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CRC Accountability Process. Purpose To ensure more accountability in the CRC/PC relationship. Steps: PC officially accepted into program PC is assigned.

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Presentation on theme: "CRC Accountability Process. Purpose To ensure more accountability in the CRC/PC relationship. Steps: PC officially accepted into program PC is assigned."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRC Accountability Process

2 Purpose To ensure more accountability in the CRC/PC relationship. Steps: PC officially accepted into program PC is assigned CRC training event CRC and PC will assign a contact/liaison for follow- up

3 CRC Contact/Coach Responsibilities Identify gaps ….what’s missing? Grow forward …what’s stunting our growth? Move from dialogue to action …what’s hindering our movement?

4 CRC Contact/Coach Responsibilities Face and deal with personal discomforts …what are the fears? Explore options and barriers through guided dialogue …what is the response of the congregation? Consistent support and encouragement from the coach …how are things going? CELEBRATE strategies and experiences that transform – cheerlead …how will the church celebrate God’s blessings?

5 CRC Contact/Coach Responsibilities Pre CRC Event Make contact with PC contact person. oGain profile and desired outcomes after CRC training event. Retain benchmark data oData will be used to quantify improvements due to program/relationship Attend coaching training session oTraining session may be taken on-site or on-line

6 CRC Contact/Coach Responsibilities During the CRC Event CRC will greet assigned PC team oPCs will be guided throughout the training event Conduct opening night meeting o20 minutes in length oReview expectations and outcomes Conduct closing night meeting oWere expectations met? oFacilitate creation of 3 (max) goals Explain process of journals and follow-up oMake sure PC contact has full understanding of process

7 CRC Contact/Coach Responsibilities PC JOURNAL PC Contact name SMART Goal Review journal entries from previous month oWhat was accomplished? oWhat did you learn? Meet with coach, discuss progress and summarize coaching session oWhat was learned after discussion with coach? oWhat needs to be explored further? oWhat is the SMART action plan for the coming month?

8 CRC Contact/Coach Responsibilities Post CRC Event Conduct 30 day coaching session after journal has been received. oSession will be conducted with PC contact Submit 30 day coach’s report to SBC21 oReport should be no longer than 1 page oHighlight successes, milestones, and next steps Repeat process monthly One year summary will be completed after 12 coaching sessions and submitted to SBC21.

9 PC Contact Responsibilities Pre CRC Event Identify 3 SMART goals with PC pastor and team to be addressed at CRC training event. Communicate desired outcomes to CRC coach. Collect benchmark data that relates to desired outcomes.

10 PC Contact Responsibilities S.M.A.R.T. GOALS GUIDELINES Specific oWho, What, Where, When, Which, and Why Measurable oEstablish concrete criteria for measuring progress Attainable oIdentify goals that are reachable when the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity Realistic oDo you believe this can be accomplished? Timely oEstablish a time frame for accomplishment

11 PC Contact Responsibilities Post CRC Event Complete 30 day journal Submit journal to PC pastor, CRC coach, and SBC21. oJournal will be processed through electronic form Participate in 30 day coaching session with CRC coach. oReview journal oSubmit follow-up summary of coaching session Repeat process monthly Submit one year summary after 12 coaching sessions.

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