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Programming mobile devices Part II Programming Symbian devices with Symbian C++ Strings, Buffers and data collections.

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Presentation on theme: "Programming mobile devices Part II Programming Symbian devices with Symbian C++ Strings, Buffers and data collections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programming mobile devices Part II Programming Symbian devices with Symbian C++ Strings, Buffers and data collections

2 Content Descriptors Dynamic Buffers

3 Descriptors Data buffer Buffers size Different descriptors for different purposes Methods for –writing the buffer –reading the buffer –accessing different properties of the buffer, like the size

4 Descriptors Buffer –the buffer is inside the descriptor –TBuf... Pointer –the buffer is outside and the descriptor contains a pointer to the buffer –TPtr... Heap –HBuf...

5 Descriptors Can be either modifiable or not C for constant e.g. HBufC Either 8 or 16 bit data e.g. TBuf8

6 Non-modifiable API Length() Size() Ptr() (const TUInt *) Alloc(), AllocL(), AllocLC() Left(), Mid(), Right() Find() 0 based offset or KErrNotFound, ==, !=, [] =

7 Modifiable API MaxLength() MaxSize() SetLength(),SetMax(),Zero() Append() Insert() Delete() Format() Copy()

8 Descriptor classes TBuf8 modifiable 8 bit buffer TBuf16 modifiable 16 bit buffer TBuf8C non-modifiable 8 bit buffer TBuf16C non-modifiable 16 bit buffer TPtr8 modifiable 8 bit pointer descriptor TPtr16 modifiable 16 bit pointer descriptor

9 Descriptor classes TPtrC8 non-modifiable 8 bit pointer descriptor TPtrC16 non-modifiable 16 bit pointer descriptor HBuf8C non-modifiable 8 bit heap descriptor HBuf16C non-modifiable 16 bit heap descriptor

10 String descriptors 16 bit descriptors (unicode) For binary data 8 bit descriptors For strings we use literals, which behave like descriptors

11 Literals _LIT _L e.g. _LIT(myString, "Test data...") behaves like a non-modifiable descriptor _LIT creates an instance of TLitC class Can be converted to Descriptors

12 Literal to Descriptor Three ways –implicit –& –() e.g. _LIT(KMyExampleLiteral, "Test data...") const TDesc *ptr = &KMyExampleLiteral; or KMyExampleLiteral().Length();

13 Buffer Descriptors TBuf and TBufC –the class contains the data buffer TBuf Buf would be a 16 bit descriptor with a buffer large enough for 10 16-bit values Type 4b Length 28 b Max length 32 b Buffer

14 HBufC H for Heap (allocate on the heap, but does not inherit CBase) New() if no leaving needed NewL() if leaving necessary NewLC() if cleanup stack needed Alloc() can be used to create a HBufC from an existing descriptor

15 Modifying HBufC content HBufC::Des() returns a TPtr pointer e.g. _LIT(testString, "PLO"); HBufC *testBuf = HBufC::NewLC(testString().Length()); TPtr testPtr = testBuf->Des(); testPtr.Copy(testString);

16 HBufC::ReAlloc Very handy for incrementing the size of a HBufC e.g. HBufC *firstBuf = HBufC::NewLC(10);.... firstBuf=firstBuf->ReAlloc(20);...

17 HBufC::ReAlloc be careful with cleanup stack (if you use cleanup stack, be sure to pop the old pointer and push the new one) You can also use ReAllocLC

18 TBuf TBuf buf creates an empty buffer _LIT(KString,"Hello"); TBuf buf(KString); creates the buffer with letters Hello in it _LIT(KString,"Hello"); TBuf buf(); buf.Copy(KString); copies Hello into buf

19 TBuf _LIT(KString2," world"); buf.Append(KString2); appends world into buf Be careful not to go past the limit of the buffer (a buffer with 10 elements in the previous example would not be enough)

20 TBufC C for constant not modifiable hence, only one length value you cannot add data you can replace old data replacing is done with = operator

21 Descriptors as arguments Often base class types used TDes and TDesC e.g. void doSomething(const &TDesC) void doMore(&TDes)

22 ... and return types A function can also return a descriptor e.g. const TDesc& myFunc() { return...; }

23 Comparison Strings can be compared with the Compare method, for example: _LIT(KStr1, "PLO"); _LIT(KStr2, "plo"); TBuf str1(KStr1); TInt result = str1.Compare(KStr1); 0 for same, negative if KStr1 is less and positive if KStr1 is greater than str1

24 Search using function Find _LIT(KStr1, "example text for searching"); _LIT(KStr2, "for"); TBuf str1(KStr1); TInt result = str1.Find(KStr1); returns either -1 (KErrNotFound) or the position

25 Match Like Find, but wildcards, like * are accepted. * any string sequence ? any one character _LIT(KStr1, "PLO"); _LIT(KStr2, "?LO"); TBuf str2(KStr2); TInt result = str2.Match(KStr1);

26 Substrings Left Right Mid e.g. _LIT(KStr1, "Symbian programming..."); TBuf str1(KStr1); TPtrC result = str1.Left(7); // Symbian TPtrC result = str1.Mid(12,4); // gram

27 Copying to a descriptor use Copy() –replaces existing data –updates the size CopyCP capital CopyLC lower case CopyUC upper case

28 Copying to a descriptor TUInt8 binaryData[4] = {0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3}; TBuf8 binDescr; binDescr.Copy(binaryData, sizeof(binaryData));

29 Appending to a descriptor _LIT(KStr1, "PLO"); _LIT(KStr2, " course"); TBuf str(KStr1); TInt result = str.Append(KStr2);

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