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Tribal School Air Toxics Monitoring: Nenahnezad Air Quality Control & Operating Permit Program May 23,2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Tribal School Air Toxics Monitoring: Nenahnezad Air Quality Control & Operating Permit Program May 23,2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tribal School Air Toxics Monitoring: Nenahnezad Air Quality Control & Operating Permit Program May 23,2012












13 April VOC Toxic Sample Results With Reported Concentrations (detected) Data Results: April 2011

14 Data Results: Nov.2010 – Jun. 2011 Overall VOC Toxic Sample Results With Reported Concentrations

15 April Carbonyl Sample Results Reported Concentrations (detected) Data Results: April 2011

16 Data Results: Nov. 2010 – Jun. 2011 Overall Carbonyl Sample Results Reported Concentrations

17 Health effect from high concentration of VOC: Acetonitrile – Through inhalation cause irritation of mucous membranes in humans, weakness, nausea, and convulsions. – Major effects consist of central nervous system, headaches, numbness and tremor. – Noncancerous. Sources/Potential Exposure/ Uses: – Emissions into the air include manufacturing and industrial facilities, and automobile exhaust. – Exposed through breathing contaminated air, from smoking tobacco or through skin contact in the workplace. – Used in chemical laboratories for the detection of materials such as pesticide residues.

18 Health effect from high concentration of VOC: Acrolein – Toxic to human through inhalation, oral, or dermal exposures. – Upper respiratory tract irritation and congestion. – Noncancerous. Sources and Potential Exposure: – Breakdown of certain pollutants found in outdoor air, from the burning of organic matter including tobacco, from burning of fuels such as gasoline or oil. – Airborne exposure may occur by contaminated air, by smoking tobacco, nearby vehicle exhaust, or by being near oil or coal fired power plants.

19 Health effect from high concentration of VOC: Benzene – Inhalation may cause drowsiness, dizziness, headaches, as well as eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation, and at high levels, unconsciousness. – Disorders in the blood: Reduces numbers of red blood cells and aplastic anemia. – Effects on developing fetus. – Increase incidence of leukemia. – Group A known human carcinogen. Sources and Potential Exposure: – Emissions from burning coal and oil, gasoline service stations, motor vehicle exhaust. – Tobacco smoke contains benzene and accounts for nearly half the national exposure to benzene. – Individuals may also be exposed to benzene by consuming contaminated water.

20 Health effect from high concentration of Carbonyl: Acetaldehyde – Short-term: Irritation of the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. – Long-term: Resemble those of alcoholism. – Probable human carcinogen. Sources and Potential Exposure: – Intermediate product of higher plant respiration and formed as product of incomplete wood combustion in fireplaces and woodstoves, vehicle exhaust fumes, and coal refining and waster processing.

21 Health effect from high concentration of Carbonyl: Formaldehyde – Human can result in respiratory symptoms, and eye, nose, and throat irritation. – Limited human studies reported between lung and nasopharyngeal cancer. – EPA considered formaldehyde a probable human carcinogen. Sources and Potential Exposure: – Predominantly used as a chemical intermediate. – Minor uses in agriculture, an analytical reagent, in concrete, fumigants, and disinfectants. – Major sources appear to be power plants, manufacturing facilities, incinerators and automobile exhaust emissions.

22 Roadblocks Encountered: Sampler Timer not opening at the start of sample run for the VOC sampler. Carbonyl Buck pump not upgraded with updated software. Also pump not ending on the sample end date, samples for 72 hours instead of ending at 24 hours. Sonic Anemometer datalogger does not recognize field laptop, so downloading software has been difficult. Filling out Chain of Custody Forms, make sure there is a template of one to follow. Before samplers are setup at site, run an invalid sample in your office, to work out all the questions or problems, before hand. Before sampling, make sure all contact personal information are on hand (field staff). – Who is the individual to contact for troubleshooting?

23 Recommendations: Report to the school board on project. – Suggest applying for a grant to evaluate the high concentration detected. Inform the community chapter. – Recommend applying for a grant and evaluate surrounding community activities. NNEPA AQCP will be using results to consider permanent sampling of VOC and Carbonyl for future air monitoring site.


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