirmed that parents did not set out to be single.

8 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 The New Right UK The Conservative party blamed the welfare state for handing out benefits to girls.. USA Charles Murray made people aware of the issue which provoked New Jersey to take away benefits..

9 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 New Labour Not willing to accept that welfare access made girls become pregnant. But within weeks of taking office in 1997 they introduced the idea of New Deal. New Deal encouraged / required young mothers to return to work.

10 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 Is the Welfare State responsible? There is no evidence of positive discrimination for lone parents to get housing. John PERRY Institute of Housing. - 1993 The majority [90%] of lone parents want to work and do not wish to rely on state benefits. They find it impractical to do otherwise. Recent legislation has provided cash for child- care and enabled women to return to work.

11 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 DAVID MORGAN [1994] A result of the change in the relationship between men and women. The decline in the stigma could be a reflection of the decline in religious influences and the decline of community control over women.

12 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 Consequences Lone parenting seen as a problem. Politicians have continued a negative attitude towards single mums. Considered an underclass by some. Moral Panics! Blamed for all society’s problems.

13 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 Positive features 1. Lone parenting is consistent with the emerging independence of women. 2. Some sociologists have argued the reverse and see the lone parent as a sign of social progress and an alternative family type - and an increase in diversity which is good.

14 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 Affects on Children There has been research in the USA and the UK to show the effects of divorce on the upbringing of children. Much research suggests that divorce can affect education attainment; that children of single parents fare less well than children of two parent families. Most writers recognise that it is dangerous to make sweeping generalities about such affects.

15 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 The big debate 1. Are women choosing to be single parents? 2. Should the state subsidise women who choose to be unmarried? 3. Are men walking out on their responsibilities of fatherhood? 4. Should men be forced to contribute to support children born after a ‘one-night-stand’ or of a failure of contraception? 5. If contraception fails and a woman refuses to abort - who should take financial responsibility? 6. How can the teenage pregnancy figures be reduced even further? Is it a career option for young women?

16 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 Political viewpoints

17 Sociology AS2005Sociology AS2005 End!

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