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NANC Report Numbering Oversight Working Group (NOWG) September 15, 2011 Tri-Chairs: Laura Dalton, Verizon Communications Natalie McNamer, T-Mobile USA.

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Presentation on theme: "NANC Report Numbering Oversight Working Group (NOWG) September 15, 2011 Tri-Chairs: Laura Dalton, Verizon Communications Natalie McNamer, T-Mobile USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 NANC Report Numbering Oversight Working Group (NOWG) September 15, 2011 Tri-Chairs: Laura Dalton, Verizon Communications Natalie McNamer, T-Mobile USA Gwen Zahn, Verizon Wireless

2 Contents Online Survey – Tracking Log Monthly Reporting Requirements Review NANPA Change Orders PA Change Orders Co-Chair Position NOWG Participating Companies Meeting Schedule 209/15/2011

3 3 Online Survey – Tracking Log In 2011, the NOWG implemented the use of an online survey tool for the NANPA and PA Annual Performance Surveys. Based upon our experience using the tool for the first time, the NOWG tracked items to be addressed and possibly modified for next year. NOWG-only calls were held to discuss suggested process improvements. 09/15/2011

4 4 Monthly Reporting Requirements Review During the PA’s 2010 Operational Review, the NOWG accepted an action item to review and evaluate the current reports submitted to the NOWG for the monthly NOWG/PA calls. The NOWG is in the process of meeting to review the PA monthly reports. Based on reporting requirements specified in the PA’s TRD, the NOWG has determined that most reports need to be continued. The NOWG inquired whether NANPA’s monthly reports should be similarly reviewed. NANPA responded that a review is not necessary. 09/15/2011

5 5 Outstanding NANPA Change Orders Change Order Number Date FiledSummaryNOWG StatusFCC ActionScheduled Implementation Date 228/05/2011INC Issue 698: Auto-Populate Total Numbering Resources on TBPAG MTE Form NOWG recommendation to APPROVE to FCC on 09/07/11 Pending 218/05/2011INC Issue 710: NANC Action Item “Multi-OCN” Issue NOWG proposed an alternative solution. N/AWithdrawn by the NANPA while a modified solution is being considered. 09/15/2011

6 Outstanding PA Change Orders 609/15/2011

7 Co-Chair Position The two year term co-chair position, currently held by Natalie McNamer (T-Mobile USA), is up for re-election. Nominations are being accepted. Natalie McNamer was nominated to continue her current role for 2012 and 2013. Elections will take place via email during the week of September 12 th. 709/15/2011

8 NOWG Participating Companies AT&T CenturyLink Cox Communications EarthLink Business Sprint Nextel T-Mobile USA Verizon Communications / Verizon Wireless Windstream Communications XO Communications 809/15/2011

9 NOWG Upcoming Meeting Schedule - 2011 MonthActivity Sept 20PA Standing Agenda Call with NOWG - Conference Call 1 pm Eastern, 1 hr Sept 20NANPA Standing Agenda Call with NOWG - Conference Call 2 pm Eastern, 1 hr * Oct 25PA Standing Agenda Call with NOWG - Conference Call 1 pm Eastern, 1 hr Oct 13NANPA Standing Agenda Call with NOWG - Conference Call 2 pm Eastern, 1 hr * Nov 17PA Standing Agenda Call with NOWG - Conference Call 1 pm Eastern, 1 hr Oct 17NANPA Standing Agenda Call with NOWG - Conference Call 2 pm Eastern, 1 hr * * NOWG-Only Monthly Call following Calls with the Administrators 909/15/2011

10 NOWG Meetings Contact any of the Tri-Chairs for complete meeting or conference call details: Other meetings for the NOWG may be scheduled as needed beyond what has been identified in this list. NOWG meeting notes and documents are posted at 09/15/201110

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