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Q-exponential distribution in time correlation function of water hydrogen bonds Campo, Mario G., Ferri, Gustavo L., Roston, Graciela B. Departamento de.

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Presentation on theme: "Q-exponential distribution in time correlation function of water hydrogen bonds Campo, Mario G., Ferri, Gustavo L., Roston, Graciela B. Departamento de."— Presentation transcript:

1 q-exponential distribution in time correlation function of water hydrogen bonds Campo, Mario G., Ferri, Gustavo L., Roston, Graciela B. Departamento de Física. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la UNLPam. Uruguay 151. Santa Rosa (L.P.) Argentina. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LA PAMPA Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales V Workshop de Mecánica Estadística y Teoría de la Información – Mar del Plata – Abril 2009

2 Water structure: What’s hydrogen bond? HB in water is ~90% electrostatic and ~ 10% covalent. HB restricts the water neighboring. The HB direction is that of the shorter O-H (O donor – O aceptor ) A B H Hydrogen bond (HB) In water the HB energy ~23.3 kJ mol-1 compared with 492.2148 kJ mol -1 energy in covalent bond.

3 Two criteria to define HB: Energetic: O-O distance  3.5 Å O-O interaction energy > E HB Geometric O-O distance  3.5 Å O-H…O angle >  HB

4 Water structure: HB distribution Water is connected by a random tetrahedral network of HB. HB distribution.

5 Arrhenius behavior of  HB depolarized light scattering experiments Molecular dynamics What’s the importance of the hydrogen bonds? Starr F.W., Nielsen J.K., and Stanley H.E., Phys. Rev. Lett., 82, 2294-2297, (1999). Anomalous properties of water are influenced by the behavior of hydrogen bonding. 10 fs20 fs30 fs40 fs residence time =  HB is the mean of the distribution of HB lifetimes time t P(t): History-dependent HB correlation function: probability that an initially bonded pair remains bonded at all times up to time t. energetic geometric P(t) can be obtained from simulations by building a histogram of the HB residence times. Measurements of lifetimes are made depolarized light scattering techniques C.J. Montrose, et al., J. Chem. Phys. 60, 5025 (1974).

6 Behavior of P(t) do not have neither power-law nor exponential behavior. t/ps Starr F.W., Nielsen J.K., and Stanley H.E., “Fast and slow dynamics of hydrogen bonds in liquid water”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 82, 2294-2297, (1999). T 350-200 K

7 GROMACS package. System with 1185 SPC/E water molecules. 12 independent systems at different temperatures(213 to 360 K) and 1 atm. Cut-of radius for the interaction potentials 1.3 nm. Berendsen’s bath of temperature and pressure. 2.5 ns for equilibration. 5 ns aditional simulation  results.  t simulation = 2 fs.  t data collection = 10 fs. Molecular dynamics simulation 0.4238 e -0.8476 e 0.4238 e

8 P(t) do not have neither power-law nor exponential behavior. T=273 K Dynamics due libration Geometrical definition of hydrogen bond: minimum O-O separation of 3.5 Å minimum O H· · ·O of 145° > 145° < 3.5 Å

9 We found that P(t) can be fitting with a q-exponential function ln 1 (x)  ln(x)

10 q(T) behavior ~300K q increase with the decrease of T. q~T -1 (T<300 K) T/K q  q 3601.040.01 3431.060.01 3231.050.01 3131.070.01 3031.090.01 2931.090.01 2831.10.02 2731.130.01 2631.150.01 2531.180.02 2331.220.02 2131.270.02 Above 300 K, P(t) decays exponentially with T (q~1)

11 ~270 K ~300 K Changes in the hydrogen bond structure with temperature 4 HB above the 3 and 2 HB 4 HB between the 3 and 2 HB 4 HB below of 2 HB and 3 HBs

12 reciprocal relation between HBs and T (similar to q(T) at T>300 K). ~300 K When T decrease, at ~ 300 K 4 HB percentages exceeds that 2 HB structural transition of [4 HB -tetrahedral structure] to [3 HB -2 HB] structure

13 ~300 K

14 below 300 K there are a linear correlation between the tretrahedral structure of water and q.

15 Cage effect q–Gaussian distribution of the displacement of particles correlated with anomalous diffusion. [Liu and Goree, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 055003 (2008)] mean square displacement (MSD) Subdiffusive behavior  cage effect Cage effect occurs in SPC/E model simulations [(Chaterjee et al., J. Chem. Phys. 128, 124511 (2008)]. Cage effect increase with the decrease of T

16 MSD in our MD simulations Cage effect Slope < 1

17 The non-Gaussian behavior of the displacement of water molecules was studied calculating the time t*, the time at which the non-Gaussian parameter α 2 (t) reaches a maximum. The non-Gaussian parameter is Where r 4 (t) and r 2 (t) are the fourth and second moments of the displacement distribution, respectively. α 2 (t) is known to be zero for a Gaussian distribution [M.G. Mazza et al. Phys. Rev. E 76, 031203 (2007)]. ® 2 ( t ) = 3 h r 4 ( t )i 5 h r 2 ( t )i ¡ 1

18 t* is correlated with f (4) for values corresponding to the systems below 300K. It is observed that f(4) ~ (t*) -1/4. The increase of q is also correlated with the increase of the non-Gaussian behavior of water displacement.

19 The temporal correlation function of hydrogen bonds P(t), has a q-exponential behavior. q have values above 1, below a characteristic temperature. The increase of q is associated with the increase of the probability of two molecules remain bonded during a longer time t. The temperature (~300 K), at which the transition of q ~ 1 to q > 1 occurs, coincides with that at which the tetrahedral structure of water and the cage effect in the MSD begins to prevail. CONCLUSION

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21 Thank you ! q-exponential distribution in time correlation function of water hydrogen bonds Campo, Mario G., Ferri, Gustavo L., Roston Graciela B. Departamento de Física. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la UNLPam. Uruguay 151. Santa Rosa (L.P.) Argentina.

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