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Turnaround Leaders in Action Understand the interconnectedness of shared vision, capacity building, and empowerment Shaun Nelms, Deputy Superintendent.

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Presentation on theme: "Turnaround Leaders in Action Understand the interconnectedness of shared vision, capacity building, and empowerment Shaun Nelms, Deputy Superintendent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turnaround Leaders in Action Understand the interconnectedness of shared vision, capacity building, and empowerment Shaun Nelms, Deputy Superintendent of Schools Kathy Colicchio, Acting Assistant Superintendent Longridge Elementary School Team: Jeremy Smalline, Principal Leader, Principal Shannon Heller, Assistant Principal Alaina DeSienna, 4 th Grade Teacher Tacy Kilmer, 1 st Grade Teacher

2 Turnaround Leaders in Action Develop a theory of action—focusing on establishing priorities to achieve rapid and meaningful improvement Determine how best to track and assess progress and success Learn strategies for communicating your vision to stakeholders in the school and community

3 Turnaround Leaders in Action Pre-Institute Assignment An initial marker for school turnaround efforts is often found in a school’s/district’s journey line. a.) Demographic Profile b) Short-term and long-term goals. c) Leadership challenge.

4 Turnaround Leaders in Action 2013-2014 School Year Restructuring of Building Leadership Team Curriculum: o EL Modules o Math Modules o Pearson Reading Street Response to Intervention Process Common Formative Assessments APPR

5 Turnaround Leaders in Action Culture and Leadership Alan Ingram Superintendent, Springfield Public Schools Five high priority reforms: 1.Aligned Learning Communities 2.Instructional Leadership Specialists 3.Organizational Health Improvement Process 4.High Performance Model 5.Harris Poll Interactive School Survey

6 Culture and Leadership Organizational Health Improvement Process (OHI) Objective: Increase student achievement by focusing on increasing leadership capacity in both central office and schools throughout the district Data-based approach for diagnosing and improving the effectiveness of leadership teams Turnaround Leaders in Action

7 The 10 Dimensions of Organizational Health 1.Goal Focus 2.Communication Adequacy 3.Optimal Power Equalization 4.Resource Utilization 5.Cohesiveness 6.Morale 7.Innovativeness 8.Autonomy 9.Adaptation 10.Problem-Solving Adequacy Turnaround Leaders in Action

8 Goal Focus Ability of persons, groups, or organizations to have clarity, acceptance, support, and advocacy of goals and objectives Cohesiveness State in which persons, groups, or organizations have a clear sense of identity Members feel attracted to membership in an organization Adaptation Ability of members to adapt and change to meet the external demands for change without violating their basic beliefs and values “Big 3” Dimensions of Organizational Health Turnaround Leaders in Action

9 Theory of Action Nancy B. Gutierrez Describe a person’s/organization’s implicit or explicit models of how they intend to act in the world Three main requirements: 1.Statement of a casual relationship between what I do and what constitutes a good result in the classroom 2.Empirically falsifiable 3.Open ended

10 Turnaround Leaders in Action Reflection in Action Single-Loop Learning We act, receive feedback on the consequences of our actions, and adapt our behavior to the feedback Double-Loop Learning Reflection on the process by which we read and adapt to the consequences of our actions, and try to improve how we learn from our actions

11 Turnaround Leaders in Action Strategy in Action Elizabeth City Two Paradoxes: Diving in and Stepping Out Leaders must recognize the complexity of their work and simplify it at the same time One Focus: The Instructional Core

12 Turnaround Leaders in Action “Universal achievement remains a pipe dream until we take an honest look at our beliefs, practices, behaviors, and the norms of our organization.” Transforming School Culture by Anthony Muhammad 1. Vision 2. Capacity Building 3. Empowerment

13 Current Reality Student & Staff Culture School Leadership Team Instruction Student Achievement Turnaround Leaders in Action

14 What is our fundamental Purpose? Core beliefsCore beliefs are the very essence of how we see ourselves, other people, the world, and the future. What are your core beliefs about yourself as a teacher? What are your core beliefs about our students? Turnaround Leaders in Action Vision

15 Personal Vision What is your vision as a leader? How did your core beliefs and values shape your vision? Turnaround Leaders in Action Vision

16 Mission To build a foundation of knowledge and skills within our students to become successful citizens. Vision We, as staff, students and families are committed to developing a deeper understanding of academic content knowledge and the promotion of positive character traits, with a focus on respect and responsibility. Longridge thrives through this collaborative, collective approach by our staff, families and community. Turnaround Leaders in Action Vision

17 School Leadership Team Purpose: Build leadership capacity Empower the staff Build trust Turnaround Leaders in Action Capacity Building

18 School Leadership Team One Focus: Instructional Core Focus on the Common Core Standards Design and Implement Professional Development October 10, 2014: Superintendent’s Conference Day Turnaround Leaders in Action Capacity Building

19 Unwrapping Standards What students need to know (the concepts or content) and be able to do (the skills) Concepts are the important nouns and noun phrases embedded in the standards Skills are the verbs Turnaround Leaders in Action Capacity Building

20 CCSCCS RL 5.3:Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact). Turnaround Leaders in Action Capacity Building

21 Vertical Standards Walk Putting theory to action Developing our Collective Commitments

22 Turnaround Leaders in Action Capacity Building Standards Walk Using the provided graphic organizer, look carefully at the standards for each grade level. Circle key words that are similar at each grade level Put a box around verbs. For each grade level, talk about what students are being asked to DO and the academic vocabulary they will need to know.

23 Turnaround Leaders in Action Capacity Building Corresponding College and Career Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standard Standard 3: Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text

24 Turnaround Leaders in Action Empowerment Revising the Theory of Action and Double-Loop Learning If teachers work in grade-level and vertical PLCs to unwrap the CCS and to determine proficiency, then teacher’s instructional practices will positively impact student achievement.

25 Turnaround Leaders in Action Communicating Vision Vision We, as staff, students and families are committed to developing a deeper understanding of academic content knowledge and the promotion of positive character traits, with a focus on respect and responsibility. Longridge thrives through this collaborative, collective approach by our staff, families and community.

26 Turnaround Leaders in Action Communicating Vision Expanding the Longridge Vision Into the Community School, Families, Community PBIS (Respectful, Responsible, Good Citizenship) Longridge Community Coalition

27 Two Doors Tops Wegmans Greece Fire Department Greece Police Department Barnard Library Northwest YMCA Dairy Queen Rotary Dewey Gardens Walmart Sky Zone Walgreens Greece Town Hall Applebee’s Davies Greece Community and Senior Center Roc City Contracting Delightfully Delicious Longridge Community Coalition Partners

28 Community Coalition Commitment Form Name:_________________________________________________ Organization:____________________________________________ My organization is interested in participating in a Community Coalition. I need to take this back to my organization for discussion. June 2014



31 Turnaround Leaders in Action Next Steps Develop a theory of action—focusing on establishing priorities to achieve rapid and meaningful improvement Three main requirements: 1.Statement of a casual relationship between what I do and what constitutes a good result in the classroom 2.Empirically falsifiable 3.Open ended

32 Turnaround Leaders in Action To the extent that is possible…you must live in the world today as you wish everyone to live in the world to come. That can be your contribution. Otherwise, the world you want will never be formed. Why? Because you are waiting for others to do what you are not doing; and they are waiting for you, and so on. -Alice Walker

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